Ch40.Rune Choices.

As I start using the Machine, I decide to form the Runes in the order I intend to create them in. I concentrate on using the Rune Device and slowly start controlling the false magical Energy and manipulate it to form the first Rune, the 'Hard Body' Rune.

The 'Hard Body' Rune functions in a similar way to the 'Thick Skin' Rune, it just affects a wider range of the body. Instead of just enhancing the skins defense, it enhances the durability of the whole body. The downside of this is that it doesn't provide the same level of external physical resistance as the 'Thick Skin' Rune. The advantages are that, in exchange for pure physical resistance, it improves the defense of my bones, muscles, internal organs etc. Therefore I have decided that this Rune will be a better choice for me.

As I slowly form the 'Hard Body' Rune in the device, I make sure that every edge and all the curves of the Rune are sized and shaped perfectly so that no potential irregularities occur when actually forming this Rune. As I complete the creation of the Rune, Epolenet approaches with a different Rune Device and scans the 'Hard Body' Rune that I created. After looking at the results of the scan, she nods, and just says 'Proceed with the next one.'

I sigh, 'she never says when I have created the Rune was correctly . . .' anyway, the next Rune I am going to form is called the 'Toxic Adaption' Rune. This Rune basically allows my body to build up immunities and adapt to any type of poison or venom that enters my body. At first I wasn't so keen on choosing this Rune because I don't really see too much use with being able to slowly become immune to most poisonous substances out there. In my opinion, this would only really be useful if there were people out there trying to assassinate me, and although this will be likely to happen in the future due to the plans I have for my clan, it is not an urgent matter. I have also discovered a wide range of other ways to solve poisons.

I changed my mind and decided to go with this Rune because Epolenet said that it will also work at resisting the natural toxins my body creates, and since I am focusing on a new path of a Body Mage, I may very well need this Rune when I have progressed further along in my path of Magic. There is also the fact that I have certain ideas for alchemy in the future and I intend to test a few things out. If I can use myself as the test dummy, I can better understand the Alchemic properties without worrying about being adversely affected by possible poisons, as well as build up a strong poison resistance at the same time, so I figure that I may as well go for this Rune.

After forming that Rune and having Epolenet repeat the process of scanning the created Rune and telling me to proceed, I continue to create my other Runes.

The next Rune I formed was the 'Muscular Enhancement' Rune, this will serve the purpose of passively improving the strength of all my muscles. The greatest thing about this Rune is that it enhances my strength based on the amount of Magical energy I have in my body, it will therefore continuously improve my strength along with the enhancements to the quality and quantity of my Magical Energy as I progress further down the path of Magic.

Then I formed the 'Supple Bones' Rune, this is probably the most advanced Rune I have seen so far, and will probably be the hardest Rune to form in my body. That is the reason I have decided to form it ninth, since if it takes me too long to create I will have to settle with becoming a 9 Circle Mage. This Rune has both passive and active abilities, passively it increases the flexibility of my bones by making each bone in my body to function as if they were each a separate spine, with multiple smaller bones connected together.

It is very hard to explain the complexities of this Rune and even today, Mage Scholars are still trying to discover its intricacies. The active ability is only an idea that I have and believe will work, and with enough practice, I believe that I will be able to use the Rune to lengthen and shorten my bones, thus allowing me to essentially change my size at will. In theory, this should be possible, but this has yet to be proven as nobody has ever used this Rune to Physically change their own body like I am about to try.

And then the last Rune I have to internally create before forming my first Circle is the 'Tension Release' Rune, this will be the only Rune in my first circle that has an attack capability. The was this Rune works, is by allowing me to focus on a specific part of my body and then I can continuously build up tension in that part of my body for as long as I need and then when released, I will be able to explode forth with all that built-up power.

After completing the formation of all these Runes, Epolenet finally started to talk, "Ok the first three were correct, but the last two need some work. Here is where you went wrong ..."

After she finished explaining to me what I have done wrong with the last two Runes, she started explaining the locations in the body where the first three Runes form when a Mage first creates and absorbs that Rune into the Body. The 'Harden Body' Rune is located in the right side of the upper back muscles, it is intricately woven into the muscles so when I am ready to internally create it, I will need to be very careful in the creation process so that I don't accidently blow myself up.

The 'Toxic Adaption' Rune is located in the tongue, so this should be an easy one to create, I just need to make sure that I keep my mouth closed during the whole creation process and make sure that I don't move my tongue at all during the whole creation process. As if this Rune is even a millimeter off from where it is supposed to be located, it could completely change the way the rune works and I could end up poisoning myself to a variety of severities.

And lastly the 'Muscular Enhancement' Rune is located in my solar plexus and is a very tiny Rune to create, so slow and steady precision should be enough to create this Rune without too many difficulties.

After she finished with all the explanations, she then left the room and told me to continue practicing creating my Runes as well as my finite control over the Magical Energy within me. I personally think I am ready to start creating my next three Runes, I mean I had far less practice when I created my first five and I didn't encounter any serious problems with those… But if I want to continue getting her help for my next few Circles, I will have to listen to her. In the next five months I want to have completely formed the rest of my Runes and be ready to complete my first Circle. Now I know I may be rushing this step as most people take over one year to form their first Circle.

My Problem is that I have a Clan that I want to grow and I can't afford to waste an entire year before expanding my territory. My cage fighting events are already becoming too popular for me to sufficiently handle at the moment and I have had to expand the number of Clan members just to handle certain auxiliary procedures. This is only after 1 month, I hate to think what would happen in a year's time if I don't have the strength to protect my property and Clans benefits. I have halted a few of my plans and told my Clan members to slow down the expansion, but this will only help us tide things over for the next six months or so… Therefore I need to get this First Circle formed as soon as possible, so that I can have some peace of mind in being able to handle whatever comes my way.