End of Big 16 Match

Gyo brilliantly showed his speed in adapting to the match he was doing. The three points they managed to get managed to revive the morale that had previously fallen due to despair.

"Let's end this !!" Gyo confidently spurred his team-mates on to win the match that was left in less than two minutes.

Gyo closes his eyes and begins to feel how it feels when his blood rushes, which makes his adrenaline rush combined with the sound of basketball reflections and the screeching of shoes hitting the floor and the crowd cheering for the team they support. For the umpteenth time, Gyo felt a match that made him so excited and began to forget the trauma he had suffered since the defeat to Hans.

The match was finally restarted and the ball quickly crossed the center line. Gyo immediately concentrated on his Gold Eyes and began to re-arrange the positions of his other team members one by one and began to threaten Hirusu's position as king.

"We are still in the lead in scoring so if we play by maintaining the advantage until the time ends then we will definitely win," thought Hirusu.

Hirusu's mind was immediately divided when what he had planned did not match the reality that happened. His desire to maintain his superiority was limited to a plan because again Gyo managed to break the attack that he had painstakingly managed.

Immediately Shin grabbed the ball held by Hirusu who could no longer move freely and drove towards his opponent's ring. Hirusu began to change the types of pawns Shin had but Gyo easily moved Shin's position until finally Shin was able to score again.

"Ugh ... This time I have no other choice but to let go of this pattern so that my team members can use their abilities freely," muttered Hirusu while using his ability to erase the chessboard area from the field.

"What are you doing Hirusu? Isn't it if your ability is active then that means there is no more energy left in you?" asked Bato worriedly.

"It's okay captain, I'll leave the rest to you to score in the last seconds," Hirusu replied with a smile.

Kyura High School basketball team is now starting their attack again. This time there was something different from the abilities they released because they no longer had a pattern like before. Shin, who tried to stop their movements with his ability, felt the impact of his own ability even though he was already in the right position. It was easy for the Kyura High School basketball team to score and outperform their score and there were only 20 seconds left before the end of the match.

"Kaze immediately pass the ball to me !! Hurry there is no more time !!" urged Ren asking for the ball.

Kaze immediately passed the ball he had picked up from under their ring to Ren who was getting ready. Because there is no more chess board area, Ren can now move freely according to his wishes and immediately run while dribbling the ball towards his opponent's ring. When he is in the right position, Ren immediately shoots with his remaining strength but with his ability Tora immediately blocks the ball.

"Mountain Barrier"

Instantly the ball that Ren had struck was immediately blown away by the replica of the mountain even though the remaining time was only 10 seconds. Gyo who saw it immediately used his eye ability to jump the time and took the ball and then shot one more shot.

"I won't let it !!" shouted Tora while hurrying to use her ability again.

"Big Mountain Barrier"

A replica of a large mountain is created trying to stop the ball again.

"I don't want to lose again !!" shouted Gyo while activating the seals of his three eyes.

A time crack appeared and devoured the replica of the mountain that was created allowing the ball to dart freely towards the ring. But it looks like the ball can't reach the ring which makes Gyo look disappointed. While lowering his head, Ren immediately tapped his shoulder with a smile then used his wind ability to control the ball.

"Don't worry Gyo ... Trust your team," said Ren.

Ren tries hard to get the ball into the ring but with his remaining power the ball feels heavy for him to control. The remaining time is 3 seconds left and Ren looks resigned to what will happen next until finally suddenly the ball feels light and now enters the ring just before the long whistle sounded the end of the match.

"Captain ... Thank you !!" Ren realized that Hiruka reduced the weight of the ball with his own ability.

While sitting limply on the ground floor from exhaustion, Gyo and Ren looked at each other and smiled while celebrating their victory.

"You are a strong opponent but we won't lose again in the future." Hirusu and Bato reached out their hands to help Gyo and Ren to their feet.

Now the two teams line up before leaving the field to salute each other. Meanwhile, in another match, it was seen that Risato Academy got a crushing defeat from Minata High School. As usual Minata High School turned things around in the second half by fielding their core team members.

Elsewhere, Nidou High School scored a draw against Kyoto High School and inevitably had to continue the match in extra rounds. With great difficulty, Kyoto High School managed to beat Nidou High School but the opponents waiting for them in the top 8 are like a giant wall that they will never be able to reach because they have to beat Minata High School who was the previous Interhigh runner-up.


In the changing room, you can see Gyo being surrounded by other team members. They try to interrogate the cause of Gyo's very late arrival and only Gyo responds with his head bowed and his mouth locked tightly. Gyo slowly tries to say a word but suddenly stops when he sees the faces of his friends which are filled with scary grins.

"Never mind we better hurry home because we've been in this place too long," said Ren trying to break the ice.

"No !! We won't go home before listening to his explanation," snarled Hiruka.

By being forced, Gyo finally explained what really happened and made the other friends burst out laughing. But among the laughter that was heard, there was another laugh that seemed forced and made the person beside him slowly start looking at him with suspicious eyes.

"Ren? Don't you have an explanation about this?" asked Shin with a slightly annoyed face.

"I guess he also did the same thing as Gyo so he was like that," said Kaze innocently while drinking the mineral water he was holding.

Hearing Kaze's words, Shin vented his annoyance that Gyo and Ren teased earlier. Seeing that the other team members only let Shin act as they pleased with the two friends as he walked away.

Meanwhile, in another place, a high school basketball team member is seen competing and using abilities with his left eye that shines white. While competing he looked at the match that had just ended from the owner of the other legendary eyes with those eyes and smiled at the final result they got.

"Apparently the brothers and sisters are so strong that it makes me want to fight them even more," he said as he put the ball he was holding into the ring.

whats next?

To be continued ...