Exceptional Ingredient

At the base of the adventurers.

Hong Shi and the three students walked out of a pharmacy. Mo Xiaobai sold the four plants, and received 11 force technique crystal remnants. He was full of smiles.

On his side, Meng You and Lin Mengyu were feeling dejected.

They received some gains too, but as compared to Mo Xiaobai, it was too little.

Hong Shi opened his mouth, and said, "Alright, we will rest at the base tonight. Tomorrow, you will go out again."

He brought the three students to the residence area and rented two rooms.

Hong Shi, Mo Xiaobai, and Meng You would squeeze in one room. Lin Mengyu was a lady, so it was inconvenient for her to stay with them. Thus, Hong Shi prepared a small room for her.

The room Mo Xiaobai was staying in was very small. There were three white beds placed close to each other. The only remaining space left was for them to walk. There wasn't even a table or a chair.

However, this place was cheap.

For the entire day, Mo Xiaobai was looking for spirit herbs, fighting with magical beasts, and even got chased by a first-rank graystone wolf.

Mo Xiaobai was extremely tired. He lay on the bed and closed his eyes. He immediately fell asleep.


The next day.

Early in the morning, Mo Xiaobai and his companions got up and ate some food casually. Then, they moved out of the base.

Along the journey, Meng You and Lin Mengyu kept glancing at Mo Xiaobai.

Mo Xiaobai felt his head hurt because of their gazes. He sighed and opened his mouth. "I feel that I won't have many gains after today."

Meng You was a little surprised. He asked, "Why do you think that way?"

Lin Mengyu opened her mouth too. "I feel that you will have a lot of gains. You found four spirit herbs yesterday."

"Think about it. My luck was so good yesterday. How can it stay like this every day? Today will be different from yesterday," Mo Xiaobai explained matter-of-factly.


Meng You and Lin Mengyu were confused.

Mo Xiaobai nodded firmly.

Meng You and Lin Mengyu nodded back. They seemed to feel relieved.

After that, Meng You and Lin Mengyu didn't look at Mo Xiaobai anymore. Mo Xiaobai sighed in relief too.


Just like the previous day, they came in front of a hill with no one else around. Hong Shi let the three students enter the forest individually.

Mo Xiaobai entered the hill from level ground. As for Meng You and Lin Mengyu, they chose different locations to enter the hill.

After yesterday's testing, Mo Xiaobai had an overall understanding of the lights around him.

Red light meant treasures. The redder the light was, the more precious the treasure was. The difference between the hollow treasures and the limestone plant was an instance of the difference.

Black light and gray light meant danger. The darker the black light, the more dangerous it was.

Yesterday, that first-rank graystone wolf was indeed a huge danger to Mo Xiaobai. The black lines of light around it were frightening too.

After familiarizing himself with the uses of the lights, Mo Xiaobai stopped looking for treasures. Instead, he started running around the hill furiously while observing the changes to the lights around him.

Every time a pale red light appeared, Mo Xiaobai would run over and search the area carefully. He collected all the herbs found through the pale red light.

If a pale gray light appeared, Mo Xiaobai would prepare beforehand, and would be able to handle the dangers easier.

The range of the lights was approximately 50 meters. If Mo Xiaobai discovered the pale gray lights the moment they appeared at the edge of his light range, there was a chance that he would be able to evade the attack.

Of course, he still met many troubles along the way.

For the entire morning, Mo Xiaobai ran around the hill like a gust of wind. From one end of the hill to the other and from one valley to the other. Naturally, he found many herbs.

Mo Xiaobai only felt a little tired when the scorching sun lit up the entire hill. He stopped his footsteps that felt like the wind.

He found a rock on the peak of the hill and sat down. He planned to have a rest and count the gains he collected in the morning.

There were three limestone plants in total. Two of them were two-leaved, while one was four-leaved.

The two-leaved limestone plant was worth two force technique crystal remnants. The four-leaved limestone plant had a higher price. It was worth five force technique crystal remnants. That was nine force technique crystal remnants here.

There were four bloody-sun plants too. They could sell for 12 force technique crystal remnants.

One morning, and he had already collected items worth 21 force technique crystal remnants!

He curled the corners of his lips and smiled.

Then, he sighed.

The western region was too poor. He spent an entire morning and ran around more than 10 hills, but he only found a mere seven spirit herbs. If he averaged it out, one hill might not even have one spirit herb.

If he was in other regions, he would probably have more gains, right?

Mo Xiaobai decided that after he achieved his breakthrough, he would go to other districts to look for better items.

After resting for a while, Mo Xiaobai got up, and planned to continue looking for herbs.

He went down the hill along the sides of the wild plants. When he was halfway down the hill, he turned and looked at the bottom of his left-hand corner.

At the bottom left-hand corner, there was a patch of grass that was as tall as a man. There was a strange phenomenon going on there.

He noticed that pale gray light and pale red light were actually intertwined.

Just when Mo Xiaobai was feeling puzzled, something seemed to move among the wild grass. The wild grass was being pushed to two sides, and rustling could be heard.

As that thing in the grass moved, that intertwined pale gray and pale red light started moving too.

Mo Xiaobai held his sword with his right hand, and looked in the direction of the tall wild grass with vigilance.

The wild grass got separated. A gray wild boar more than 1.5 meters in height appeared in Mo Xiaobai's vision.

The wild boar had 30 centimeters long white tusks that were as sharp as daggers. The gray fur around it looked extremely thick and rough.

Its dark red eyes were staring at Mo Xiaobai intently. There was ruthless killing intent flickering in its orbits.

Graystone wild boar!

Mo Xiaobai held his long sword tightly with both of his hands, and his body all tensed up.


The graystone wild boar gave a low and ferocious growl. Then, it stepped on the empty land and started charging with its huge body. It turned into a flashing graystone shadow, and started its assault against Mo Xiaobai.

Around it, the lines of pale red and pale gray lights intertwined.

Mo Xiaobai's expression was calm. He watched the graystone wild boar carefully as it dashed towards him. When the graystone wild boar was around one meter away from him, Mo Xiaobai took a step and tilted his body to the right.

The graystone wild boar's sharp tusks slashed the air 10 centimeters in front of Mo Xiaobai's chest. Mo Xiaobai had already moved his long sword. His long sword swept across the air and formed a white cold light.


The long sword slit the graystone wild boar's dark red eyes. Fresh blood splattered everywhere.


The wild boar gave a cry of agony. It tilted its huge head to the side, and its steps got messy. It lost its balance and slammed on the ground heavily. Its skin got cut by the broken rocks on the ground. It was covered with fresh blood.

Mo Xiaobai didn't expect the graystone wild boar to drop so quickly. He couldn't help but remain stunned for a moment.

However, he regained his senses quickly, and hurriedly took two steps to face the graystone wild boar. While it was still struggling to stand up, he moved his wrist and stabbed it with his long sword.


The sharp blade of the sword stabbed right into the wild boar's injured eye that was bleeding profusely. It penetrated its brain.

The graystone wild boar's limbs twitched a little, and it stopped breathing.

Mo Xiaobai pulled his long sword out and shook the fresh blood off it. When he lowered his head to look at the wild boar's corpse, his eyes widened in surprise.

He saw an extremely strange scene.

The corpse of the graystone wild boar on the ground started shrinking. Its flesh turned dry, and its sharp white tusks gave off a pale white glow. Then, the sharp white tusks automatically dropped from the wild boar's mouth.

Mo Xiaobai looked at the graystone wild boar's shimmering white tusks. He gave a smile of a pleasant surprise.

He didn't expect exceptional ingredients to get separated out from the wild boar!