Ch4.Living is hard.

After running around a bit I can't seem to find a water source or anything to eat!! 'Where do I find nuts anyway? Do they grow on trees or something?' I am currently running from tree to tree in search of food and water but I have found no luck so far. I know I probably don't need it as I can't die but this feeling of hunger is sooo uncomfortable! I have to eat something soon or I may have to try eating leaves, I really don't want to try that!

after running around for what I can only assume were hours, I have started to feel very tired. I don't think this body can keep going on any longer. I am out of breath and felling very weak from this hunger, 'I think I will just take a break for a little bit'.

While I lay on a branch at the top of a tree, I start to look around and think 'Wow I actually have pretty good eyesight! I wore glasses most of my previous life so this is really nice, but I am HUUUNGRY', what is the use in good eyesight when I can't even find any food! I have seen quite a few different animals around but nothing I can take on. If this hunger carries on I may have to eat a bug or something. Now that is something I want to avoid at all costs.

After catching my breath I started my search again and actually found something to eat, I remembered that Squirrels like to hide nuts away so I started searching in some tree grooves to try my luck and surprisingly I actually found some weird cube shaped nuts. Now you may ask how I know this is food? Well my body just somehow just knows, it's as if I have instincts that make my body react to certain things. For example previously a while ago I was going to try eating some berries I saw in a bush, but just when I was about to take a bite, my body started shaking and I instinctively backed away really fast. Based on my reaction I can only assume they were poisonous and, and even though I can't die I think it would be a bad idea to eat it. Poison can have many different affects I may not be immune to.

Now that I have eaten I think it is a good idea to get some sleep, It has been a long stressful day! So I have found a hollow in a tree trunk and curled up to fall asleep.

After I don't know how long I was rudely awoken by the loud noise of a screeching bird. I stretch out as I would after waking up just to realise that I am not in my bed? 'What??' I look around just to remember that I am a squirrel now. 'Oh shit it seems like everything is actually real!!' As I bring my attention to the screeching bird, I notice that it looks like a huge ass Woodpecker. It has a large beak, a smallish body with a large wingspan, it has a red and white colour scheme and blaring purple eyes. It seems that I have slept in its nest.

I suddenly have a great idea! Since I am immortal and I don't have to worry about dying, maybe I can test out my strength with this bird. I'm sure I will awaken my powers in battle or after I kill this noisy bird!

Well that's my train of thought, but I have never killed anything before in my life, well besides bugs but that doesn't count. I have no idea if I would even be able to kill something, 'Kind of pathetic seeing as it's kind of my job to destroy this world...'.

As I was having an inner dialogue with myself on the whole morals vs mission scenario. The woodpecker got annoyed and dove in for an attack. 'OWW fuck!' I internally scream as that woodpecker bites my ear and drags me out of the tree and flings me onto the ground.

"Squeeck!!" I yell out as I see blood flowing down from my ear, 'Fuck this stupid woodpecker, I'm definitely going to kill that fucker now!' I'm not worried about my wound as I assume it will heal with time, I just need to get ready to attack that damn bird when it comes down to attack again.

I ready my legs in position to pounce at any time as I keep my focus on the woodpecker. As it dives down to attack me I jump up in an attempt to land on its back. I could only think 'Shit that was a bad idea' as it just attacked my unguarded belly when I was in the air. Now I have a big gash on my stomach.

'Let's just try doge until I get the perfect opportunity to attack' I think as I don't let my eyes leave the woodpecker.

After trying multiple times, I can only say that I have failed miserably. I now have a lot of wounds all over my body of various severities. 'Fuck this is so hard! Don't protagonists always pick up this fighting thing super easy! Why am I so different!'. I have given up trying to fight that evil bird, and am now trying my best to escape. 'I will get my revenge, just you wait' I thought as I started sashing in a random direction.

After running away for what seems like hours the woodpecker has eventually given up on chasing me, 'I have finally gotten away, yes!! Now I just need to find a spot to sleep and let my immortality kick in.' I just hope my wounds heal soon because these hurt like hell!!

I am honestly too lazy to even find a new place to sleep so I just go lie down next to a random tree and fall asleep(unconscious). As I was sleeping without a worry in the world, I failed to notice something approaching me, and just then my body instinctively reacts, forcing me awake just fast enough for me to see a wild cat pouncing on me and pinning me down. 'What??' I reacted as the cat leaned down to start to finish me off. The only thing I could think of when I was dying again was 'WTF is happening, I am immortal, how can I die??' and that marked the end of my short life as a Squirrel.