Jonathan's P.O.V

"I'm goo with that, I just want to sleep" I told them with a lower voice, I'm tired.

"That's nice, Zeina take a rest also" her daddy reminds her to take a rest. Can we stay in a same room withou having a argument, I'm sure we can't. I can't sleep without music, and I'm sure that she will hate it.

"Dad I need to go, Excuse me Mr. and Mrs Larres" I decided to go to the room first for me to pick a goood bed, I'm sure that if Zeina was the one who will pick first she will pick the pretty one, because she's picky.

While fixing my clothes, I played a music for me to be energetic hhaha. I'm not in mood, I'm not feeling well. I played Kiyo's (Pilipino Artist) songs, I love his songs. In terms of local artist he's my favorite. After 7 minutes Zeina came, I open the door for her because she's carrying so many bags. I intented to help her , she accept it but she's still mad

"We;re here for business meeting not for long week vaccation " I said

"It's none of your business, get out of my way" she shouted at me

wow she didn't even say thankyou huh.

While fixing my clothes and stuffs Zeina left the room, I think she will get some foods for her. This rom is nice, it has a strip lights. I put it on blue color to feel more relaxing. I sat on my bed to play some mobile games then Zeuna enters the room with some beers and foods on her hands. Her eyes look so tired, did she just cry??

"Are you allowed to drink some beers?" she asked me

"Yes, why???" I akdes back

" then drnk with me"

"Are you sure? did you eat something????".

"Stop, I just need someone wjo can listen to my story" after saying that she goes to the balcony and fix the table for us to use it. I think I'm right, she has a problem.

"Are you sure your dad allows you to drink and to smoke??" she asked when I sat down on the chair infront of her

"Yes, but not everytime. About smoking, they allow me but not in public place" My dad gives me what I want.

"That's nice, I have so many questions about you. This is the first time that we will talk privately, can I ask you some questions??" she asked

"So what's now? a drunk question series?? HAHAHA" I laughed

"Maybe? Did you know that the day that I first time saw you, I was so amazed by your face and everything. You have a cool outfit, your perfume suits to your outfit. This sounds ceazy, but I like you before. Before you bully my friends." So we're just the same? I like her before, I thought she's not fighting back.

"I don't like it when my friend are being bullied, they are my happiness yet my weakness. That's why when I saw them like that, even though you were just joking, I hate it. They have problems in their life, speciallly Lucas. He's experiencing depressin right now and anxiety. As you can see he's always nervous, he's not like that before." -Zeina

"How about you?? you look so sad, do you have a problems? I asked

"How did you know?" She asked back

"I have a girl bestfriends, that's why I knows it. Your eyes are keep telling me that you're sad" I answered

"That's nice, my one and only boybestfriend is Lucas. You know why?? I'm pretty sure you didn't know. When I was on 6th grade, I have a bunch of boybestfriends. They are my treasure, they make me happy all the time. But one day, Charisse came. She likes Jonard, by boybestfriend literally the best. She ruined everything, she told everyone that Jonard and I were in relationship even though we're not. My dad heard the news, he scolded me. Even me, if my child enters a relationship at very young age, I'll get angry. But dad didn't lisen to me, she keeps believing on that bitch. You know why? she shows a photo me and Jonard giggling in he mango tree. That was the best day because Jonard gave a moon necklace, he said it symbolyzes me. I'm his light when he felt like he's in the darkness. I felt a little bit embarras that's why we laugh. Maybe Charisse heard our conversation. That day, Jonard and I didn't talk too much. But the worst wa, Jonard has no idea that Charisse was the one who ruined our friendship. i also realize that I like Jonard since 1st year until now, but I also realize that I don't have a chance. Yesterday, Jonard told me that he's in relationship with Charisse. He warned me o stop talking to him, hugging him and having a good day with him it may cause an arguing betwwen her, me and Charisse. I lost my ideal man yet my bestfriend. My other boy bestfriends left me because of that issue. They thought that I am a flirt, Jonard was the one who sstay, but now he's gone." her tears is slowly falling from her eyes after telling her story.

"That's why you're sad? am I right?" I asked her

"Yes super, I can't bring back the past . I'm tired, thanks God Naria and my friends is still there for me"

"Just cry until you felt like you're okay"

"I hope I can trust you, except from my friends you're only one who knows my story" she told me that

"Okay, I also have something to tell you" I said

"Oh, what?" she asked

"The first day that I saw you, I had a feelings for you that's why we sat beside you. But after the fight, my 'feelings' suddenly faded. To be honest, after unadmiring you I admired Charisse because her voice is soft while arguing with you"

"The f HAHAHA she's not soft, she's acting like a victim tho tsss that bitch always leads a fight, then she'll act like she's the victim. They always thought that Charisse is a nice person, even though she's not" she said it and smirked. To be honest Charisse has a angelic face, she's morena, she has a long hair, soft eyes, tall height and her lips is like a heart. While Zeina, she has a bitch eyes, tall , her body is so perfect it has a little muscles, she has a light skin , her hair is atleast above her shoulder, maybe that's why they are all scared of her.

"May I ask something? how do you achieved that kind of body" to be honest she has a good body posture.

"HHAHAHAHA, I joined a boxing sports that's why" ohhhh

"Ohhhh that's why you punch so hard huh" she gave me a sarcastic smile, she's weird. After having a samall conversation, we played a mobile game. She turn off the main light of the room and open the strip lights which maked the room color blue. I played my favorite song , and suddenly she sing along with it, she has a good voice to be honest. What if I invite her to have a jam with me since I bring my guitar with me.

"Uh Zeina"

"Yes,what??" she asked with her sleepy eyes, but we're not done yet. I saw her taking a picture of the view and the hotel room with her camera. I'm sure that she'll be a photographer, she show me the picture that she took a while ago. The blue room and the blue night sky including the sea. The sky's color is dark blue because it's night already. The moon is beautiful, I remember my ex girlfriend Yuri she's beautiful but now she's on the other country. I noticed that we have the same phone case it's color blue.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, your favorite color is blue."

"Yes, I love skies and sea. Blue symbolizes freedom and purity" uhhh.. she said

"Me too.. same reason"

"That's nice, I like your style.Your taste of music anything, except being stupid" wow huh.

"Wait I have a question, right?" I asked again

"What, you are distracted by my pictures hahahaha" lmao this girl is drunk, I think.

"You can sing right? I have my guitar here, can you join with me? If you're available only" I asked her.

"Where? hmmm, in the sea side 5:30PM" she answered

"Thanks you agree with it" I told her and smiled.

"I'm dizzy,I need to take a rest, frist I need to fclean this table" she's sleepy hshahaha

"You're sleepy ahahahahahahaha don't deny it" she rolled her eyes and enter the bathroom to wash her face I think. While cleaning her face, I decided to fix my bed and to clean the table and throw the cans in the garbage bag even though she told me that she's the one who will clean it. She came out to the bathroom wearing her pajamas , I think she cried again her eyes can tell it. I decided to turn off the strip lights and speaker because she will going to sleep but she stops me.

"NO STOP! I can't sleep without dim lights and music" f-for real??

" Are you sure?"

"Yes, I can't sleep without music"

"We're just the same"

"Then why would you turn it off" she asked

"I'm not selfish though, I taught you can't sleep with music and lights" she just rolled her eyes and go to sleep same as me.

----to be continued----

sorry for being inactive, I'm busy at schoolworks and writing this story in tagalog version (wattpad) I'm currently at the chapter 16 in wattpad that's why. Thankss
