An Exceptional Ingredient That Dropped From The Sky

Mo Xiaobai raised his sword to chop the bluestone. Loud clangs were heard.

After a few minutes…

So it wasn't in the bluestone?

Mo Xiaobai frowned slightly. He looked at the red light above the bluestone.

At this moment, Mo Xiaobai noticed that the red lines of light this time were slightly different from the red lines of light he saw when he found the purple-root plant.

When he found the purple-root plant, the red light went deep into the ground until it touched the purple-root plant.

Yet now, the red lines of lights were hovering in mid-air. They didn't go right into the bluestone.

What was going on?

Mo Xiaobai raised his eyebrows in confusion.

There was nothing in the air. Mo Xiaobai had already touched the air, so he was certain that there weren't any hollow treasures there.

Hence, the question.

Since it wasn't in the air and wasn't in the bluestone, what did these red lines of lights represent?

When Mo Xiaobai was contemplating, the sky started to get darker and darker. He looked at the remnants of golden sunlight left on the horizon and hesitated.

Maybe he should go back and come again tomorrow?

If not, it would be dangerous at night.


Just as Mo Xiaobai was planning to leave, the shrill cry of a bird came from the depth of the mountains.

Mo Xiaobai looked up immediately in the direction of the screech. In the golden sky, a huge figure was flying towards him from the mountains far away.

Mo Xiaobai tensed up. He held his sword tightly and looked at the shadow with vigilance.

What was that?

As the shadow got near, Mo Xiaobai finally saw what it was.

He was shocked and in disbelief.

It was a grayish-black eagle with a wingspan of more than two meters.

Graystone eagle!

The elite grade magical beast of graystone hill. It was extremely powerful!

What made Mo Xiaobai even more astounded was that the graystone eagle was holding a graystone wolf in its claws. The graystone wolf wasn't much smaller than it.

That graystone wolf was different from the graystone wolf Mo Xiaobai had met in the past. There was graystone armor covering its back, forehead, and even limbs.

It was obviously more powerful than a normal graystone wolf.

It was an elite grade graystone wolf!

At this moment, the graystone eagle was holding the graystone wolf tightly with its claws. The graystone wolf's claws were also stabbed in the graystone eagle's neck. It was biting the graystone eagle's thigh with its sharp teeth.

The two powerful elite grade magical beasts seemed to be engaged in a deadly battle.

The graystone eagle struggled and wanted to throw the graystone wolf down. However, the graystone wolf was biting its thigh. If the eagle released its claws, the graystone wolf could pull it down.

Mo Xiaobai noticed that the graystone eagle's flying posture had already turned abnormal. It was flying aimlessly.


The graystone eagle cried once again. Mo Xiaobai could sense the agony in its screech.

As the graystone eagle continued flying nearer and nearer, the strength in its wings got weaker.

At the end, when the graystone eagle flew somewhere above Mo Xiaobai's head, it started convulsing and stopped flapping its wings. It dropped heavily from the sky.


The corpse of the graystone eagle and the graystone wolf landed right in front of Mo Xiaobai, directly on the bluestone that Mo Xiaobai was chopping.

The two magical beasts were already heavily injured, so after falling more than 10 meters from the sky, their bones broke instantly, and they died.

Then, the two magical beasts started shrinking, and green light shone around them.

This meant that exceptional items were going to separate out of their bodies.

Moreover, it was going to be elite grade exceptional items!

"???" Mo Xiaobai.

He looked at the graystone eagle and the graystone wolf that were separating out their exceptional ingredients currently. He still hadn't understood what happened.

He was just standing here, and treasures dropped from the sky?!

Also, it was elite-level exceptional ingredients?!

What kind of luck was this?

Mo Xiaobai's mind was filled with question marks. At this moment, he suddenly noticed that after the two elite grade magical beasts started separating out their exceptional ingredients, the lines of red lights started dispersing slowly.

His body tensed up. His eyes were wide open, and his breathing became faster!


Was this the treasure that the red light guided him to?!

How was that possible?

Mo Xiaobai stared at the red lights in the sky. He stared at them all the way until they turned white. The green light around the magical beasts had disappeared too. Only dried flesh was left as well as a few green-colored exceptional ingredients. There were a few first-rank crystal remnants too.

The graystone wolf gave him its skin that had the stone armor on it and two graystone wolf teeth.

The graystone eagle gave him a pair of sharp claws shimmering with gold light and eight gray feathers.

All of them had a green glow around them. They were all elite-level exceptional ingredients!

At the same time, the two magical beasts separated out 13 crystal remnants in total: seven from the graystone eagle and six from the graystone wolf.

Mo Xiaobai sighed softly. His heart was palpitating furiously in his chest. His chest was hurting a little because of it.

The lines of red light really meant the exceptional ingredients and the crystal remnants from the two magical beasts!

The effects of the lines of lights were greater than he imagined!

It could actually predict that these two magical beasts would die together a few minutes later?!

It seemed that this wasn't just as simple as looking for treasures.

The lines of red light could foresee good luck. He was able to see the current good luck and future good luck!

This was really…

Mo Xiaobai was extremely excited. For a moment, he didn't know how to describe his emotions.

The lines of lights were too powerful!


In the small forest a distance away, Mo You and Mu Yuzhu were a little angry when Mo Xiaobai didn't return to the base as the sky got darker.

When they heard the screech, the two of them raised their heads abruptly, and looked up at the sky.

Mu Yuzhu opened her eyes wide. "Graystone eagle?"

Mo You frowned slightly. "It seems to be holding a graystone wolf? They are both elite grade."

The two of them exchanged glances.

"However, both of them seem to be seriously injured."

"Let's wait and see."

After some time, the two of them saw the graystone eagle flying weakly towards Mo Xiaobai with the graystone wolf in its claws. Then, it landed directly above Mo Xiaobai.


The dull sound of the magical beasts slamming into the ground slammed right into their hearts too.

"???" Mo You.

"???" Mu Yuzhu.

They looked at the exceptional ingredients separated out from the graystone eagle and the graystone wolf. They were speechless.

After remaining silent for a moment, the corners of Mo You's twitched, and he said in frustration, "What the f**k! What kind of luck does this little brat have?! Exceptional ingredients falling into his lap?! Two elite grade magical beasts at once? I'm his father. Why don't I have such good luck?!"

He was flabbergasted.

Mu Yuzhu's beautiful face was filled with uncertainty too. "These two magical beasts will give him at least 100 crystal remnants… Did lady luck lay her eyes on our son?"

This luck was infuriating!