Shadow Dog Devil


At this moment, a thought flashed past Mo Xiaobai's mind. He had a guess.

When he thought of this probability, Mo Xiaobai's heart turned cold. His throat felt dry, and his mind went blank.

…That was impossible, right?

How could he be so unlucky?

Mo Xiaobai didn't have much time to think as he looked at the red and black intertwined lines of lights moving closer to him silently.

He forcefully suppressed the fear in his heart. A cold and vicious look flashed past his eyes.

When the lines of lights were around two meters away from him, his tense body suddenly started moving.

His heavy graystone sword appeared without any warning in his right hand. At the same time, the force in his force point surged out, and traveled to all parts of his body.

He took a step forward with his right leg.


Tiny cracks appeared on the quartzite floor. A low thud echoed in the small path.

Mo Xiaobai's expression was hideous as he grabbed his heavy sword with both hands, and instilled spiritual power in it.

Triple Slash!

A white glow surrounded the blade of the heavy graystone sword. The white glow shone three times in the night sky before slashing in the direction of the lines of light.




The sound of the blade cutting into the flesh three times was heard. Then, purple-black blood started seeping out of the air in three spots. It splattered on the quartzite ground and the walls.

At the same time, a ball of distorted black shadow appeared in thin air. A figure slowly started to form.

It was a black dog around 1.5 meters tall in withers.

The huge dog had dark black skin, and there was no fur on its body. It looked extremely smooth, and you could see its muscles bulging.

Its eyes were blood-red, and there was a sinister and evil glare shining in them. It was filled with strong evil intent.

On the dog's forehead, there was a spiral black horn around 10 centimeters long.

The instant he saw the huge dog, Mo Xiaobai's pupils constricted furiously. His muscles tensed up, and he clutched his heavy sword tightly as though he was facing a formidable opponent.

Indeed! It was a shadow dog devil!

What was this!?

How could there be devils here?!

Goosebumps appeared on Mo Xiaobai's head. He felt as though someone poured a bucket of ice water on him. His entire body was cold.

A devil actually appeared in their Pingxi Town?!


The shadow dog devil opened its mouth and gave a low howl. It revealed its yellowish sharp teeth. Thick saliva dripped from the corner of its mouth. Strong evil intent shimmered in its blood-red eyes as it glared at Mo Xiaobai intently. Rays of faint black light were shining around it.

Perspiration started dripping down Mo Xiaobai's forehead when he saw the shadow dog devil.

Devils were always the representation of fear. Even if this shadow dog devil was just the most common type of devil dog, it was still very strong.

This was the first time Mo Xiaobai met a devil, so his heart was pounding furiously.


At this moment, the shadow dog devil gave a low howl and pushed off the ground with its limbs. Then, it turned into a black shadow and pounced on Mo Xiaobai.

Its right paw cut through the night sky as it slashed at Mo Xiaobai's throat with its claws.

A strong wind could be felt. Mo Xiaobai's body was tense as he turned his waist, and raised the sword to block the paw.


The sharp claws of the devil collided with the heavy sword. The sound was ear-piercing.

Mo Xiaobai felt a huge force against the sword. His expression changed, and he retreated uncontrollably. Tiny cracks appeared on the ground where he stepped. He retreated for five steps before he stopped.

However, what shocked Mo Xiaobai was that after the shadow dog devil landed its strike, it actually stumbled when it stepped on the ground. It lost its balance and almost fell.

Also, the black lines of lights around the shadow dog devil slightly paled. They weren't as dark as before.

Mo Xiaobai was astounded. His eyes widened in surprise.

The shadow dog devil became weaker?

What happened?!

Then, Mo Xiaobai realized that there were three deep wounds on the shadow dog devil's right leg and right shoulder. They were so deep its bones could be seen.

Because of the attack a second ago, its wounds opened again, and purple-black blood flowed out of them. It flowed down its right leg and landed on the ground.

It was the Triple Slash!

Mo Xiaobai was pleasantly surprised.

The Triple Slash hurt it. It hurt the shadow dog devil quite badly!

In that case…

Mo Xiaobai squinted.

Did this mean that there was a chance he could kill this shadow dog devil?

He had a strong hunch that this shadow dog devil was the killer. There was a mission related to this fellow at the expedition association too!

As long as he killed it, he would be able to get a piece of elite grade force technique stone crystal and 500 crystal remnants!

Mo Xiaobai's heart started pounding furiously. When he looked at the shadow dog devil again, his gaze changed.

He wasn't completely hopeless!

Using the chance when the shadow dog devil wasn't attacking, Mo Xiaobai held the heavy sword in his right hand, and took out a bottle of red potion with his left hand. He opened the bottle single-handedly, and poured the potion down his throat.

The Strength Potion entered his stomach. Mo Xiaobai felt a strange power in his body. His physical strength increased by more than 10%.

Before he could feel happy, the shadow dog devil had stabilized itself, and started charging at him once again. This time, the shadow dog devil used its left paw.

There was a faint black light shining on its left paw's claws.

The sense of danger was more powerful than before. It caused the hairs on Mo Xiaobai's back to stand up.

He tensed his body and shouted in a low voice. His force surged through his body, and white light appeared around the heavy sword again.

Triple Slash!

Clang, clang, clang!

Three forceful slashes landed on the left paw of the shadow dog devil. Sparks were formed when they collided, dancing in the night sky.

Both Mo Xiaobai and the shadow dog devil took a few steps back. Mo Xiaobai stabilized himself, but the shadow dog devil staggered on its right leg, and lost its balance once again.

This was his chance!

Killing intent flashed past Mo Xiaobai's eyes. He bent his knees slightly, and charged at the devil. He turned into a flash of lingering shadows.

He held his sword with both hands, and raised it above his head. White light shimmered around the sword.

Triple Slash!

Three white rays of lights flashed in the night sky. The shadow dog devil howled, and wanted to evade them.

However, it lost its balance, so its actions became distorted and slow.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Three slashes landed heavily on the head of the shadow dog devil.

A huge wound appeared on the shadow dog devil's head. Fresh purple-black blood spurted out from the wound.


It gave a low and painful growl as its body slammed into the ground heavily.

It struggled a few times, and its limbs twitched a little before it lost its breath.

Mo Xiaobai looked at the shadow dog devil as the black lines around it disappeared slowly. He sighed slowly. There was still lingering fear in his eyes.

Luckily, he was able to see the lines of lights around this fellow. If not, he wouldn't know how he died.

The shadow dog devil had the ability to make itself invisible as it was a devil!

Without any force techniques to counter invisibility, it was extremely lucky that he was able to survive after meeting a shadow dog devil!

Anyway, he was here to look for treasure. Why did he meet such a dangerous devil?!

Mo Xiaobai was in a bad mood.

Suddenly, a faint blue light started shining on the corpse of the shadow dog devil.


Mo Xiaobai's eyes were wide open as he stared intently at the corpse of the shadow dog devil.