Ch44. Senloki’s Place

After arriving at the Academy, I first stopped over at Senloki's house, from the outside his house looks just like a small block about the size of a public toilet. Once you step inside, you will immediately step into a downward flight of stairs, these will then will lead you to his actual house. His house is just a massive hall that is basically a huge Laboratory, it only has one small couch at the edge of the room where he sleeps. There aren't many other rooms besides some small necessary ones, mainly used to cook and other necessities, the rest of the space is filled up with a large variety of different Rune Devices as well other types of equipment.

I don't knock on his door and just let myself into his house, I do this because their is no way he will actually respond to anyone knocking on his door. Usually nobody dares to visit him since if anyone just walks into his lab without a good enough reason, they will automatically volunteer for one of his experiments whether they want to or not. When I first contacted him I knocked on his door for an entire day before I got pissed off and stormed inside. I luckily was able to get away from becoming his experiment by giving him some funds for his research as well as promising to do some menial tasks for him, such as buying some ingredients or even buying him some food when I come over to ask for his advise or help.

After entering his lab, I see him hunched over his desk with a few plants scattered over the table while he is looking at something else through a Magnifier Rune Device. I walk up to the desk and just stand in front of the table so that as soon as he lifts his head I will be in his line of sight. I know that it is absolutely a terrible idea to even attempt disturbing him while he is busy. After waiting for half an hour or so, Senloki finally lifts his head and as soon as he sees me, he jumps back in his chair and shouts "The Fuck Are You Doing Here You!"

I just smile awkwardly, 'He literally reacts the same way every time! It's starting to get old . . . also why does he have to emphasize the first letter of every word , I am sure he is capale of speaking properly...' I then reply "I just finished my first Circle but some weird things have happened, I am not sure if there was a problem with my creation process."

After taking a small break to see if he would reply, seeing as though it looks like he wants me to continue, I say "Firstly during the creation process, I have shrunk quite a bit. I believe this was due to the fact that I had to separate my 'Permanent Growth' Rune while creating my Circle, thus causing the changes it had on my body to start reverting."

"Then, after the completion of my Circle, I have noticed that my Runes have instantly affected my body in a way that I have not read about in any of the books. I just want to consult you on these changes, as well as see whether everything is fine and I can start experimenting with my Magic."

After going into some more detail on the actual changes my body has gone through, I finished my explanation and waited for him to respond. He looks at me while thinking for a while before he jumps up from a chair in an excited manner. He always acts like he is in a rush or but you can't tell his mood or what he is thinking since his facial expression is the same bland tired appearance as always.

He then runs to the side of his lab and grabs a few different Rune Devices and brings them back to me, before he started using one of them to scan my body by having it emit a dark green light that passes through me. He then pokes me with some weird tube like tool that injected me with what looks like some small metal Rune that started swimming through my blood stream before returning to the tube and filling it up with my blood. I have no idea what he has just done to me and I am a little annoyed that he hasn't even attempted to tell me what he is doing, and just going about running all these tests on me.

As I was just about to talk and ask him about what he is doing, he suddenly grabbed me by the arm and then with strength that would seem impossible for someone with a body as skinny as his, he dragged me into another Rune Device that looked like a large box. After throwing me into the box, he then shut the door and locked me inside. I was just about to start freaking out and attempt to break out of this box when I heard his voice coming from outside saying, "You Dare To Even Think About Damaging This Device, I Will Use You For All Of My Experiments For the Next 6 Years, You!"

I flinched as he said that and calmed myself down, I know he can't actually do anything bad to me and it was me that asked me for his help in the first place. I wished he would seriously just talk more and add some more explanations on what he is actually doing. 'Sigh, let's just get this over with, why do all the Professors here have to be so damn weird!!'

After a few minutes, Senloki opened the door, walked away and then started looking at something in his hand, he then just nodded and said, "Due To The Way You Created Your Runes, Your Runes Have Had Subtle Changes Since They Have Not Been Exposed To Any External Environments. This Has Resulted In The Runes Acting Like A Magic Spell After Creation And Thus Have Automatically Affected Your Body Instead Of Creating a Balance Between Themselves which Is What Should have Happened…. You."

He then went on to explaining that there is nothing wrong with my first Circle and that the impact they had on my body was just because I seem to be using a different magic system to the norm. He then proceeded on saying that these types of body modifications weren't his specialty and that most mages would never even think of wasting their Runes by creating them in the way that I have Since Runes that affect the body are seen as useless as in the later stages of Magic, Mages are able to get similar effects through certain operations done to their bodies. He told me that if I want to find out more about these things, I should go visit Ylaric and that in the future I shouldn't bother him about these subjects.

I immediately shivered at the mention of Ylaric, it's not that I have anything against the person, it's just that I have no idea how to handle Ylaric. I have no clue on Ylaric's wants or needs and I am still figuring out on the best way to bribe him/her. I know that I will need to figure that out in the future, but for now I am satisfied with knowing that nothing is wrong with my Circle, and I can start running my own experiments to find out exactly what has changed now that I am a Circle 1 Mage.

After leaving Senloki's house, I have considered going to Epolenet in order to get another checkup, but then I realized that she will probably just tell me the same thing as Senloki and although she is an expert on Runes, I don't think she will know much more about my unique situation than any other professor.

I sigh and then make my way back to my house, I need to start preparing for tomorrow's deathmatch. I can't have this going wrong, although there aren't any strictly enforced laws in this city, there are definitely Rules that have to be followed or else you will be hunted down. I have been walking on the edge of these rules for a while now, but running a deathmatch is definitely pushing my luck.

One problem I have to deal with is that the news about my deathmatch will definitely get out, either through the fighters or the audience. I need to accept the fact that people will most likely find out about the inevitably gruesome scene soon enough. I need to set up some plans to first, lessen the amount of information that is going out as well as to have some explanations and plans in the unlikely event that the Nobel who rules this City decides to pay attention to little old me… I don't have enough money or connections to bribe them yet, but I definitely have some ideas on how to get past some of these 'Rules', I just hope my plans work.