Ch25.Leaving - Part 2

In the building there are four smaller holding areas in which money is kept, one is the first floors' main conference room, this is where business is mainly done and it will be my last target as it probably has the least amount of money in it. It is also in an open space and is the most likely location to get caught. The other three locations are at different ends of the building, one in the center of the third floor in a luxury suite for high class clients, and then one on the right and left most corners of the second floor for people who want larger loans but aren't exactly valued clients.

I have a sequence that I must follow, I first entered the building through the leftmost window and then I will first move from the second floor left to right, after that I will go to the third floor one and only go back down to the first floor if I have enough time. After reaching my first location, I get as close to the door as possible and notice that the guard is fast asleep leaning against the door. I quickly activate my shadow space and slip into the room and look around, 'good there is nobody inside, just as I suspected'. I don't waste any time and put basically everything that could potentially be worth anything or store money into my shadow space, this includes a few cupboards, a desk, I also take all the paintings off the walls and any decorations that I can find; 'You never know if these may be worth anything'.

After that I quickly slip past the door and start making my way to the room at the right side of the second floor, as I was about a third of the way there my watch vibrates indicating that 5 minutes have gone by, 'Shit I need to move faster! . . . Ok calm down, calm down, don't rush, you don't want to make any stupid mistakes!' After calming myself down, I still sped up but I made sure to activate my 'Greater Comprehension' Rune so that I am more aware of my surroundings and ensure that I don't make a stupid mistake.

After reaching the second room and getting inside the same way I did the first, I repeated the process of grabbing everything that I could and just as I finished my Watch vibrated again, 'oh shit I am running out of time, I thought I would be able to do this faster, I didn't calculate the extra time it would cost me to do this as quiet as possible!'.

After finishing the second room, I realized there was not enough time to get to the stairs to reach the third floor so I had to take a risk and take a shortcut. I exited the building via the closest window and climbed up to the third floor, the reason I didn't want to do this is because there is only one window on the third floor and it is easy to spot someone climbing up a building even if I am being as stealthy as possible.

Luckily nobody noticed me and I have successfully made my way to the third floor, I quickly get to the center most room of the third floor and silently slip into it. This room looks very different to the previous two, mostly because it is filled with gold and is screaming 'I have money!!'. I quickly look around and grab everything I can.

After removing the last painting I notice that there is a safe hidden behind one of the paintings, I look at it to see how I can take it, but unfortunately it is connected to the wall and seems to have a type of Rune combination lock on it. As much as I want to risk it and just smash this thing out of the wall, I need to control myself. 'There is no need to be stupid, sure I can probably get this thing out of the wall and escape just fine, but what if there is a tracking spell on this or what if I trigger an alarm that wakes everyone up, that would be bad for various obvious reasons.' After giving that safe one last look I sigh as my Watch goes off for the final time and doesn't stop, 'Ok no need to be greedy there will be plenty more people to rob in the future, I have gotten enough for today.'

I still feel rather upset that I can't get that last safe, there is probably so much money in there. Since there is not enough time to loot the last location, I make a last minute decision to go to the small library on the third floor. The Library is not guarded at all so I get inside really easily 'I am sure Mr. Shark will have some really good books, I hope he has some books on magic!'. After entering the library I notice that it has a big round bookshelf in the center of the room, I quickly run up to it and shove as many books as I can into my space as fast as possible, after putting in the last book and basically filling up my Shadow Space I think it is time to get out of here and fast.

I quickly make my way out of that window and then back to my Hotel building. After quickly changing I make my way to the exit of the town, and nervously ride my bike onto the identity scanner, I really hope this doesn't pick up the things in my Shadow space or I am screwed… After waiting in the blinding light for a bit, the obviously annoyed and sleepy gate guard, not expecting or wanting to have to deal with people leaving the Town at this time of the morning just brushes past the report and waves me through.

After slowly exiting the gate I slowly make my way to the main road before pulling the throttle and Roaring off 'FUUUUUCK YEAH!!! That was a great success!! HAHAHAHA I wish I could see Mr. Sharks reaction when he finds out he has been robbed, I bet it will be hilarious!'


(I released an extra chapter today to make up for not releasing one on Monday. . . Anyway I hope you enjoyed and please let me know if anyone has any ideas about what kind of knowledge Rob can find in the Books he stole?)