Ch6.My experimental log of Immortality

Shit I died again… Well I am starting to get used to the whole death thing by now. For the last few weeks I have been experimenting with my immortality and exploring the world I have been sent to.

Let's start by explaining the results of a few of my experiments. I have only found out three conditions that are required for me to transfer bodies so far.

Firstly the body has to be male, I don't really understand this, but I assume it has to do with the compatibility between my soul and body. If I were to take over a female's body I won't be able to adapt to the inherent instincts that body holds.

Secondly I can't choose what body I transfer to, I will automatically be sent to the closest dead body. I don't know If I will be able to control this later, but at the moment I am forced to the closest dead body. I figured this out by placing a dead fish next to a dead caterpillar and then killing myself trying to focus on the fish, but I 'woke up' as the caterpillar since it was just barley closer to me.

Lastly the body has to be newly dead, It can't have died for more than a day. This was one of my most depressing discoveries! I found a half eaten body of a massive Tiger! It was as big as an elephant!! But unfortunately it had been dead for a long time so after I killed myself again I woke up as ant 'was a depressing experience'. I also no longer have any fear of dying, for some reason constantly being killed and committing suicide does not feel wrong to me anymore. Its kind of my way of life at the moment.

In the last few weeks of exploring this world I have had to overcome numerous trials, both mental and physical.

Mentally I have come to accept that I can no longer identify as being human, even though I am sure I will be able to acquire a human body later on, at the moment I don't think that is the best route. After living in the bodies of over 100 different animals, insects and fish, I have barely gotten past the inevitable identity crisis, accepting that I am just 'me'. Yeah I know, my first week was terrible.

I have been struggling to adapt to this new life of mine, it has been really hard!! I mean I had no idea how these different animals are supposed to survive, what predators they all have, how to avoid the territories of stronger beasts and what areas are really dangerous!

I have been through many different fights with many different creatures, I went through a period of complete madness and rage where I just went off trying to kill anything and everything around me ,and every time I died I would just carry on fighting with whatever was around me.

After my 'little' freak-out, I was able to finally accept reality. I really have been sent to this world, and If I want to keep my immortality, I will have to man up to destroy this world. Well that's what I tell myself but it's hard to even think about! I mean, I have just barely gotten over the whole killing animals thing, I think it will be really hard to kill a person. I think it is best to take it slowly I don't want to completely go mad.

Well anyway I have not been given any deadline, I will think about my 'mission' in a thousand years or something 'HAHAH I'm immortal!! So there is no time limit for me!!'

Anyway physically I have adapted to being able to eat pretty much anything. Having to live as different animals, I have had to eat grass, raw meat, insects and even mud!

I have become able to control my body to an unbelievable level. I have been gaining and adapting to the bodily instincts of many different animals, and I seem to be able to use the instincts of different animals in one body. As long as the body is at least similar, like a boar and a cat, since they both walk on 4 legs. I can somehow adapt the flexibility of a cat into the body of a boar, although I am limited by the actual body I am in. I am definitely better than a normal Boar would usually be.

Now let me tell you what I have discovered about the world I am in, I found a small village just outside of the forest. After sneaking into it as a wild cat, I tried to gain some information by listening to people's conversations. Unfortunately I can't understand a damn thing they say!!

The language of this world is very different to anything I have ever heard before. Spoken words seem to have a strange rhythm to them, kind of like they are singing and talking at the same time, but with no background music. Very strange.

Anyway I have given up learning anything from the people here. In time I will plan to gain the body of a baby and learn this world's language that way, but it will be a while before I do that. I first need to gain some sort of strength, and I have the perfect target to gain it from.

In the deeper parts of the forest, there are many magical and monstrous beasts, I know they are magical because I have seen a small monkey suddenly glow and become the size of a bear! The reason I haven't explored deeper or tried to gain one of their bodies just yet is because I needed to adapt to being an animal first.

Let me explain my nerd based thinking. From my observation different magical beasts have different abilities. Now if I take over their bodies I will only gain the bodies base instincts and still have to learn and master their abilities I will gain with that body. If I want to gain the best advantage out of those abilities and stand the chance of being able to use them in different bodies, I will need to completely understand them.

In order to do that I will need to stay alive long enough to master the various bodies. Now I think it is important that I don't overwhelm myself with too many random abilities 'More is not necessarily better', so I have to plan my next few magical lives very carefully. I have been thinking of the base abilities I will need to learn and master in order to adapt and grow powerful in this new world and they are...