Ch19.Set off!!

I am currently 9 years old, but nobody would be able to tell that as thanks to my 'Permanent Growth' Rune I am huge. I may have a baby face but that is the only way you would be able to tell my age, I am about 170cm(5.5ft), I have shaved my head bald to try and look more badass. I have also added one more tattoo to my body, a Beer Mug overflowing with Beer on my forearm, with my Breweries Name on the mug, but that's not all, I am super buff! I mean I have like hardcore bodybuilder muscles, and it is hard for me to even wear a T-shirt, so I just stick to my tank tops, further emphasizing my massive arms!.

This is due to multiple factors, firstly the 'Permanent Growth' Rune played an important role in enhancing my growth and strength, but I have also been working out everyday. I have progressively increasing the intensity of my training, I started with just bodyweight training, then I started adding weights to the different parts of my body while working out and have tried imitating numerous training methods I have seen in Anime, some were ridiculously hard but thanks to my Magical Energy I could train like a madman without having to worry about damaging my body.

I haven't done much combat training as I have experienced enough of that while I was living as various animals, what I have done instead, is to incorporate my animal instincts into my fighting style, particularly the Monkey and Panther, I have created my own savage beastlike fighting style.

Besides all that, I thanks to my 'Energy Gathering' Rune I have been able to expand my shadow space quite a lot and now it is large enough for me to fit in, so I have finally acquired my escape method, therefore it is now time to leave this town.

I must say I have come to quite like living in this town, but in order to progress it is necessary to leave, the closest Academy town is quite far away and it will take me about 6 months to get there, after that I will have to wait till the end of the year to try get into a Magic Academy.

I have been training a Manager for my Brewery the last few years so It will continue to operate, and in the future when I return there should be quite a lot of money for me to collect. I have packed all my possessions and money into my Shadow Space along with a lot of random things I may need during my trip. I have packed some tents, bedding, various survival utilities and some processed food, It can never hurt to be over prepared.

As I started walking towards the town exit gate I noticed a crowd already gathered there, it was Toim, Pam and some of the fellow drunks I have gotten to know over the last few years. As I approached a few of them started shouting, (P1)"Baaldie!! What has taken you so long!!",

(P2) "Ooooooi Rob Do you need a travel companion? I will join you if you supply me with unlimited Dop on the trip!!!".(P3) "Yea me too! I will never turn down free Alcohol!"

I have long gotten used to this rowdy crowd so I just snap back "Shut the fuck up, I don't share my Booze!!". After saying that I grin widely and walk up to them putting my arms around them saying "What have you guys brought me? You had better not have come to send me off empty handed."

They just laugh and each bring out a hip flask saying "Here is a shot to you becoming a Great Mage!! and we offer our condolences to all those who cross you!!" I just laugh too and bring out my own Flask "It's not much but there is no doubt I will become the best Mage out there!" It may seem weird to outsiders to see me drinking with Adults but this has become so normal to us at this moment I doubt they even remember that I am only 9 Years old. 'Oh well It's not like I will stop drinking just because I'm not old enough to...'.

After chatting to these guys a bit I walk past them towards Pam and Toim. Pam smiles at me then comes forward to give me a hug saying "Be careful out there Little Rob, it can be a very brutal place out there, just promise me if the whole Magic thing doesn't work out, you will come back. We will always be here for you."

I just hugged her back and only said "Thanks", I don't want to say too much more to her, she is just a really good person and has helped me out quite a lot in the last few years. I don't do the whole emotional shit, since that is just really not me, but at least I can semi-satisfy her this way.

Next was Toim, but he was lazy as ever, he even brought out a little stool to sit on, he just took a sip of his drink and said to me "Brat, you make some decent Alcohol, when you come back you better have some new ones to try." He didn't say anything more than that and just waited for me to leave as if he was impatient to get back to the bar.

He is the same as ever, He really only cares about alcohol, nothing else can make him move at all. I just nodded towards him and walked through the front gate, officially starting my journey.

I didn't get any other method of transport since I am faster than most horses that I can buy in this Town and I am going to look for a ride in the next town I pass, I am going to skip the small Towns similar to Stratos Town and run straight towards the closest Major town. I can't wait to actually see what this world is like!!