Ch8.First ability.

I have tried multiple times to stalk this monkey and get within striking distance of him, without him noticing me , only to end in failure every time. I have decided to try a different approach. I have been in this tree for 3 days right now, just waiting for him to come back to this specific tree. I have noticed that he tends to use this specific tree at least once a week to restore his energy.

This has been the most boring experience I have ever had to endure, I have barely moved in a whole 3 days!! I have just been in a semi striking posture, waiting for that monkey to come lie down close to where I am hiding. Today has to be the day he comes, I honestly don't think I can do this anymore, It is taking every fiber of my being to not give up. After waiting for a few more minutes or hours, I honestly have no idea about the passing time anymore, I hear some noises in the distance, after waiting a while I finally see Mr. Monkey approaching the branch I am currently hiding on.

'YESSSSSS! Finally lets get this done!'

After the monkey looks around the branch nervously looking for any possible threats, I hold my breath, not daring to move an inch, trying the absolute best I can to not get noticed. As he starts to settle down and get comfortable, I stay still, I have to wait for the perfect moment, I will only get one opportunity at this. As he lies down and seems to fall asleep, I still wait, it's not the best time yet, I must stay patient.

After waiting for what seems like an eternity, he has finally fallen into a semi-deep sleep, now it is my time to strike, it's either now or never! So I go for it, I strike his exposed arm and immediately inject all my venom into his arm at once, after that I quickly wrap my body as tightly around his neck as I can.

He has woken up violently screeching and struggling to pull me off his neck, my venom has a paralytic effect but I don't know how effective it will be against a Magical Beast. He starts glowing trying to use his ability I assume, but I still don't let go. I have to end this now, so I bite down into his neck and start trying to tear it apart, I need to do as much damage as I can, and fast!

After some more struggling on his part and failing to use his ability, he slowly gives up resisting and goes limp.

'Yess!! I have done it!!!' Okay now is not the time to celebrate, I need to quickly take this body to a secluded spot and kill myself, so that I can take over his body. I bite down on his arm and slowly drag his body into a nearby bush. There I have placed a sharp spike that I previously made and dug into the ground. I will smash my head into the spike quickly, killing myself and hopefully this will let me take over the monkey's body with plenty of time to spare.

And finally my plan has succeeded, I have acquired my first Magical beasts body! I stand up quickly and look around, I still don't know how long it takes for me to take over another body, I assume it takes quite a long time, as 'it' has to first revive the body and cure the various problems that could have caused the death of the body I take over.

Anyway usually after I wake up in a new body I gain this crazy sense of hunger, I believe this is because in order for my body to be healed and revived, it requires a certain amount of energy. I don't completely understand how this really works, but I don't feel hungry at all in this new body! I just feel quite tired and want to have a quick nap. This must mean that for Magical Beasts, it uses a different energy to restore my body. I will investigate this at another time.

Right now I need to get some sleep, my body is telling me this is what I desperately need at the moment, and I have grown to listen to whatever my body tells me, it usually results in a good outcome. So I quickly find my way back to my little den in the outskirts of the Magical part of the forest. I have found a little hidden cave there and it is located right behind some thorn bushes and next to a stream.

I accidentally found this place after I woke up as a mole after one of my deaths. It had died after getting tangled in the thorn bushes, and I just happened to wake up as it, and I was facing the opening to this cave. After barely getting untangled from the thorn bush, I died again due to blood loss, but I had luckily been able to find this place again, and since then it has been the only safe spot for me in this forest.

After getting into my cave, I fell asleep straight away. When I woke up I felt the best I have ever felt before! It is hard to describe the feeling, the only way I can explain it would be, It feels like If I were to start running, every time I start to get tired I would instead get more energy. Very contradictory but that's how I feel at the moment. It's as if I have an inexhaustible amount of energy running through my veins and whatever I do, I will never get tired only more energized.

Now It's finally time to try out my ability!! This is going to be awesome! So I calm myself down trying to let myself give in to my instincts, while asking my body to grow. I don't know if this will work but understanding and utilizing the instincts of many different animals has given me some confidence in this approach.

And it worked!! I am currently glowing a faint yellow color as my body starts to grow, I am paying very close attention to my transformation as I want to learn as much as I can about this new mystical power I have gained.

As I am looking at myself starting to grow, I am fascinated by what is happening to me. As my body increases in size, it first appears partially transparent, it looks like my body turns into a faint yellow hologram first before it starts to enlarge in size. I have noticed inside my right pectoral muscles there seems to be a weird symbol glowing and sending out these yellow rays!!