Ch46.Death Match

The time has arrived for the death match event, I have managed to sort out all the specifics and am currently sitting in my own personal booth overlooking the arena. I watch as the the guests start to arrive, you can see some of them looking around with interest while sometimes you will see a group of young teens being led by one of their friends, one our previous VIP's, who is excitedly showing their friends around while pointing to the ring and the VIP booths and explaining what usually happens.

As they arrive, the guests present their ticket to my clan members who are waiting at the various hidden entrances, they will then enter the tunnels that lead to the arena and once they arrive, they will then be guided to their booths. The booths can hold around about 15 people each and there are 12 of them surrounding the Arena. Unusually these people will each get their own private booth as there have been very few VIP's able to afford my tickets that range from 1 to 15 Gold a ticket, depending on the level of VIP they want. However this time each of our previous VIP's invited quite a few guests that included their friends and family members. Therefore some people who are in smaller groups will have to share a booth with other smaller groups or singular VIP's.

As soon as the guests arrive at their booths, my clan members dedicated to serving the guests, the waiters, will then start saying the prepared speech that has been written up for them to explain the arena's services and various facilities.

Today they will open by saying, "Good day dear guests, today is a special event so we have specially acquired some exclusive and high quality wine. This wine is very strong and only has a limited quantity so it will be the only alcoholic beverage that we wont be supplying for free. This drink is called 'Dop Wine' and requires a certain process before being presented and drunk, therefore if you are able to appreciate high quality wines, I suggest you order soon so that it will be ready by the time the main event starts."

They would then start explaining more about the events happening tonight while stealthily provoking the guests and suggesting that they won't be able to handle the wine. This will hopefully result in the guests, spending the ridiculously high price of 5 gold per bottle to buy at least one jug of wine. After this, they will start explaining about the person participating in the death match. The waiters were told to inform the guests that he provoked us by committing numerous atrocities, such as attacking an innocent civilian and destroying various shops. He would be painted in a terrible light, justifying what is about to happen to him in the arena.

Then the waiter would continue by saying that we have 10 fighters prepared to go into the cage and bring 'justice' to this terrible man. It was also explained that we are so generous and that he can gain his freedom simply by surviving these 10 matches. Then came the fun part about explaining that they could place bets on what round they think he will last against my fighters. Bets can't be changed but any amount of bets can be placed, even if they want to bet on every round. I obviously have a few failsafe's in place in case they bet too high and I can't handle that bets payout. I have made sure that the house always wins, even if I have to cheat. As long as there is no proof on cheating and it isn't obvious, then as long as my audience has fun, there wont be a problem.

After everyone has arrived and has been seated, I comfortable sat back in my couch and watch as Trenada walks onto the arena and grabs a basic Rune device that has the same functionality as a microphone, just more advanced in my opinion. Trenada then speaks into the microphone with his usual overwhelming enthusiasm.

"HELLLLO Ladies and Gentlemen! I hope you are all comfortable!! We have an exciting night ahead of us, we will be starting with six non lethal warm up matches. THEESE matches will be between our best fighters and we will be holding a mini tournament between them tonight!!! The first fights will be elimination based matches leading up to two final fighters that will then compete in the final match of the night. The losers will have to fight in tonight's main event!!!"

He then shouts in an even more excited tone before the crowd has a chance to respond, "The eight losers will be the ones who will then be fighting in today's deathmatch against R-ROOOYY!! If our challenger somehow manages to beat our eight losers, then he will have to face two more hidden fighters that have yet to appear in an arena fight before!! SOOO let's hope this Mr Rooyy survives so that we can see the glorious debut matches of two rookies in a deathmatch no less!!!"

There is no large crowd surrounding the cage tonight, so the reaction to his introduction was quite dull, as the VIP's only showed their reaction to the others in their own booth.

After that the first few matches started, these were just a warmup, so there wasn't anything much different about them compared to the fights that happen every Friday. The only real difference was the tournament format, as well as that there there was a much larger prize for the winner so most of the fighters were quite a bit more crazy than usual.

Now it is almost time for the deathmatch to start, you could see that the losers in the previous fights were actually looking forward to the deathmatch as they were promised one wish if they managed to kill the punk. This 'wish' is just a fancy way of saying we will sort out all of their promises or make them rich, we obviously couldn't actually grant any wish.

As the deathmatch was about to begin, I signaled the waiters to take the Dop Wine into the various guest booths. The way I prepared this alcohol, is each order was granted a small clay jug that resembles a small teapot that was more straight and held about 120ml of the wine. During the tournament I had these clay jugs warmed using a temperate fire lit using an ignition Rune. I then had the waiters enter the booth with them on a silver platter, and had them say, "Here is the Dop Wine, they have been warmed to the optimal temperature so be sure to slowly sip this drink as it is very high in both quality and alcohol, so it is absolutely not a downing drink."

What was funny was that after the guests started drinking the wine, most of them showed quite a funny face, they had to try really hard not to show that they didn't like the taste. The surprising this was that there were actually quite a few of the older men who thoroughly enjoyed it and couldn't stop praising the alcohol and asking if they could buy some more to take home.

I honestly didn't expect that, but I did expect some people trying to show off and try to show off by buying some take home and use as gifts or something so I had my waiters say, "Yes sir, unfortunately this Wine is limited in the quantity available and we can only sell two jugs per customer. Another batch will be ready at the end of the year so you may order some for then if you wish. Unfortunately due to the complicated brewing process we are only able to create a limited quantity every year, so first come first serve with regard to orders. "

The waiters would then slip the people who don't look like they are enjoying the wine a note that read, 'The best way to drink this wine is to take small sips and leave the wine in your mouth until it cools down'.

I discovered that this way will lessen the bitterness and allow the my VIP guests to appear as if they are actually enjoying the wine and thus they will keep drinking, inevitably becoming drunk enough to start enjoying it, buying more and wasting more money by placing irresponsible drunk bets.

After making sure my VIP's were on the road to becoming very drunk, I signaled the start of the Death Match. This match turned out quite surprising honestly, the little punk Rooyy somehow managed to beat three of my fighters. He wasn't a great fighter but by using every means he could think of to conserve energy and survive longer, including using as many 'dirty' moves as he could think of. Unfortunately for him, my fighters were already quite used to these moves and by the time the fourth fighter got in the cage, Rooyy was dead tired since he only got a ten minute break between each fight, since I couldn't make my guests wait too long, therefore he was easily taken out.

What was surprising however was that the fourth fighter had a savage grin on his face as he gouged Rooyy's eyeballs out and then bit into his neck as he tried to physically rip his head off. After biting and ripping for a while and realizing he wouldn't be able to accomplish this. He just dropped Rooyy onto the ground and then positioned him in a crouching manner. Rooyy was losing consciousness at this moment and struggling to crawl as his face and neck was bleeding terribly, he was using the last bits of his energy to desperately continue his struggle as he cried out of his eyeless sockets. That was when this fighter climbed to the top of the cage and dropped down kneeing Rooyy in the neck, breaking his neck in the process and winning the fight in a spectacular manner!

He then got up and shouted in victory while he had his opponents blood dripping out of his mouth while he looked maniacal and truly happy that he won! 'Sigh this is what happens to desperate people when they have no more options left. I like this guy though and I think I will add him to my clan. There are definitely uses for a crazy guy like this.'