Chapter 27

6 . 30 P.M.


"Those are my sins, both the ones I have recalled and the ones I couldn't remember, I ask forgiveness for all." The Pope said. He is seated across from the Carmelengo, his head bent as he confesses his sins to the Carmelengo.

Bademosi heaves a sigh. "Papa it is not up to me to forgive but the good lord and Allah." He takes off his stole and dips his hand in his pocket.

The Pope looked on as the Camerlengo took out a voice recorder from his pocket and dangles it in his face.

"You recorded my confession? That's blasphemy! How could you Francesco." The Pope asked, a shocked expression on his face.

"Anyway, it won't matter that much. You would be dead by the time your impunities becomes public." He sneered.

"You, I trusted you with my life. Come mai How could you?" He asked, exasperated.

"Never mind, change is coming and I am the new instrument of change. It's what the church has been waiting for, a belief with reason."