Jonathan's P.O.V

"I don't care Athan!" oh wow? she called me Athan we're not even close.

When I enter the comfort room I look at myself on the mirror. "Oh shit!" her punch leave a mark on my face.

"Hey Dre! It's still early in the morning why are you mad? look at your face you're so mad AHAAHAHA I think you had a fight, you have a mark on your face HHAHAHAH" Xio is teasing me

"Nothing, there's a shit who punch me earlier" I denied while looking to Zeina.

"Are you sure that 'SHE' is a shit, damn Jonathat a girl defeated you o c'mmon" Xio teased me more.

After several minutes, Harry and Paui came to the school. They always go to school together because the live on the same village.

"Dude, let's play Mobile Legends" Paui invited us. Paui is the one who always invites us to play mobile games.

"Let's play Rank Game while ma'am is not around" Harry say it. They are so addicted to mobile legends, even me HAHHAHA.

"Idiot! we need one more player!" Xio shouted to Harry

"OH YEAH I FORGOT HAHAHAHAHA then invite someone here, HEY WHO CAN PLAY MOBILE LEGENDS HERE" Harry shouted at the room to ask my classmates who can play Mobile Legends.

"I heard that Zeina is a Mobile Legends streamer right?" Xio pointed Zeina whila looking at me like he's teasing me.

"I'm sorry I'm not available right now and I'm not playing with a low rank gamers" Zeina say it while looking at me and saying the last word clearly.

"Are you pertaining to me?" Xio, Harry and Paui are laughing at me

"No I'm not HAHAHAHA, it's not for you but it seems like you admitted it HAHAHAHAHA right girls?" she asked her friends.

"Yes girl HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Danielle answered, this bi*ch

"Y'all acting that you have a high rank on the game HAHAHAAHA I think your rank is epic only ew HAHHAHAHAHAHA" Zeina say it sarcastically.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA Are you joking? we're mythical glory fyi" I defended myself

"PSH HAHAHAHA I think you were just using Lucas to win your games" I said. I felt Xio's elbow on my waist.

"Bro, she's playing in tournament, she's a good player" Xio whispered. Our adviser is already here that's why we stop arguing. The first subject is science. It's my favorite subject actually but I can't focus on the lesson

"Jonathan What is the difference between Dormants and Active volcano?" Wait, I know this! damn, I forgot. Fuck Zeina, I'm still thinking about her, on how she's brave enough to punch me like that.

"Ms. I'm sorry I don't know the answer" instead of lying, I said the truth.

"Where's your brain Jonathan? You're not in condition. We're in the class! I am standing here for a long time just to discuss a lesson but you're not listening. I choose you to answer my question because I know that you can do it." My teacher said.

I heard Zeina and her friends whispering and I saw ny friends laughing at me secretly, dumbass.

"Sorry, it'll never happen again" I apologized

"Everybody shut up! Y'all laughing at him?ok anybody here, who knows the answer?" she asked loudly.

"Excuse me Ms. Aika, I know the answer" that was Danielle.

"Yes, okay what is the answer then?" Ms. Aika asked.

"Such is the nature of volcanoes, and is the reason why we distinguish between those that are "active" and those that are "dormant". But what exactly is the differences between the two, and do geologists tell? This is actually complicated question, ecause there's no way to know for sure if a volcano is all done errupting , or if it's going to become active again" Danielle answered confidently

"Good for you Ms. Danielle, not like Mr. Jonathan"-Ms. Aika

"Sorry again, Ma'am" I apologized again.

"HAAHAHAHAHA that's the result when you choose playing mobile instead of reviewing" Zeina laughed at me.

"Ok that's enough, maybe later on I will receive a news that the two of you are dating HAHA"Ms. Aika teased us.

"Excuse me??" Zeina asked Ms. Aika without a weird voice.

"No ma'am, I'll rather choose to be forever single than to date that girl!" I answered Ms. Aika and point Zeina.

"As if I'll gonna answer you when you courted me" She fired back. She rolled her eyes. I like her before but now?? nahhh!

"Ok Ms. Zeina and Mr. Jonathan, I'm just kidding, both of you are so defensive, you're obvious HAHAHAHA" The whole damn class are teasing us and laughing.

"SHUT UP!!" Zeina shouted.

"Ok Class! that's enough, it's already time ready for your short quiz tomorrow. That's it for today, Goodbye." Ughhh! finally she's gone! I don't like her joke. While waiting for our next professor, me and my friends decide to have a samll conversation.

"Y'all look like idiot earlier, promise" I told them

"It's fun though HAHAHA" Paui teased me.

The day is so long, I want to go home. They are discussing some stuffs.

*Ring Ring*

"Hello dad?" I asked on the phine

"Hello Jonathan, your mom will go home later.

We will having a meeting about our family business.Would you come with me to pick up your mom later?" uh here we go again with that goddamn business.

"Ok dad, what time is that? we will having a short exam later"

"Don't worry you're excuse, I already talk to the principal" yah that's nice.

"Ok dad, I'll go home"

"ok take care" he answered shortly and hang uo the call. I decided to go to the comfort room to wash my hands because I just finished my food, then I heard someone's arguing in the hallway.

"The f*uck!!! What's your problem about Lucas? You're too much Paui! and your friends. You're new here but you're acting like you own this school" Danielle shouted at Paui. I saw a food stain in Lucas uniform.

I come near them to know what's happening.

"YOU! It's all your fault!! you are acting like you own this school!" Chendy shouted at me

"Excuse me, We are one of the stockholders of this school so don't you dare shout at me or else I'll kick you out of this school" I shouted back..

"You shut up! Me, do you know me? Us? let me introduce myself then" Zeina told me.

"Psh I know you, you are Zeina Aphroditee V. Larres right???" I answered.

"Yes Zeina Aphroditee V. Larres, the daughter of the Oresident of this school, now what!" she answered bravely.

"You're the child but not the President so HAHAHHAHAHA" fr.

"Ok goodluck, Lucas let's go just change your clothes quickly my family will having a meeting" shit meeting, yes I remember we will also having a meeting.

"Hey, I need to go we will pick up mom at the airport" I told to Paui.

"Okay, take care! " Harry

"Yes, by the way. I think I'll go home next week, we will go to Palawan about business meeting. Bye guys!!" I wave at them and go to the parking lot.

While at the parking lot I saw Zeina fixing her something on her car. She's pretty tho, but her attitude is not. I like Chloe than her, Chloe is Charisse's Best friend, she's nice.

"Hello dad?" I called my dad on the phone

"Where are you? it's 3PM we need to pick up your mom at 5PM"

"Yes dad, I'm at the gate of the village dad"

"ok ok" then I turn off the call


I hit my horn at the gate for Yaya Felly to open it.

"Oh boy, you're home, your daddy is waiting for you"

"Yes yaya, tell dad that I'm already home, Imma change my clothes for a bit" I'm sure that dad is in his office

I prepare my clothes for a week at the Palawan so I don't need to prepare tomorrow the someone texted me.

(Son, tell you dad that my plane is ready to land at the airport) it's mom

(ok mom) I replied

After preapring my clothes and stuffs. I called dad and tell him that we need to go. While we were on the way I played some music on my airpods and took a nap.

"Tan, we're here wake upp! I'm here!!" I heard mom's voice.

"Mom, long time no see! I missed you!" I hug her.

"Yes I know, so now go to the backseat so we can go to a restaurant and eat dinner" Mommy told me while daddy is putting my mom's language at the back.

"Joe, let's go to a restaurant to eat. I already told Yaya Felly to don't cook something" after long time we will eat again at the restaurant as a whole fam.

"Okok, let's get some food also for yaya" daddy answered.

We already arrived at the restaurant that mommy recommended. While mom and dad is ordering something to eat, I decided to look for a seat . After getting a seat I raised my hand for mom and dad to see me.

"Let's eat quickly, we will leave early tomorrow"

While eating mommy and daddy is talking about what happened to them when they are not togethee while me, I'm scrolling through my social media accounts.

*Kath Jane sent you a friend request*

She's familiar, maybe a girl from our school. It's 9:32 and it's boring they told us to eat quickly but they are not yet done.. after 10 minutes we decided to go home already.

While on our way home I put my airpods on my ears again to listen to some music.

After 20 minutes we arrive at home. Someone sent me a message


"hey, there'll be a ML tournament next week"


"we can't join we're just 4"


"remember Alex?? our friend at the Ateneo? he's at BIS also, he can join!"


"okk then register"


"ok bruhh have a safe trip!! don't for get our souvenirs!"


"ok uhh"

After more minutes I already go to sleep.


"Jonathan, wake up! you need to prepare it's 6AM!" That's yaya.

"Okkk tell mom that I'm taking a bath."

After that I took a bath and prepare my stuffs to bring it downstairs.

"Let's go!!" mom shouted.

We already left the house. While on our way as expected I fell a sleep and I woke up at the airport. My dad gets a private plane for us.

While on the flight, I felt sleepy because the view is so boring. My mom is already sleeping, I check my wrist watch, it's 9:50 AM the meeting will start at 11:30AM. i decided to take a nap.

AAAHHH, that was a nice nap. It's so cold here that's why I took a nap very well.

We already arrive at the airport here in Palawan. We were just waiting for the van that will pick up to us and bring us to the hotel.

When we arrive at the hotel we go directly to the Cafeteria of the hotel.

"We just need to wait for our business partners" -dad

We are sitting here in our table when a van just parked infrot of the Hotel Cafeteria.

"Here they are! Mr. Larres" Larres..... it sounds familiar

I realized who it is.

A familiar girl came out from the car.

It's Zeina...

"Wait dad??? They are our business partners??" That was Zeina.

"Yyes you know each other??" her dad asked her