Ch27.Academy City.

After arriving at Academy city I had about half a month before the tests started and you could tell, the whole city was filled with people, mostly young kids who dream of entering an Academy, well who am I to judge them that is technically what I am. Besides that there are many sites being set up all over the city, there are about 100 different areas that are covered in a large tent. Each tent is for a different academy and that is where all the tests are held.

After asking around a bit, I found out that I could buy a ranking book that lists all the academies, their ranking and what they are known for. After looking through the book, I crossed out all academies that specialize in long distance and mid range magic. For obvious reasons I highly doubt I will be accepted into those. After that I had about 28 left to choose from, the highest was Beast academy who ranked 9th overall, they specialize in the taming and rearing of magical beasts.

This will be my number 1 option as I think with my knowledge of magical beasts, I will have a definite advantage over most others. If I don't get into that one my next two options are number 46 and 73 Academies. Number 46 focuses on elementalising the body and harnessing the elements with your body. This includes creating golems and coating your body in the element basically becoming a golem or elemental yourself. With my shadow element and my powerful body I think I will fit in quite well here as well.

My last option, number 73, focuses on Rune creations, it is basically a crafting academy where you build magical equipment with the help of runes. This is really my last hope, the only reason I even considered this academy is because I will be able to learn a wide range of different runes, and this will be very helpful in improving my own internal Runes.

Other than those I didn't really see any that made me interested or even looked like they would accept me. So all my hopes basically ride on getting accepted into any of those academies.

While I wait for the entrance tests to start, I have been looking around town for somewhere to sell the wares I have gotten from Mr. Shark. I don't want any of these things to get linked back to me so I want to sell them to a shady pawn store or something like that. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any shop like that. I have even looked in the slum areas, which by the way, this city is filled with. I don't know if all the people that get rejected by the academies decide to stay here and waste their life away but yeah …

There is also the issue that most of these people don't have enough money to buy my wares and even though I have expanded my shadow space quite a bit and there is no critical need to sell these now, I would still like to get them out of my hands. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it will be possible.

Since I can't sell these for now I will just have to find the buyers myself. I may not be able to do it anytime soon but I am sure I can find some rich suckers to dump them on to when I enter an academy. With the backing of an academy I don't have to be too worried about being caught, as long as I act smart and don't sell anything that obviously links me to the crime, I should be fine. Besides after learning magic I will become much stronger than Mr.Shark, so no worries.

Since there are a lot of slum areas in this city, I will return to my old ways and just hijack one of the old abandoned houses in a 'dangerous' area and stay there while I wait for the tests to start. After looking around at the various areas and potential houses, I have noticed that in these areas there are no crazy house designs, it would seem that nobody has or even had enough money to ever design a fancy building here. I saw that there were a few of those buildings in the more well developed areas but not nearly as crazy as the ones I saw in Grawd Town.

Looking around for a bit I have settled on the building I will be staying in, It is a nice old school building made out of wood. It kind of looks like those old dojos you see in movies, and although it only has one floor, there is a nice outdoor area in the front that I can use for training while I wait for the tests to start. Although it has a ton of problems, like the broken fence surrounding it and a lot of the wood looks faded and some even rotting, this is the best place I have seen so far, and I want it.

The only problem is that there seems to be a local gang currently living here, but since I have decided that I want this house I will just have to kick these guys out.

I look up at the sky and see that it is starting to get dark, I hope this doesn't take too long, I could use a good sleep on a soft bed. I walk up to the front gate that is crooked and barely serves the purpose of a gate, I open it nicely and walk in making sure to close the gate behind me. As soon as I entered, all the gangsters that were hanging around the front, stopped what they were doing and all looked at me strangely. One guy with a bright red, bird shaped hairstyle, walked over to me and said, "Hey baby face! What are you doing here don't you know this is the headquarters of the Burning Fire gang!"

I just looked at him and gave him a big smile, showing all my teeth. I then said with great enthusiasm, "I like this house, so it is now mine! If you don't want to get hurt, I suggest you all get lost! HAHA".

After saying that I didn't even give them a chance to recover. I grabbed 'birdhead' by the face, stepped forward as I forced my weight downward, putting in all my strength as I tripped him with my right leg and slammed his head into the ground, Instantly knocking him out. I acted so fast and without warning that he didn't even have any time to react. After knocking him out the other 8 gangsters all got up and grabbed a weapon of sort, the biggest guy then shouted loudly, "What the fuck!! You have come to the wrong place to pick a fight, we are going to kill you!"

They then all calmly walked towards me with all sorts of weapons, mostly metal bats, knives or sharpened poles that look like cheap spears. I just got excited, 'Great, this looks like it will be a great fight!! I think I can completely let loose with these guys hahahaha .'