Ch49.Expansion - Part 3

Along with the Carriages following me, I first passed my house to pick Nafets up, as I arrived, I saw Nafets standing outside my house while carrying a ridiculously large metal beer mug. The mugs handle was crossed over his chest and the Mug looked like a large backpack as it was 'strapped' to his back. As soon as he saw us arrive, he frowned and said " Burp* You have help! Why you need me! I was .. Burp* .. Busy testing with a new brew .."

I grinned and said in a sarcastic tone, "What? I thought you would be excited to see your new house, I guess I will have to give it to someone else then. . ."

After that Nafets snapped at me and said, "Why do I need home? I have Brew! Anyway let's go get this done, need to get back to testing new Brew . .Burp*"

After that I sighed, 'This guy literally only has one thing on his mind, and that is drinking, well whatever, it's not like I was expecting any gratitude from giving him the house as I will be having him manage that territory for me'.

I then just snapped and said, "Whatever just get on! AND Birdhead! As soon as we enter Borties territory, you can move out and start capturing and taking control of his territory! You know the plan, now Let's GO!"

After picking Nafets up, we all quickly traveled to Borties house, as we approached I turned on the roaring sound of my bike and adjusted the lighting to make my bike seem more intimidating. I am not sure if I accomplished this successfully, but I think it looks cool, who cares about what the others think.

As we arrived, I saw that Bortie had gathered up a large crowd of people in front of his house and was talking to them. I assume he was trying to get information on who attacked him and was getting ready to retaliate. Luckily I didn't wait a few days before personally trying to beat him again. My current actions may be seen as cowardly, but I don't really care, I have never pretended to be a 'good guy'. I mean considering what I have to do to this world, I will most likely, in the future, be seen as an unbelievably evil abomination of sorts. Well neverminded that for now, all of that is for a much later time. Right now I am just going to enjoy life while learning as much as possible about Magic and this world.

As Bortie and his crowd heard my Bikes roaring, they looked up and saw me along with a crowd of carriages behind me, that was when I finally saw a change of expression on his face for the first time. I just laughed at his contorted and shocked face and Shouted, "That skinny guy in the middle with the short beard and white hair is Bortie, whoever wants to get paid better take him down fast, as only one person is getting that 100 Gold!"

As soon as I said that, the students behind me all scrambled off their carriages and rushed towards Bortie, competing to be the first person to take him down. Borties reaction was surprisingly quick, as soon as he noticed me he had already started creating his defensive water stream Magic. After that he then saw people rushing at his so he immediately started launching beams of water at the students attacking him.

Unfortunately for him, all of the students are experienced fighters as almost every day, they get into some type of fight at the academy, so as soon as they noticed a beam of water shooting towards them, they reacted.

One student with spiky green hair, started glowing as a large Magic Circle with eight interlocking Runes appearing at his back, the Circle then started rapidly spinning, creating a ball of rotating wind that surrounded him, deflecting all the water bullets heading towards him, in random directions, resulting in them hitting some of Borties gangsters as well as some being deflected in the direction of other students.

The other students started cursing at him and saying things like, "Spike I am going to kick your ass after this is done", or "Fucking stop being inconsiderate Spike!", besides cursesing, they mostly ignored the extra hits as they were dealt with in the same way as Borties attacks headed in their direction.

One of the students with long red hair that flowed like a Mane, started gathering Magical energy towards her mouth before Screaming in Borties direction, thus when a Magic Circle appeared in front of her mouth, it amplified the scream and created shockwaves in every direction, causing an unnecessary amount of damage to everything besides Bortie.

That was when a few other attacks all started flying in Borties direction, some were elemental attacks while others used Magical Energy to form a variety of different effects, such as shockwaves, Energy weapons, explosions and some even started causing the ground to vibrate and made standing very difficult.

During the chaos, that these students were causing, I was comfortably watching with complete shock as these students just kept firing different magics while being completely oblivious to their surroundings, going so far as to even attack their fellow students when they got annoyed or weren't paying attention. While I was watching all this going on, Nafets was looking at Borties house while mumbling something about turning that fountain into a Beer fountain and being able to swim in alcohol.

That was when I noticed that Nafets started getting mad as he watched all the damage being done to the property, his face then started becoming bright red before he grabbed his huge beer mug off his back and briskly walked towards the back of the battlefield. As he was walking, the beer mug started expanding at an incredible rate, only stopping after becoming as large as a small car, that was when he started slamming the mug into every attack that was about to hit the house. Bortie noticed Nafets approaching him from behind, he was panting loudly, constantly blocking a variety of attacks that were heading his way while desperately trying to retaliate.

His defense was impressive to say the least as he was successfully able to block most attacks, while only some very fast elemental attacks made it past his water streams. He was only able to hold on until now because he was using the tear Rune Device to refill his Magical Energy, and kept strengthening his water stream defensive Magic.

As Bortie saw that Nafets was about to reach him, he pointed towards Nafets while creating a large Magic Circle and shot out a large Beam of pressurized water towards Nafets. Nafets just positioned his mug so that the opening is facing the Water beam, and as the water hit the mug, it was absorbed into the mug and just disappeared within. Nafets then continued to walk towards Bortie as he kept absorbing all the water blasts into his mug.

As soon as he got into arms distance of Bortie, he lifted the mug up and slammed it down on top of him, trapping him within the mug. As soon as Nafets lifted it back up, Borties Defensive Magic Circle was cancelled and he was wide open for all the attacks that were already heading his way from the other students. As they hit him he was blasted away as his clothes ripped, burned and multiple cuts and injuries showed up on his body as he started excessively bleeding, he passed out. Nafets then grinned widely as he started expecting his new house, completely ignoring the fact that he stated that he wasn't interested in moving out of the brewery and that he completely dominated someone who I was barely able to scratch.

'What the fuck was that!! I thought he was weak since he lost every fight he got into in the academy by throwing up on all his opponents! I will have to talk to him after this, if I knew he was able to completely negate all of Borties attacks, I wouldn't have wasted all that money on hiring these students!!! Fuck!!'

I then looked at the students who had crowded around Bortie and started arguing on who landed the last hit, I just sighed, 'this is going to be annoying . . .'

I then walked towards them and said, "I wasn't able to see who landed the last hit since everyone seemed to hit him at the same time, therefore, you guys can decide to either each take 35 Gold or determine amongst yourselves, who gets the 100 Gold, everyone else will be getting 20 Gold each as compensation. "

I then walked away as they started fighting and arguing amongst themselves, I don't have the energy to deal with them now, I have too much work to do. I need to quickly check in on my Clan members progress with the territory takeover as well as chat to our new clan member on his first task.