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Chapter 33 Breaking Point

Trevor's POV

Feeling emptiness inside me knowing the first person I ever took seriously hates me. The hurt in his eyes as he told me that he couldn't look at me nor be the same in the room as me.

I knew that I was going to fuck it up somehow but didn't know when. This is the punishment that I got from hurting so many people in my past relationships.

It's my fault that my baby girl is getting taken away from Noah. It's my fault that Nate got too close to Noah where he almost twisted his mine towards the point that he could have had him right where he wanted. It's my fault that I wasn't smart enough to figure out that all this happened without me knowing.

It's my fault that he hates me.

My biggest fear was to get in a committed relationship where at the end I was getting heartbroken. The feeling of being alone is something I was afraid of. Being not in love and feeling any affection was something I was afraid of.

"All this is your fault that you could have warned me."