Weeks has passed with Hazel and Tyler acting as if the argument didn't happened. Another night full of laughter in the kid's room. "And so, she plucked her white hair and she stood there frozen. We all laugh as we all saw her expression! " Abigail giggles as she shares some of her stories of her day.

"And you Franky? How was your day? " Franklin shrugs watching his father tucking in Abigail to bed."Still the same as usual, exams are coming soon. " Tyler nods his head and went to Franklin's bed to tuck him in. "Do you need help? " But Franklin just shakes his head and smiles. "Abby and I want some stories for tonight. "

"What story do you want? " Abigail beams and answers "We want the story as to why Auntie Lavender called Uncle Rafael 'Your Highness'!! " Tyler chuckles and mess Abigail's hair. "Okay okay, settle down and get ready for the story. " The two kids waits for the story smiling from ear to ear.

"So, Rafael... "

"So tell me about it Raf! " Tyler as nosy as ever ask Rafael about his family standings. "Why do you even want to know Parker? It doesn't even matter. " He flick Tyler's forehead and went to class as the bells rang.

Pouting but still followed his friend towards their room, tilting his head when he pass by Lavender's class and saw her with her friend. Her friend notices Tyler but didn't say anything to Lavender, Tyler sulks. "What are you still doing there Parker? We're gonna be late! " Rafael exclaimed when he noticed Tyler isn't following him anymore.

"I don't like that Lavender's so called friend over there. She's not nice. " Rafael's fist collided with Tyler's head softly with a chuckle "Just because she didn't inform Lavender of your existence—I mean presence doesn't mean she's not nice. " Tyler continues to pout as they both head to class looking so grumpy.

After class, Rafael and Tyler decided to stop by the fastfood chain that they both like to talk about the 'Your Highness' case. "Now now tell me about it. " Tyler's back to his usual annoying self that Rafael prefers than having a sad and grumpy Tyler. "Let me eat first and stay quiet. You're being annoying again. " Tyler gasp and looked hurt as he dramatically puts his hand on his chest where his heart is.

"You are too much Raf. " He then brush away his fake tears that made Rafael sighs and eats his burger. "My mother's family is part of the so called Royalty. So that makes me one of the Royals. Happy now? " Tyler almost choke on his burger when he heard it. "So, yourself telling me I've been hanging out with a royalty all this time? And you always makes me pay for everything you chintzy! " Rafael laughs when he heard that.

"That's cause I enjoy seeing you broke. " Tyler feeling betrayed and hopeless puts his head on the table and curses silently. He remembers all the money he spent on Rafael.

"You should pay me back twice! No thrice!! " He then exclaimed loudly.

Both of the kids laugh loudly at the story his father has told them in this evening. "So, that's why Rafael has been helping me with everything. " Franklin nodded and smiles. "But Dad, maybe he just wanted to test you that's why he didn't tell you at first. " Stroking Franklin's messed up hair he smiled. "He definitely did, we have been friends for so long and nothing really changed. He's still that Rafael who's pretty annoying and quiet. "

Giggling Abigail grabs his father's arm. "But Daddy, the annoying part would be you not Uncle Rafael. " Tyler laughs and pats Abigail's head. "Fine fine! Yes I'm the annoying part. Now, you both should go to sleep. Goodnight. "

As soon as Tyler went out of the kid's room his sweet smile and calm face turned into a cold and grumpy face. He saw Hazel staring at the portrait once again and was holding the most precious thing, fuming he harshly grabbed the thing and the portrait from Hazel's hand and pushed her away, hard enough to hit her back at the concrete walls. "Why are you touching these? Do you think you're allowed to even look at this and now you're touching it with your filthy hands? "

Thankfully, even at this small place they have, the walls are thick enough not to wake the children. Hazel was dumbfounded and hurt from the force and the way Tyler's hand grips on her arm. "What? You lost your tongue now? What happened to the Hazel that caused all of this misery? " It was the first time that Hazel saw Tyler's anger and she was too scared to even make a sound, all he did was tear up until Tyler had enough of her silence and tears. He let her go and went out of the house.

"Hazel... it's fine... It's fine.. you're fine.. you choose this, you did to yourself... You're fine, it doesn't hurt.. " Hazel whispers to herself as she her knees falls to the ground trembling. She knew things wouldn't be that easy and it never were from the very start.

Few months before graduation, Tyler, Lavender and Rafael has been very close to each other leaving Hazel behind feeling so jealous and resentful. "So, where should we go after class? Do you want to have a burger? My treat! " Tyler blurted as they walk towards class. "Ahm, What do you think Hazel? Should we join them? " Lavender asked her friend who rolled her eyes at her but smile at Tyler. "I'm good to go. " The two boys nodded and stared at Lavender waiting for her answer.

Noticing her friend's indifference Lavender says "I should really study, exams are almost coming and you know—" Tyler cut her off and pouted in front of her. "You always study! You never find time for us lately! " Tyler almost glared at Hazel when Lavender tilts her head towards the indifferent Hazel. "Join us Lav, we still have a few months together before graduation. We must make the most of it. "

Rafael proclaimed that made Lavender smiles and nods. Hazel on the other hand glared at Lavender without being noticed.

A day before graduation, Tyler and Rafael had a talk about the matters of the heart at the rooftop.

"So.. do you think she likes me as well? I like her so much Raf that I'm too nervous! " Rafael gave his friend a reassuring smile before he pats on his friend's shoulder. "I know my cousin Parker and I know from the way she looks at you, I know she feels the same way as you do. " Tyler couldn't help but chuckle and feel giddy because of what he heard.

"So, when do you plan to confess Parker? " Tyler raised his gaze at the lilac skies and smile. "Tomorrow, after graduation. " Rafael gasped in surprise and happily pats his friend's head playfully. "Goodluck bro! You can do it! "

On the other side of the rooftop, not far from where the two boys were talking. Hazel clinched her hands and pants from the sudden burst of anger. "I won't allow it. "


