The peak of dawn Tyler came home and went to his children's room silently not wanting to wake up Hazel. He shook them and whispers.

"Hey sweetheart, wake up. " Then move to Franklin who almost immediately opened his sleepy eyes to see his father smiling at him. "Good morning, I'm sorry this is all so sudden but I need you to wake your sister up and get ready while I prepare your clothes okay? "

With a sleepy eyes, Franklin obey his father helped her sister wake up and get ready. After everything Tyler made sure that they won't wake up Hazel that's what he thought.

"Where are we heading Dad? " Franklin asked when his Dad started driving. "To your Uncle Rafael's, we're having a little vacation somewhere. " The kid nodded making sure his sleepy sister is comfortable in her seat.

Hazel didn't get to sleep and was listening to them whispering and hurrying to go, leaving her there with clenched hands. She remembers the time when Tyler abandoned her for the first time and it was because of...Lavender.

Lavender has been a kind-hearted woman, though she's a loner by choice, she still cares about other people more than herself. Hazel was her first bestfriend, they know each other as a kid and they eventually grow up together. Hazel knew Lavender more than everyone else but that's only what she thought.

"Lav.. I like Tyler. " She remembered what she said to Lavender before the graduation ceremony started making her paused and stare. She didn't know why Hazel told her that, but she smiled and asked. "W-why are you telling me that? " Tried to keep her smile not wanting to make it awkward. "I just felt like telling you, you know how I am with guys that I like, right? I get too attached and not knowing what to do. I felt like I needed to tell you about it in case you feel the way I Tyler. "

When Lavender was about to answer, the ceremony started and that left her thinking. She was so used to being alone or having just Hazel by her side but the past few months that Tyler has been her side she felt calm and not wanting to part from him. She long for his smiles and silly acts, she long for the way Tyler calls her. Could she be liking the same guy her bestfriend likes?

After the ceremony, the 4 of them meet up for some coffee. "So, what are your plans? You know college and everything? " Tyler asked all of them but most specifically she wanted to ask Lavender as to what she was planning. "Well, I'm studying Management. That's what I always want to be. " Hazel exclaimed happily which made everyone nod.

"Cool, I haven't thought of it but maybe business. I'll have to take over the business sometime soon. What about you both? " Rafael asked and both Lavender and Tyler looked at each other. "I don't know what I want. " They said in unison and laugh at each other making Hazel roll her eyes privately. Tyler lovingly gaze at Lavender and soon he decided to ask.

"Ahm, Lav? Would you..go out with me? I mean, later! Ahm how about dinner or something? Just the two of us. " As nervous as he is Rafael stands with his winning smile and grabs Hazel. "We should get going and leave you two to talk. " Hazel wants to protest but Rafael held her tighter and whispers "Shut up." Leaving the two awkwardly sitting there.

Tyler clears his throat and look at Lavender who was practically playing with her strand of hair as if her life depends on it. "Aahh this is so awkward. Look at me Lavender. " Without a choice, Lavender looked at him and she saw how sincere he is in his eyes.

"I like you, for a long time now. Maybe for the first time we bumped into each other. Lavender, I am not expecting an answer rigt away because feelings can't be force and it can't also be hide. It shouldn't be hidden and I know, or maybe I'm only assuming things but I see it in you. I see the way you look back at me, those lovely green eyes that sparks a thousand times better than diamond—"

Lavender cut him off and couldn't help her smart ass. "Tyler, diamonds doesn't spark. It reflects. " Tyler went silent for awhile thinking at what she said while staring at her in awe. "You know what? You never fail to impress me. Even at such awkwardness, you still manage to correct me. It doesn't matter though! I am confessing here Lav!"

Lavender let out a soft chuckle as she raised her hand up to his forehead and flick it. "Do it right then. " Tyler sat there holding his forehead and pouting. "I already said it and I don't want to start again. You know I like you and I'll always.. always like you no matter how insensitive you are and how much you hurt me physically! " Lavender let out a laugh when Tyler pulled out his tongue at her looking like a child.

"Alright. I'll go out with you, anytime you want. "

"Stupid bitch. Is she taking away Tyler from me again?! When will she learn her lesson?! " Hazel exclaimed angrily as if she's not the Hazel who smiled and agreed to everything. "Don't blame me for being the bad guy here Lavender Green. You snake! " She then went to the basement and take out something from the dark, it's a briefcase and she smile so widely, she took out her phone and dialed.

On the other hand, Tyler, Franklin, and Abigail settled down at Rafael's mansion. "You really have such nice things for comfort Uncle. I meant, the decorations. " Tyler and Rafael exchange looks when Franklin said those words while looking all around the house. They both laugh.

As the kids settled in the dining for breakfast, Tyler and Rafael stayed at the living to talk. "You know what? I may have raised that kid but it's pretty obvious who he got his brain's from. " Tyler started while smiling as if reminiscing their moment when they were still studying. "Yes cause you're pretty childish and stupid so it can't be from you. Anyways Parker, thanks for everything. "

"What do you mean? " He sighed and look at his friend like he was the stupidest person ever. "I mean, for raising and loving him as your own. Anyways, that's not why we're here. We leave after breakfast and we're taking the kids with us. She need to see her too you know. " Tyler paused and look ahead where he can see Abigail happily eating with Kath and Franklin. "Yeah.. Will she recognize her? "

Rafael snorts and answered "Parker, she has her eyes and her gleaming energy and no mother in this world that can't recognize her own. "


