Chapter 6

[Dear VIP do you want to upgrade the Sharingan-First Tomoe to Second Tomoe(Cost: 100 Points)?]


Without hesitation Sasuke immediately clicked the Yes button. In the Community Mall he saw that the upgrade will cost 100 points.

He knows it isn't something he can buy right now but he know that day will be pretty close.

[Dear VIP do you want to upgrade the Body Flicker Technique to Flying Thunder God Technique(Cost: 1000 Points)?]


[Dear VIP do you want to upgrade the Shadow Clone Technique to Multiple Shadow Clone Technique(Cost: 200 Point)?]


[Dear VIP the system discovered a new bloodline [Uzumaki Clan Bloodline(Cost: 300 Points)] do you want to upload it to the Community Mall?]


[Dear VIP do you want to upgrade Great Fireball Technique to Fire Release: Great Fire Obliteration(Cost: 500 Points)?]


Without hesitation Sasuke clicked yes to all these agreements. 'Wonder what will happen to the Ninja World when these skills assimilates onto one body?' Sasuke thinks to himself.

[Jiraiya]: Flying Thunder God Technique(⊙ᗜ⊙)!!!! Nobody except the second hokage has mastered this power!

[Sanji]: What's so powerful about this technique? It seems to cost 1000 Community Points. Quite expensive.

[Jiraiya]: You don't get it. With this technique allows a person to instantly teleport to any location!!

[Sanji]: Teleport!!!

In the One Piece the ero-chief Sanji who was holding a tray of dishes wobbled and dropped all the food onto the ground.

Cling Cling

The head chief Zeff yelled from the back of the kitchen, "How careless can you be!? I'm deducting this from your pay-"

Instead of finding Sanji bickering and yelling back at him, Zeff found Sanji with a stream of nosebleed down his nose.

'Instant teleportation,' Sanji's mind was in the clouds as he daydreamed about all the perverted ways he can use this skill in the future.

At this moment Sasuke didn't realize what harm he would create in the One Piece world when this skill landed into the lustful Sanji's hand.

Back at the Naruto World Sasuke opened the Daily Mission tap to find his assignment today:

[Mission: Within a week make a bowl of ramen that would pass the System's qualifications. Then upload as a Community Mall Item. Reward-100 Points]


"Sasuke-kun are you okay," Naruto asked with care as he looked at Sasuke who seems to be in deep concentration over something.

It was already lunch time as he shared the food from his lunch box with Naruto. After yesterday Naruto treats him like a long lost buddy.

The girls in class this morning were looking at Naruto with eyes of envy mixed in with a weird expression.

"Don't keep it inside feel free to tell me," Naruto said to Sasuke with an awesome sunny smile. He would like to help his friends in any way possible.

Of course for some reason he really treasures this friendship he has with Sasuke. Maybe because this is his first true friendship since a long time.

As far as he had known Sasuke seems to always had that old-man face. It was quite gloomy and familiar to everybody.

Taking in a deep breathe Sasuke starts to explain to Naruto who's perking his ear like a little fox, "I'm going to learn how to make ramen."

The way he said this mission was very casual yet the entire classroom turned stone silent. Sakura who was eavesdropping next to them slapped her hand onto the table in surprise.

'Doesn't your hand hurt Sakura?' Seeing how loud she slapped her hand down made Sasuke wonder.

"Sasuke-kun you're going to learn how to make ramen?!!" Sakura asked, 'I must be dreaming these days. Yesterday Sasuke made friends with Naruto now he's learning to make ramen!!'

Naruto clasped his hands onto Sasuke's shoulder than act as though he was deeply touched, "Sasuke-kun I'm deeply touched you're learning how to make ramen because of me."

Hearing this Sasuke's face smile freezes awkwardly, 'What is this idiot saying?'

"I'm just learning it because I really like ramen," Sasuke explained to Naruto. "Teuchi-sensei accepted me as a student this morning."

"You're going to learn from Teuchi-san!" Naruto's were glowing with light as though admiring immensely Sasuke's decision. "I've decided," Naruto nod in agreement.

"What have you decided?" Sasuke asked Naruto curiously.

"I have decided to join Sasuke-kun on this ramen expedition," Naruto gives a thumbs up as he replied.

'Expedition? I didn't know making ramen can be an adventure,' Sasuke now understands why he called Naruto a 'retard' in the past.


At the kitchen of Ramen Ichiraku Sasuke and Naruto got themselves dressed in the white chef attire.

"Sasuke-san you looked so good in that attire," Ayame flattered as she watches Sasuke in this fashion. He looks as though he walked out of a fashion magazine.

"Thank you," Sasuke replied in a polite manner. "Teuchi-sensei I'm ready to learn!"

"Okay you guy's ready? Naruto?" Teuchi was still quite relaxed about teaching these two kids. He thought it was great to have volunteers learning in the kitchen and also helping him out.

"Yes I'm ready Teuchi-san!" Naruto replied back with excitement. Ever-so-ready to get started with everything.

"Okay watch closely," Teuchi starts with a large plaster of dough which he kneads with his strength.

'Sharingan. Gate of Opening-Release'

Sasuke's eyes turn into the first tomoe along with increased clarity from his mind. By opening his sharingan he was able to instantly analyze and imitate the movement that people performs.

In this moment his intelligence has greatly expanded passed his previous limits. Observing in a serious manner the details of timing, pulling the dough into noodles, etc.

When Sasuke got started at replicating the process everything seemed to flow with ease. Since Teuchi's movements and timing was precisely imprinted into his brain.

Finishing pulling the dough into delicate strings of noodle he heated in the boiling water. Soon Sasuke finished his first bowl of ramen.

The smell of the ramen was just as delicious as the one Teuchi taught him. Everything was so identical it was as though he pulled the ramen straight out of the printer.

[System Assessment: Failure]

'Failure!??' Although it was still his first time making a bowl of noodle. He still expected it to at least have a pass since he was able totally replicate the process.

"Sasuke-kun your bowl of ramen looks delicious," Naruto commented from behind him while smacking his lips at the appetizing replicate.

'Is this boy a cooking prodigy,' Teuchi thought to himself as he sees the amazing noodle Sasuke created.