Ch29.Settling down.

The gang members all looked at their boss bleeding out, lying on the ground and then looked back at me, they then looked at each other and made some eye and hand signals before simultaneously bowing towards me saying "Boss!". I was a bit confused at this, but I really need to get some treatment so I just blew it off and said "Show me to the main bedroom, I am going to sleep."

Birdhead was awake by now and quickly walked up to me and said "Boss, if you would please follow me." He slowly stumbled through the house and showed me to the room, he then stepped aside and waited for me to enter. I looked at him and before I went in, I said to him, "Sort your old boss out, I don't want to see him in the morning."

He was visibly shaken by this and just responded by saying "Yes . . ."

I didn't pay any more attention to him and I entered the room before slipping straight into my shadow space, there is no way I trust these guys enough to sleep in this house while I am this injured… 'Fuck I overdid it this time, It will take a while to recover from this.'

After entering my Shadow Space, I quickly and efficiently smeared my whole body with medicinal paste that I have stocked up due to my many fights. I then wrapped my whole body with a bandage and lay down next to my bike and fell asleep.

After waking up I quickly changed my bandages, got changed and exited my Shadow Space, after looking around at the room I was supposed to stay in; all I can say is, 'Meh, it's alright . . . I guess it will be fine for the next couple weeks.' After walking out of the bedroom, I didn't see anyone around so I just started looking around the house. This could actually be a really nice place to liven in If a bit of work was put into fixing it up. There is a lot of open space and there are 10 rooms in total, with a large lounge area and two big bathrooms at the back.

After looking around the house for a while, I start to hear some action at the front of the house. I make my way towards the front of the house and see that there are a bunch of wounded gang members outside of the gate, along with some new faces who look worried and confused. I walk up to them while saying "What's up, did you do what I asked of you?".

A few of the guys in the front row flinch and nervously gulped before saying "Y-y-yes Boss, we disposed of him, and nobody will ever see him again. . ."

I looked at them sternly before laughing, "HAHAHA good job, come inside and we can chat some more." After saying that I walked inside and sat down on one of the old couches in the lounge and got comfy. After sitting down I took out some dried meat from my shadow space and started munching on that while I waited for all the gangsters to enter the room.

After they have all entered I say, "So what do you guys want?"

Birdhead is the first to respond, "No no no! We don't want anything Boss! We just need to be part of a gang to protect ourselves. If we don't have a strong Boss the other gangs will attack us and take away our territory".

I just looked at him, "So you want to use me. . .". I sat there silently for a little while just looking at them intensely. I could see them nervously shivering, but they didn't say anything since they didn't know how I would react.

I then sighed and said, "Fine, but I am only staying here for the next month or so until I get accepted into a Magical Academy. If you want to use me as a backing for that period it is fine, but I will only accept on two conditions, you will do everything I say and will provide me with enough food and booze to satisfy my appetite every day."

After saying that I lay back on the couch to observe their reactions, 'hahahaha it is so funny how shocked they seem to find out I am only 10 years old hahahaha.'

One of the 'unhurt' gang members nervously said, "B-boss you have to be a child to enter an academy, the requirement is being 10 years old."

I looked at him intensely and then burst into laughter "HAHAHA I know! I am only 10, well turning 10 soon but still HAHAHA. What do I look like an old man to you!!" They backed away in shock and I am sure a lot of them suddenly became very discontent at working for someone so young. I don't really care about what they think though, as long as they do what I tell them to do. After explaining a few things to them, we continued our little conversation as I set down some rules to prevent them from disturbing me and my training.

Other than that I picked Birdhead as my minion, he will also be my training partner and 'Experimental subject' as I plan to use him to get more familiar with magic.

I spent the next few days recovering from my wounds and going through some of the books I stole from Mr.Shark. Although I didn't find many books on magic, I did find a few detailing magic used by some magical beasts and a list of commonly used Runes. Other than that there were just some theoretical studies on becoming a Circle Mage and what barriers you need to pass in externalizing magic. After going through them I realized that a lot of the knowledge would be useless to me, as I can't actually 'cast' Magic and can only use Runes that affect my body.

Realizing this I decided I would run some experiments with Birdhead, when I first told him what I needed to do he was super excited for some reason. I honestly thought he would be nervous or even scared with what I wanted him to do, 'I guess I am underestimating the value of magic to these guys who don't have access to it at all.'

I first asked him to try and form the 'Energy Gathering' Rune naturally to see how most people start practicing magic. Unfortunately this was a failure, as he was probably too old to start practicing magic. This gave me an idea to have him learn magic in a similar method that I used on this body. It will take a while to find out how to get a magic tattoo to work, but I think I can figure it out. Especially with this little, super willing test subject I have here named Birdhead.