Ch10.Five Years of hell.

"ROOOAAAAR!!!!!!" Fucking Finally! I have mastered the final ability I set out to get!! I am so tired of constantly living in this uncivilized jungle of fucking animals!!! I have had enough of this, I can finally talk to someone! 'Yess!!'.

I have been living like an animal for over 5 Fucking years!! This has been the hardest and most excruciating experience I have ever faced. I really don't want to remember some of the things I had to go through to survive long enough in each body, just so that I could continue to research the symbols and magical energy.

The Magical Beast I took over after my Monkey body was something I really needed, it took ages for me just to find a M-Beast that has an ability that will help with my comprehension and learning. I went for an ability like this as soon as possible, as I believed it would help me in understanding the strange symbols, Magical energy and even language much faster and much more efficiently.

After much searching and many near death experiences, I found my target, it was an Owl M-Beast. I only realized the type of ability the Owl had after I saw it observing various different M-Beasts and seemingly understanding them all. I always believed that Owl's where a symbol of knowledge and wisdom, turns out it is true. The Owl I took over was quite large, I would say it was about a meter in height, the colors of its feathers were different shades of royal blue, it's eyes and claws were a deep golden color and its beak was a lighter shade of gold. Quite the majestic beast if I were to say so myself.

The Symbol I comprehended from the Owl is, as I like to call it, the 'Greater Comprehension Symbol', and it does just that. After activation my eyes glow in light golden color and my surroundings become much clearer, I can pick up on specific body language of all different types of creatures around, I can then compare their body language to spoken language to learn what they are saying. I spent a few weeks in a human town to learn human language and gain a better understanding of the world I am in, but that is a discussion for another time.

By using this symbol I have gained a much better understanding of the workings of both magical energy and the symbols, and after a ton of trial and error, I was able to create a second symbol in my body. There are many limitations in this regard.

Firstly just having one symbol in my body, constantly uses up the magical energy in my body to maintain itself, even when I am not using it, so having a second symbol has a greater drain on the body and is only possible when I have more than enough magical energy to maintain both in a passive state, and still being able to activate at least one ability actively.

Another requirement is that the symbols need to be located in specific parts of my body and they cant be too close to each other, for example my 'Growth' symbol is located in my right chest muscle and my 'Greater comprehension' Symbol is located just behind my eyes in my Optic Nerve. So they don't conflict, but if I were to place any other rune in those places both the new symbol and the one that currently resides there would explode. Causing a certain amount of damage to my body.

The final requirement that I have discovered so far, is that each symbol only works if it is the correct part of my body. This is probably the most important requirement, as If I were to place my 'Growth' symbol on the left side of chest, it would seem there isn't much difference right? But if I were to do this, there are only 2 possible results. Firstly that symbol may not do anything at all, it would just constantly absorb my energy without giving me any benefit, the other possibility is that the rune reacts completely differently, for example it may cause my bones to start growing outside of my body or just increase the amount of eyes or flesh my body contains instead of increasing my overall size. This is because it is still a 'Growth' Symbol but it affects my body differently when it is located in different parts of me.

Discovering all these conditions was a very entertaining and painful learning experience, but it needed to be done in order for me to progress. After living as an Owl for a while I moved on to my next body, the Chameleon!

This was an obvious choice as Chameleons are best known for their ability to camouflage themselves. Now it is hard to describe what the Chameleon looked like as it never really had a set look, I can only say that it was quite small in size for a M-Beast, only around 25cm long.

This was the most relaxing body I had. The Symbol I gained from being a Chameleon was as you can guess, 'Camouflage'. But I was able to control the Camouflage to an extreme extent, this is basically a passive ability and I didn't really need to 'Activate' the Symbol in order to change my appearance, all I had to do was to 'want' to look different and I would immediately change. I could even change to appear as a different Lizard or reptile. It just only altered my appearance, not my size.

Now I would love to explain more about my life as a Chameleon, but I need to move onto my current body, I know I had first said that I needed five different bodies and 5 different abilities, but my current body is INSANE!! I am currently a Panther, but not a normal Panther, no I am a high tear beast (I assume). I look just like a regular Panther, just a lot darker, and every part of my body is pitch black, including my claws, teeth and eyes. I got really lucky in finding a half dead Panther cub one day, and even as a small cub, my instincts screamed at me to run for my life! This is a true Magical Beast!

Anyway I ignored my instincts and eventually took over the cub's body after launching a sneak attack. It was a hard battle but I eventually won. So I gained the best body the current me could have possibly asked for! From the Panthers body, I gained the 'Shadow Lord' Symbol.

This Symbol is so advanced that it has multiple functions even though it is just one Symbol. It has both a passive ability and a few different utilisations of the active ability.

The passive includes a natural stealth, where I can intuitively sense shadowy areas that will hide my presence and I can sneak around really easily.

The active ability is actually just a 'Shadow Dive' ability, where I create a separate 'Shadow Space' that I can sink into. But I don't know if it's due to my imagination or just having a ton of Anime knowledge, but I saw soooo much more usability in this ability. If I can create a shadow space that only I can access, then I can surely store things in that shadow world, and it will constantly travel around with me. Then if I can have my shadow space connect to more than one shadow then maybe I can travel through my shadow space, from one shadow to another.

There are obvious limitations to this ability, such as the need of an actual shadow to access and exit my shadow space. It also requires a large amount of magical energy to expand my shadow space, as soon as I create it, it will no longer require any Magical energy to maintain. However if I want to increase the size, I will have to constantly pump energy into it in order to expand it. This isn't so bad as it just requires a lot of time to get the space to a usable level, the real problem is that it requires a ton of energy just to have this symbol in my body.

The reason I am currently fine with it is because I am a High class Magical Beast, If I were a human, I don't even know how long it would take before I will be able to recreate this symbol.

Now that I have basically gained all the abilities I set out to get, It is time to finally gain a human body and start my first 'Official' life in this new world!!