WebNovelThe Bet60.00%

Chapter 26

One week later.

Darrelle's POV

"Send him the plans." I told my assistant and she nodded leaving, I sighed looking at the time to see it was 10:47 pm and I groaned leaning back.

Nia and I's schedule has been clashing she was leaving before I woke up and when I got home she was already asleep, and this has been going on for week. I closed my eyes sighing, I heard a buzz from the intercom and I sat up tapping the button.


"I sent him the plans, he'll get back to us in the morning."

"Alright you can go home."

"I'll see you tomorrow." She replied and I stood up grabbing my phone and keys making my downstairs, I got in my car driving home hoping that Nia would still be up since I'm going home a hour earlier than usual.

I greeted the doorman before taking the elevator to my floor. I pulled out my key opening the door before stepping in to see Dream sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey Darrelle."

"Hey Dream is Nia still up?" I asked hopefully.