Training through System.

"Your name?" Alex asked the head maid.

"Alice Kramer, head of the Kramer Family."

Alex was surprised. The head was wearing a maid outfit?

"Miss Alice, could you please send me to my room? I am tired and would like to rest for a bit. We can talk after that."

"As you wish, young master."

Alice looked towards Robert, who took the hint and followed the other maids and butlers to their quarters. Meanwhile, Alice took the bag that he was carrying, and started to walk towards The room Alex was supposed to stay at.

Alex followed her, all while admiring the beauty of the halls that he was currently passing through. They had been decorated with all kinds of impressive-looking paintings and had a quite mature charm to them. Rather than looking like an ancient relic, the mansion was made to look like it was the perfect blend between class and history.

"This mansion is from the era of Rennaissance, the era in which people who loved to work in the shadows."

Alice started explaining more about the mansion, and the history of the Kramers. It turns out, his mother was a pretty big deal. She was on par, if not better than his father. Also, the Greatest Assassin from the Curran family, Chris Curran was responsible for inducting the Kramer family as a branch family.

Alex admired the history behind the family because he had been an orphan in his previous life. Although his current family was a bit biased, at least they existed.

"We have reached, young master. I have already arranged everything for you in this room, except for arranging the things in the bag. Do you want me to do that, or will you take care of it yourself?"

Alex took the bag, and said, "I'll do it myself. You can leave now."

Alice smiled. "There is an electric buzzer on the desk. If you need anything, press it. I'll be there at once."

After saying that, she left.

"Time to crash."

He jumped on his bed and instantly started snoring. Talking to people was hard work.

"Welcome back user."

Yeah. Two days ago, he found out that whenever he fell asleep, he was able to come to the white place referred to as the system space.

"Do you wish to know your stats?"


Alex was excited. He had held upon checking his stats because he wanted to be away from that emotional mess to start working on himself with full focus.

Alex Curran(Marlos Perez)

Assassin: level 1.



Knife skills Locked*(Rare)

Gun-wielding locked(Rare)


Controlled Breathing(Epic)


Fatigue(100/100) Decrease rate: 10 per 30 minutes.




(Earn new stats by training through the system)

Alex wasn't surprised. He should have 1 stat to agility and 1 to strength as a 7-year-old child. He was perplexed about one thing though. Only two stats?

"System, what about stamina, luck, charm, etc.?"

"User, you can attain these stats by simply training in the system space." The system replied.

"For example, endurance can be built up by training your physical body, Charm can be learnt by training in proper etiquette, and luck is a skill that builds up over time, depending on the influence of the environment that you thrive the most in."

"What to do to unlock the Locked skills?" He asked another question.

"Simple. Your current body can't apply these skills without first having some sort of muscle memory. You need to train your body, and adapt to this body as fast as you can."

"How do I train in here? My body won't improve would it?"

"User. I can revive a dead person and restore the body to its prime in less than the time it takes for you to blink. However, you need to do activities, both inside and outside the system space. What you do depends completely on your preferences. Read books, practice breathing techniques, learn footwork, engage in sparring, etc. You need to work hard. That is the only precondition."

The System replied.

Alex was overjoyed. He had never been a lazy person, so this was a boon for him.

"Now user, would you like to get the beginner rewards?"

Alex didn't quite understand. "What beginner rewards?"

"Just a gift for the user. However, this will be the last time you get something like this. You will have to exchange Action Points(AP) to exchange for things after this. Also, AP and exp are connected. 100 exp is needed to level up from one to two, and as you level up, the amount of exp needed to level up gets multiplied by 10 for every upcoming level. Every hundred exp gives you one AP and the shop will be available from level 2."

Alex nodded. It was easy to understand.

"Accept Beginner rewards?"


"Congratulations! The user receives a Unique skill, 'a fatal flaw.' Also, the user gets 10 concentration capsules."

A Fatal flaw(Class-exclusive skill)(Unique)

Proficiency Level zero:0/100

Able to make minute changes in muscle movement while attacking to change the trajectory of the attack, which leads to an illusion of safety for a split second. Attack fatal parts of a body while leading them to believe it's going to hit somewhere else entirely. However, increases fatigue by 50 at once. The amount of fatigue consumed decreases with an increase in proficiency level.

Concentration capsule(Consumable item)

Increases the rate of absorption of knowledge, as well as the rate of improvement. Does not stack. Duration depends on the amount of concentration the user carries.

Alex was speechless. This was too good!