WebNovelThe Bet22.22%

Chapter 9

Darrelle's POV

I walked into the building a bouquet of roses in my hand as I walked to receptionist, hoping she would send me up without any questions since I seemed to visit Nia everyday. I was trying to surprise her, I knew me visiting now would be unexpected since I usually came at night.

"I'm he-"

"You know where to go." The receptionist said smiling and I chuckled walking off. After 2-3 minutes I was walking down the hall to her office.

"Back again." Trishana said walking towards me and I chuckled.

"Nice to see you too."

"I never said it was nice to see you Darrelle." She fired back walking past me. I smiled moving in front of Nia's door knocking after a second or two I heard a small come in, I pushed it open to reveal Nia sitting around her desk.

"Hey baby girl." I greeted walking on closing the door.

"What are you doing here?" She asked checking her watch as she stood up.

"Nice to see you too Nia." I said as she moved over to me.