Edvin Kemppainen.
Gender: Male
Nationality: Danish(Origin: Finland)
No known family.
Height: 6'2.
Weight( Subject to change): 210 pounds.(When lost contact).
Blood type: AB positive.
Former NATO Special forces chief. Defected around two years back by escaping arrest with sensitive information. Fluent in all major European languages, and a master at disguising himself. 20 known attempts at capture/elimination. All of them resulted in failures.
Wanted by 20 countries.
Added to the Collective's list.
A-class(S) mission.
A Caucasian man with a thick, well kempt mustache. Blue eyes and Brown Hair, along with a scar on the left side of his forehead.
This was the target. But here comes the problem.
There were 30 more images in the file, all of them different from each other. Subtle differences to change the entire perspective. In some of these images, he couldn't even see a shadow of the original person.
"Hmm. And we have his location?"
"Baghdad, Iraq."
Alex placed the file onto his table.
"Don't tell me. Is he with a terrorist organization?"
"Quite the opposite. He is working with the government."
International politics. A soup made up of large chunks of shit.
"And they intend to protect him with everything they have."
He has been a help to the Middle Eastern Regimes by providing them the details, extent, and the number of agents that are on the field at any given point of time. Within the last two months, as many as 200 agents were caught and executed due to his information.
"I have to kill him, and make it look like an accident. Is that right?"
She flashed a thumbs up. He looked back towards the file.
"What does the small S after A-class mean?"
"A pseudo S-c;lass mission. It's true worth is A, but the implications of failure could make it out to be a catastrophic event."
"If his death turns out to be a murder, is War inevitable?"
Making it seem like an accident would only lead to a more skeptical view of the situation. Abducting him is also not an option.
"As long as you want."
The rewards were low, risk was enormous, and the target was tough to get to.
"OK then. I need all the information you can get on the target and his hideout. Plus the entry and exit routes of the city, all important landmarks and government buildings, civilian housing plans and an ID of all of his neighbors. Satellite images, official maps, video footage of the area, anything you can get."
"So you have accepted this mission?"
"Of course."
She closed her eyes, turned around and walked away in a coquettish manner.
"I'll send them by afternoon."
He sat down on his chair and began to study the file more closely. It could probably be days before he comes up with a proper plan.
Nice, France.
A notification. Dima used his fingerprint to unlock his phone.
"Sender: Aglaya."
Mission details.(Alex.)
He took a sip of martini from his glass and tapped his finger onto the file.
"Not bad."
If he wasn't wrong, this mission had been assigned to an assassin from his family.
"I wonder what sort of Strings did she have to pull to get him this mission."
He took another sip. After reading through the entire file, he locked the phone once again.
A few minutes passed. His glass was almost empty. Suddenly, it dawned on him.
"Oh right!"
He unlocked his phone once again and dialed a number. After the calls started to ring, he put it on speaker.
"What do you want?"
To Dima, Liam was a rival that was still some ways way from himself. But out of everyone, he was the closest to him, and they both had a healthy give and take relationship after working with each other on many assignments.
"I have some info on Alex's next mission."
"Keep talking."
"Nah. I am on my vacation. An S-class mission really takes the wind out of a person."
Liam was gritting his teeth. Dima was obviously bragging.
"I'll send you the file. Remember to treat me to some exotic wine from the middle east next time."
He hung up.
"He gets angry way too easily. So much for being the calm and calculated one."
He sent the file and placed his phone back into his pocket. Enjoying the faint sunlight of the beach, he was decompressing.
A man passed by his chair, and immediately collapsed onto the sand, headfirst.
"Shit. Forgot to control my bloodlust."
He took a deep breath in, and the bloodlust disappeared.
While she was searching the database for all the information Alex wanted, a mail popped up in her inbox.
"An official request to partake in the A-class(S) mission."
"Sender, Liam Curran. Self-deadline, 3 days.
P.S- I'll be done with it before the next training camp mission is here."
She looked at her phone.
"Brother. You idiot."
There was a deadline now, and this could be seen as a direct challenge to Alex.
A display of arrogance to mock his capabilities.