
The wait was long and torturous.

More and more students entered the cultivation stadium. The environment became messy and noisy.

There were only a few students from the same school as him in Mo Xiaobai's zone. However, he didn't know any of them.

He could only sit there quietly and wait for the test to start.

It was 1.20 pm now. A few people started entering the podium right at the end of the hall.

Mo Xiaobai looked at them. He noticed that the mayor of Pingxi Town, the head and deputy head of the Pingxi education ministry, and a few other government officials of Pingxi Town were present. Bu Bai was there too.

Behind them were the principals of the various secondary schools. The principal of Moonlight Secondary School was there too.

He was a fat elf with a beer belly. His hair was white, and there was an amiable smile on his face.

The higher authorities walked on the podium, and sat down on the chairs that were already prepared beforehand. They scanned the students below them, and started talking softly.

In front of the waiting area, some staff carried a black metal table over and placed it there.

There was a transparent crystal pillar placed on the metal table.

Mo Xiaobai looked at the other zones. Crystal pillars were being placed in front of the other zones too.

It was obvious that these crystal pillars were the devices used to test their cultivation.

After placing the metal table and the crystal pillar properly, two staff members from the Ministry of Education stood behind the crystal pillar.

For East Zone 1, there was a tall female elf with short black hair and a barbarian man with a muscular body.

The two of them stood behind the table and waited. They occasionally glanced at the students waiting in their area.

Very soon, it was 1.30 pm.

The head of the Ministry of Education stood up on the podium.

He was a refined middle-aged human wearing a pair of spectacles with no rims. His black hair was combed very tidily.

He cleared his throat, and said, "Test start!"

Although the voice of the head wasn't loud, it entered everyone's ears clearly.

After hearing the command from the head, the staff from the Ministry of Education started getting busy.

Mo Xiaobai heard the barbarian man reciting the identity number of a student.

"112817221, Mr. Wei Jun, please come forward for your test."

This was a student with many freckles on his face. He hurriedly stood up from his seat, and came in front of the long table with a nervous expression.

"Place your hand on the inspection pillar."

The barbarian man guided the student. Wei Jun placed his hand on the transparent pillar. He was very nervous, so his hand trembled slightly.

In an instant, a gentle white light appeared within the crystal pillar. The light slowly rose from the bottom.

After a few seconds, no changes occurred to the crystal pillar anymore. The white light filled up two-thirds of the pillar.

The barbarian man glanced at the pillar, and said, "Body Tempering seventh-tank."

The elf lady with black short hair lowered her head and recorded the reading.

The barbarian man smiled, and said, "Your test is finished. Please go back to your seat and wait."

Wei Jun nodded. He jogged his way back to his seat while looking at the floor.

The barbarian man continued calling for the next student.

The procedure was simple. Mo Xiaobai looked at the process for a while before looking down at his identification number.


He curled the corners of his lips upward. There were more than 300 people in front of him. Based on this pace, he needed to wait for three to four hours.

The test proceeded orderly.

On the podium, the town mayor, who had brown short hair with a receding hairline, looked down as the test proceeded properly. His cheeks were slightly sunken. He squinted, and smilingly said, "I wonder what the result of our Pingxi Town this year will be?"

The head of the Ministry of Education sternly said, "We increased the resources for our education system over the past few years. The results have been improving every year. We are slowly seeing the effects. I think that this year won't be an exception."

The mayor of Pingxi Town laughed. "Old Lu, your Ministry of Education has been working hard over the years."

Head Lu shook his head slightly. "This is our job."

The deputy head of the Ministry of Education was a middle-aged night spirit lady with wrinkles on her face and a pair of sharp eyes. She scanned the students below, and said, "I hope that Pingxi Town can be in the top 1000 this time."

The mayor nodded. "If that happens, we will get more resources next year."



Time passed slowly. More than an hour had passed.

Mo Xiaobai waited quietly at East Zone 1 for his turn.

More than 100 people had finished their test. Most of them were in the Body Tempering realm. Only one mermaid from Yuxin Secondary School was found to be a one force point first-rank Force Warrior.

When this lady finished her test, it caused quite a commotion in East Zone 1.

In Pingxi Town, you were considered a genius if you were able to become a Force Warrior before the university entrance exam.

At this moment, the barbarian man opened his mouth again, and called, "112817358, Mr. Li Yushu, please go for your test."

Mo Xiaobai looked up curiously when he heard Li Yushu's name. He was really bored all this while.

Li Yushu stood up from his seat and came in front of the inspection pillar with his head tilted upwards slightly.

The barbarian man glanced at Li Yushu. Before he could open his mouth, Li Yushu smiled arrogantly, and said, "Do I just have to place my hand on it?"

Then, he placed his hand on the crystal pillar.

In an instant, a glaring white light started shining in the pillar. The white lights filled up the entire transparent crystal pillar. Then, the white lights turned into rays of white circles.

The white light didn't disappear. Very soon, the second white circle formed. After a few seconds, the third white circle started congregating too. The third circle was fainter.

The higher authorities sitting on the podium were almost falling asleep due to boredom, but they all sat up straight now. They opened their eyes wide and looked at the East Zone 1.

The mayor of Pingxi Town excitedly said, "Li Yushu… is he the child of the Li Family?"

"I think so! One force point third-rank. This student is amazing."

Even the stern Head Lu gave a small smile. He nodded his head in satisfaction. "Indeed, he's not bad. If he passes his trial, he will be able to enter an institution within the top 30 to top 50!"

"Our Pingxi Town might really be able to get into the top 1000."

Many of the higher authorities started smiling.

The mayor of Pingxi Town remembered something, and turned to look at the scrawny old rabbit-man with a goatee. "Principal Yuan, this Li Yushu… is a student of your Stone Sun Secondary School, right?"

Principal Yuan lifted his hand and traced his goatee. His cheeks were rosy, and there was a proud smile on his face. "Yes, he's a student from my school."

Head Lu smiled. "It looks like the top student of this batch will come from your Stone Sun Secondary School again. Principal Yuan, you've rendered great service to the town."

"Haha, Head Lu, you're speaking too highly of me."

Principal Yuan was smiling so brightly his wrinkles all scrunched together.

A middle-aged barbarian man principal wore a forced smile, and said, "It looks like I have to congratulate you again."

He sounded a little unwilling.

After all, raising a top student was the merit of the school. As the principal, he would be rewarded.

For five consecutive years, this old fellow got the rewards. This year, it was most likely his again.

Who was able to handle this?

However, they didn't have a student who reached third-rank.

Hence, they couldn't do anything. They could only bear with it.


"Remember to treat us."



All the principals started congratulating Principal Yuan. However, the principal of Moonlight Secondary School was looking at Mo Xiaobai instead. The smile on his face got brighter.

He glanced at the elated Principal Yuan, and didn't say anything.

Among the higher authorities of Pingxi Town, Director Bu Bai of the expedition association and a middle-aged elf wearing a blue uniform with white patterns on it looked at Mo Xiaobai too. Then, they looked back at the high-spirited Principal Yuan. A strange smile appeared on their faces.

It looked like this old man didn't know about this monster from Moonlight Secondary School.

They really wanted to know how the other people would react when it was Mo Xiaobai's turn to take his test.

Both of them hoped to enjoy a good show.