Zei's P.O.V

How can I explain this to daddy?That Jonathan is really crazy.I'm just going to slip through daddy

I'll pretend that I have rolled a glass. "ARGH! I'm sure that daddy will let me pay for the repair. Jonathan a;ways give me a headache"

"You can pay for it though, you're rich right?" Naria told me that


"Then use your salary first,just deprive Jonathan HAHAHAHAH" Nice idea Danielle, but how? Ugh imma thiink about it later. I called my driver to pick me up. Daddy called amechanic that can fix my car here. He told me to go home and talk about what happened.

"Ma'am what happened to the car?" Kuya Warren asked he's our driver.

"Irolled on a something sharp" I lied

"AHHHH OK MA'AM" he answered

When I arrived at home, Isaw daddy's car it means he's here already. I go to the room to change my clothes.

"Zei, are you done?" that is daddy's voice.

"Not e, give me five minutes" I tell him to wait, I hear his footsteps it means that he already go downstairs.

After five minutes, I go downstairs to talk with dad.

"Tell me what happened Zei, what happen o your wheels?" daddy ask me already.

"When I started the car, I rolled on something. I already throw the glass away" I lied again.

"Ok, be careful next time. For now I will pay for the repair, but if this accident will again again, it's up on you" he said

"Ok daddy sorry again and thankyou"

"and by the way, when will you plan to go back to the training for boxing" he ask I am a booxer, I used to train last last year but when the pandemic comed I stop for awhile. I always have a competition every september so I need to be trained again.

"On Saturday dad if ever, tell tito Kiko" I told him. Tito Kiko (Uncle Kiko) was my trainor.

"Ok go back to your room now" After that conversation, I go upstairs to take a rest already. But before that I also plan on how to have a revenge from what Jonathan did to me


"You dit it nice Thea! Just pass me home later to get my payment from you. She will not fight back, trust me." HAHAHAHA I remember Zeina's reaction Thea spilled the chocolate drink on her blouse. Don't worry Zei it's just the beginning. Also when I poked her wheels HAHAHAHA her face tho HAAHAHHAAH.

"Daddy I'm home!!" I shouted. Daddy is alone here now, I'm sure that he's at the offfice on second floor. Mommy is in the states. She is the one who take care of our house there. She will be home next week or next moth maybe. She visit there every month just to make sure that the house is safe. Because that's my grandparents house before, they gave it to us before they died.

"There is a food on the table Manang cooked it, she's at the grocery store or maybe she's on the way back here. Daddy say it, after that I go to the room to take a batha and to eat.


I think Manang Felly is here.

"Jonathan can you please open the gate for me" I'm right it's Manang Felly our maid

"Yes Manang!" I shouted, I ran to the gate because I'm sure that she is holding the stocks

"By the way Joanthan, here is someone waiting for you outside she said she's your classmate. Thea?" Manang Felly pointed the gate while saying it. Thra is here already, she didn't even call me.

"Thea come inside, it's cold there" Manang Felly let Thea to come inside of our house and get some drink

"Wait for me here Thea, Imma go to my room and get my money" I tell her and go upstairs to get the money. I need to pay her because I heard that Zeina is not just simpl girl. She's the daughter of the President of the school. I'm sure that she will not let Thea do it without fighting back.

"Here Thea, thankyou again and take care!" I gave Thea the money and tell her to go home straight;y.

"Thankyou Jonathan" she thanks me before going inside her car.

I also go inside the house to have some rest.

"Jonathan do you eat already? I already heat the food" Manang Felly said

"Thankyou Manang, I already eat. Take a rest Manang" I told Manang because I'm sure that she's tired

I'm sure that daddy wants a tea, so I make a tea for him. I'm sure that he is tired because he was the one who manage our business.


"Dad, here's you tea" I gave him his tea

"Thankyou, go to sleep " He remind me

"Yes dad" I answered and go to my room to take a sleep.



I'm still yawning when I turn off the alarm clock. It's 6:30AM, I have a class today at 8:00AM. I'm so slow at preparing myself that's why I nedd to wake up early. After drinking water I also eat my breakfast.

"Jonathan, move fast of else ou'll be late again" Manang Felly told me to move faster. I'm sleepy yet that's why I'm slow. After eating and taking a bath I already go outside and tell dad that I'm going now. But I remember that mommy will call dad or maybe she already called dad, mom is always calling us every morning before I go to school.

"Goodmoening son, how are you and your dad?" mommy asked me in phone call

"We're okay mom, how about you?" I ask back

"I'm okay, by the way I will sent money to your back account okay for your extra allowance" She told me that.

"Thankyou mom! take care always and I love you I need to go now!"

"Love you too, take care!" after that mommy turn off the call. I drive to the school because it's getting late.

"Goodmorning Sir Dometheo!" The guard greet me.

"Goodmorning!" I greet back.

Zeina is here, I saw her car. I'm sure that she knew everything she's famous here, acting like a Princess of the school. I get out pf my car and didn't expect what happened next.


"you are stupid!" Zeina punch me and shouted at me. Her puch is solid like a boxer.

"what's your problem!" I shouted back and pull her collar

"Oh you're fighting back huh" She shouted at me

"I do not back down, remember? nonsense" I smirk at her and go to the comfort room.

---to be continued---

do rate! tysm!