Scary mother

"What is it?"

Lily stopped what she was doing and looked at her brother, waiting for him to start talking.

"Today, I finally found a clue where the rabbits are. I will trace them and bring them back to you tomorrow."

"Really! Finally! Father and mother, did you hear it? We won't starve anymore!"

Lily shouted in excitement while looking to the left and then right side.

Thomas felt uncomfortable when he saw how close those imaginary parents were. Couldn't they stay a few meters away from him?

After his sister calmed down, they laid down and were trying to fall asleep. For Lily, it was easy, but every time Thomas closed his eyes, the only thing he heard was 'It's my parting gift for you.' making him unable to fall asleep.'

The reason why he heard this voice so often was because he made his choice. Without eating, he won't be able to move in a couple of days. Nothing went as he expected since the plane crashed. Everything was against him. How could there be a jungle without animals? It was something he couldn't accept the most. If it's the only downside of this place, he wouldn't complain this much, but he couldn't see edible plants either.

He had only one source of food left.

The first thing Thomas did after sun raised was searching for a sharp part of the plane, then, he used leaves to clear it, and visited his mother's grave.

'You are urging me to do it. I can't help it. You are at fault.'

While Thomas was thinking to himself, he was getting closer to his mother's corpse. His whole body was trembling. When he got close enough to his mother's body, he bent with a sharp glass in his hand and started to search for a suitable body part to eat.

He was looking at his mother through his fingers while hearing her voice repeating the same thing as yesterday.

'It's my parting gift for you.'

'It's my parting gift for you.'


This time, the voice wasn't as dull as before. It was full of scorn. It sounded like it tried to humiliate Thomas, making it hard to bear.

Thomas looked at the body and started cutting his mother's abdomen. While doing it, he felt her stare at him, which made his heart cold. It was the worst moment in his life.

There was almost no blood since all of it already gathered close to the ground. After Thomas picked up the meat he and his sister would eat, he heard the voice in his head laugh louder than ever.

He couldn't help but try to cover his ears. He stopped himself since he didn't want to have his mother's flesh right beside his head.

He got back to the place where he and his sister spent most of the time. The young girl was still asleep while he started to gather the things he needed to make a fire.

By the time Lily woke up, their meal was ready. Thomas seemed to be absent-minded, but Lily couldn't care less. When she saw meat, she threw herself at it without waiting for her brother's agreement. Only after eating half of it by herself, she understood what she did.

Ashamed of herself, she turned to ask her brother and parents about what to eat.

Thomas didn't even bother to listen about what she was talking with herself, but one sentence caught his attention.

"Mother, why are you not eating? Look at dad! He will eat everything by himself if it goes on!"

Thomas felt chills running down his spine while listening to this, but the thing that his sister said after this made him even more terrified.

"Brother, you too! This rabbit is our mom's speciality! It taste's exactly the same as the previous one!"

When Thomas heard this, he froze. He said that he was going to hunt rabbits since it was the only animal that Thomas heard about since appearing on this island, but now, he started to link all the suspicious events together and a new theory appeared in his mind.

A theory that made him pale the moment he thought about it.

'First, a body with a few places cut off, then, rabbits that I couldn't find anywhere, and at the end, my mom's message. Don't tell me...'

He couldn't accept the fact that he could do something like this, so he started to search for clues that could make this theory impossible, but with every second of thinking, his face was paler. Now, he noticed that there were still a few gaps in his memory. There were a few times when he woke up in the morning and had no memories about what he did until the sun was high on the sky.

"Sister, eat here while I will take a walk, alright?"


Lily answered and then started to such on her fingers. She was full but leaving even leftovers would be a waste. She couldn't eat for so long, how could she do something like that.

While his younger sister was having a good time while eating her mother, Thomas was already a dozen meters away.

He lowered his head and was immersed in thinking and was still trying to find out what he did in the time he didn't remember. He couldn't believe the fact that he could eat someone.

He suddenly heard a rustle of the bushes just beside him to see what was the thing that made this noise.

After a few seconds of watching intensively, Thomas thought that it was only wind and decided to start walking again.

He didn't do even three steps when he heard a voice behind him.

It was his mother. This time, he heard from which direction the voice was coming, so he turned around and looked in its way.

He saw his mother's body slowly emerging from the bushes. At first, he saw only her deathly white face and her lifeless, wide-open eyes. She had a vicious smile on her face. Then, he saw her torso. She had a wound on her abdomen, from which, her guts were hanging.

Seeing her appear before him, Thomas immediately felt weak. It was the first time that this figure appeared before him. Until now, he only heard a voice in his head.

"Oh, my dear son, we meet again."

Thomas's mother was walking in his direction, with her arms wide, as if she wanted to hug him. Thomas was getting trying to get away while looking at his mom all the time, but finally, he hit a tree and wasn't able to get any further without turning around.

He was scared that something horrifying will happen if he stops observing all the moves of the monster before him.

"Oh, don't be scared! I'm your mother. I can tell you are hungry. Come here. I will give you a part of me."

The ghost before Thomas said in a tempting voice while playing with its guts.

"G-g-g Get away from me! You are dead!"

"Oh, of course, I'm dead. I'm not a monster like you, who ate human flesh and fed sister with the body of her mother."

Thomas's legs gave in, and he was now sitting under the tree, moving his arms as if trying to block the creature that was approaching him.

When his mother was only a few steps away, he closed his eyes and waited for the worst to come. Ten seconds passed, nothing happened. Thomas slowly opened his eyes, and there was nothing before him.

'An illusion?'

Thomas let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was only his imagination.

"I'm here!"

Just as he was about to get up and head back, he heard the same scary voice as always whispering into his ear. He turned to his right and saw his mother standing beside him, a little bent, and looking at him with her giant eyes.

He was so scared that he jumped away, stumbled, and fell.

"Remember son. There is nothing to eat except my body. Sooner or later, I will be with you wherever you go."

His mother started to dissipate into thin air leaving behind these words.

Thomas checked his surrounding, and when he finally saw that the monster resembling his mother truly disappeared, he got up and got back to his sister as quickly as possible.

He didn't want to be alone when there is something so scary around him.

He got back, and when he saw his sister, he finally got a while to rest.

Thomas sat comfortably on the ground and was watching as his sister was drawing in the soil again. She was looking in his direction once in a while and seemed to be curious about something.

After she did it a few times, Thomas couldn't bear it any longer and ask about it.

"Oh, I'm curious about what happened. Mom looks at you angrily since you came here. Did you do something to her?"