Chapter 9

Keylan's POV

I wandered around in Xavier Penthouse because I was bored. It was massive for two people to be living in it, and he had expensive paintings and vases that probably cost more than my house.

I came across a black wooden door; I shouldn't be nosey and walking into Xaiver rooms. He might have a sex room or something personal to him.

I was biting down on my lip, deciding if I want to go in or not. Doing it anyway, I put my hand on the handle and push it open. I took sight of an office, the hard brown wooden floor that was shiny, a solid black wooden desk that had paperwork on top of each other.

I turned to the bookshelves that had a lot of books. Grabbing one, I let my fingers touch the hard surface, then I open it up, scanning through different pages. I was deep into the book when I heard someone clear their throat. I jump, causing me to drop the book, turning to Xavier, who was standing by his desk with a smile on his face.