after 2 months of regular school just before graduation and I and Tish are training hard after school.
we're finishing up our evening training when it suddenly feels as if the whole world just heaves and a huge wave of energy can be felt coming towards us.
I immediately throw up a huge wall around our house as the fairies throw a shield over us as well.
A wave of corruption slammed against my wall and fairy shields. As I and 51 fairies try to keep everyone safe.
We wait till the next morning to check everything.
Now then the next morning we climb to the top of the wall and scan the surroundings.
Crap it looks like a flaming hurricane stormed through here.
The devastation almost makes you want to cry.
Fairies assemble.
Only the fairies can teleport home. The rest of us can only endure.
Since my Fairy grandmother won't abandon us all of her guards will have to go with us 500 miles to the main camp where our families are.
day 1 we raid moms horde for only needed items and get ready for our trek.
All of us that can have made interdimensionl storage which only leaves me out.
we spend day 2 making food and gathering anything that will hold water.
we can feel the corruption coming from the desolation left by the demons.
Yeah let's avoid as much as possible even though we have to trudge through it.
Day 3 we set off first we head out towards Tishs family residence.
we encounter several bands of hell hounds, centipedes, skeletons and the like.
We find everything destroyed when we reach the family house
Tish finds her families secret message stash. Mom little sister and brother are heading out like us.
The Moreno family are Assassins so their stealth is a good protection for them. I don't feel them anywhere so they probably left yesterday.
2 fertile females against roving bands of demons is not a good combination.
We follow web spot trail markers over the mountains.
since we all seem to be going the same way hopefully we'll draw some possible future attention off of them.
We use our Arcnet phones to record everything. We even real-time our fights and encounters.
early afternoon Tish starts to get excited. Web trip wires. we keep ourselves from rushing too much.
we have 53 in our party. They only have 2 we don't need to bring anymore demons on them because of us.
Tish says their camp should be right ahead of us.
we find a recently used and abandoned cave used last night. Tish recognizes her families 3 web signatures.
Ok good still alive this morning.
We've made a few hours on them.
Since I can make a cave anywhere let's continue for a bit.. 3 or so hours till sundown.
let's continue while we have light.
We actually hide more than attacking.
but have fun doing both.
We're all predators, raised by predators so fighting is in our makeup.
My Dragon heritage makes me also a greedy protector off my own. So Leticias family is one I'll protect and kill for instinctively.