Chapter 8

"You're my pet and if you don't agree with me I'll make sure you know that when I'm done with you, even if I have to break you."

Those words float through my head from the statement he declared me earlier. Initially I thought he was joking and he can be one of those people that are good actors but by the way he said it he really meant it.

This wasn't an act, this is what he truly sees towards me. Even if I sincerely doubt myself and say that It's just a phase and something is mentally wrong with him. But that's not stopping me from him telling me what I can or cannot do.

What's crazy is that no one is not witnessing the way he treats me. They probably do it just because they are too scared to do anything.

The only person who doesn't know is his Father. For him to let his son get away with murder, I believe that he wouldn't care.