Chapter 22

2 . 25 P.M.


Derek and Imogen are standing under the manhole lid they had passed through to access the underground. They could see the about four men through the slits in the lid that covered the manhole. They were talking with the old curator. Moments later, a gunshot muffled by a silencer is heard. Imogen gasps.

"Shh-h." Derek covers her mouth. She makes the sign of the cross and prayed silently.

Overhead, the shadow of the men came into view and they could be heard talking inaudibly.

"Do you hear them?" He whispered.

"Yeah, they are saying something about receiving signal from a nearby GPS tracker. Any idea what that means?"

"They are tracking one of us." He pulls out his phone and downloads a GPS scanner app from GS Tech servers. When the download is completed, he initiates a bug scan and runs the Smartphone over himself and Imogen.