7 Pits

We all know that most of us Arcana came across the rifts from either conquered worlds as refugees or rebelled troops.

my race were refugees, Alexander's mother and father are native Arcana, Arachnids were lab created and rebelled troops.

As for Dragons. they were created here by ancient elementals. you Alexander are most likely directly descended from The Elemental.


Yes The.

You Alexander have multiple elemental abilities and very fine tuned as well.

I only have 2 Auntie.

You can sense all of them though, yes?

Actually yes I think I do.

Alexander no other living elemental has your abilities. None.

Leticia also has a retro ability lost these last 5k years.

Arachnids were developed to not just receive nutrients amd energy from their food. They originally also incorporated their food DNA. Leticia has the original abilities. Including the original Optical camouflage.

Since you 2 started kissing Leticia has been absorbing DNA and energy from you.

Amy pipes up what about me Princess Felicia.

Oh you sweet Amy you can always find any family members and Alexander because you can feel their energies.

Amy don't even think about kissing my Alex.

See Leticia your desire for Alexander has grown even more than just the need to feed.

Even little Amy is drawn more towards you and Alexander than anyone else.

Leticia, Alexanders energies are unique and powerful it's actually not surprising that this generation their is so much changing.

Next lesson children does anyone know what the pits are. So aside from Mr

Moreno the secret is mostly intact.

Not just Arcana but this entire world for almost 30 years has been changing.

Original abilities and strange new.ones have been popping up in Arcana. Humans have practically exploded with witches.

where maybe 100 per year world wide is now several thousands with magical potential per year for almost 30 years.

then 25 years ago we noticed the rift seals cracking. after years of debating and setting up advanced treatisesnwe officially revealed to the world our existence.

now on our 4 major continental land masses going from pole to pole each north and south are considered 2 continents. so each of the 2 stripes have a rift in each hemisphere. Totaling 4 rifts.

as far as we know nothing in the Arctic and Antarctic continents.

we've created for lack of a better word a Pit. A kill zone around each rift approximately 10 miles in diameter. where 5% of all human and Arcana forces have assembled to fight any dimension travelers and invaders coming through.

Within the year we expect the rifts seals to be fully down.

and everyone in this room will be helping out fighting, supporting etc.

Our closest Pit is 500 miles north of your home.

Alexander your mom dad and Leticias family will be leaving for the northern rift.

Magnus will be at the southern one your sister and her mate will be at the northern one on their continent.

Any questions?