Zeina's P.O.V

"AHHHHHHHHH! HE'S SO HANDSOME, ALSO HIS FRIENDDSSS!!!" A new campus crush? who is he?


so he's my classmate?

who is he?

is he handsome or not? I can't see him

If he's not handsome, the students have a bad taste.

"Let's go Zeina, it's hot here" Chendy told me.

"Ok let's go girls"

We go upstairs and look for a seat.

"Here, let's sit at the back, I'll sit beside the aircon, okay??" I always sit beside the aircon

"Ok, no one cares" I gave Danielle an eye roll after saying it.

She's a bitch in our circle of friend except from me.

"Ok Good Morning 10-Roses, I'm Ms. Nika Ledesmo, your advisory class. You can call me Ms. Nika or Ms. Aika" she look like a 24 years old woman, she's so pretty and young.

"So now, we have a new students from De Lasalle" oh I think she's pointing the transferees outside. In fairness they are from an expensive University

"Ok they are Jonathan Dometheo, Xio Lamerro, Paui Quenon and Harry Peox, let's all welcome them" all boys..

WTF! they are all handsome!! specially the tallest one.

NO SELF NO SELF NOO!! DON'T BE SO SOFT, ARGHHH If Jonard is my classmate, I will never be this soft.

"Goodmorning everyone, Harry Peox nice to meet you" Harry...

"I'm Xio Lamerro, nice to meet you" nice name huh.

"and I'm Jonathan Dometheo, happy to meet you guys" omyg! he is Jonathan.

"ok boys, go to your seats now" Ms. Aika commanded them

" Paui is the most handsome among them" Daniella told us while smiling like a dog

"For me, it's Xio" Naria answered back.

"The important is, Harry is mine" Chendy told us while blushing.

"shut up girls, it's Jonathan" I said, just being honest.

They sit beside us, Jonathan sit beside me. I don't know why am I sweating right now, eventhough the aircon is on. He smells so freakin' good.

"Hi girls!" Harry greet us.

" hi " we answered back while wavung our hands

"What's your name?" Xio asked us.

"I'm Chendy"

"I'm Danielle"

"I'm Naria but you can call me baby, chz HAHAHHAHAHAH"

---to be continued---