Ch59.Opening night.

So Oga has unsurprisingly pulled through for me, he managed to create a few different versions of the needed drugs for me, just enough for my nightclubs opening night. I then instructed him to start working on a way to mass produce the next few batches. What he has already created during him mass production trials should be enough for a few thousand people. This will hopefully catch on and allow me to deplete most of this stock within my first few clubbing events, thus creating some much needed capital for me.

I have recently been running a bit low with regard to my funds as I have just had too many things to buy and pay for lately. It will be fine though, as soon as I get past this stage, I will be able to start preparing for my second mini expansion while I beef up my own personal strength.

After Oga created those few variations, he had gone a bit crazy at the marvelous discovery of 'drugs', he has become so obsessed with discovering any euphoric substances that he has started a large number of 'experiments', he says that he has to discover and master everything that could potentially create a high. After explaining all of my minimal knowledge to him, he has quickly mastered it, has started his own projects and then has vowed to create drugs that are actually beneficial while still producing the needed effects.

I have assigned him one more task so that he doesn't put all of his focus into 'high' drugs and aims towards a much broader category, he is currently in research on a type of super steroid. I need to buff up my clans base strength, so I believe that steroids will be greatly beneficial for my current clan at the moment, allowing a sudden surge in strength while still being somewhat affordable.

The time has finally arrived for me to launch my own nightclub, this has been a goal of mine for almost an entire year now, I desperately need this to be successful, therefore, for the last two weeks, I have been using every connection that I have managed to acquire using both my cage fighting events as well as Nafets various bars.

I have paid special attention to make connections with multiple rich degenerates and have made sure that they became reliant on my products, both my 'special' bars, my 'exciting' cage fights, my 'exclusive' alcohol as well as the certain privileges that allow them to show off their own status and power when they ask me to.

I have often specifically organized certain occurrences to boost these young masters status, such as 'saving a damsel in distress' or standing up against thugs and so on, the list is quite long.

These actions have not only boosted their reputation among their friends, but also within their family as everything they do is often monitored by the powerful families bodyguards. Although their families most likely know of my existence, they tend to believe that I have been employed by their kid and not the truth of the matter, where it is actually me using these guys in my long term plans.

Anyway I am getting sidetracked again, I have invited many of these 'young masters', given each of them many extra tickets to invite their friends or important individuals to this 'exclusive' event. I have made sure to emphasize that this nightclub is only for wealthy and influential individuals and that there is no place for anyone 'common'.

I have made a ridiculous amount of preparations for this event, going so far as to . . . sigh . . . contact our Body Modification Professor, Ylaric. I feel very uncomfortable when I am around him as his voice is completely monotone and I just can't get a grasp on him at all. Unfortunately, despite doing extensive reading and research into the field of body modification and Magic experiments, I was not able to figure out how to complete any of my own ideas without external help. Therefore, I sought Ylaric out and begged him to help me, I had to go so far as to expose my Rune Injection method, that I have been using to transform my clan members from normal people into semi-mages.

This sparked a massive amount of interest with him and he agreed to perform some body modifications for me, on the condition that I am able to provide him with a certain amount of 'test subjects' as payment for his services. It isn't too hard to find these people, but making them disappear without alerting anyone was another story. Luckily he doesn't need new people every time, so I just 'abduct' a few unnoticeable people every now and then, I don't exactly know how I feel about this, but I have long come to the realization that, in order to achieve my goals, I have to resort to any means necessary. In reality, me bringing drugs into this world is probably way worse than anything Ylaric will ever do, but my aim is to destroy the world, so …. drugs is literally nothing to me.

The modifications that I requested were, in simple terms, 'plastic surgery'. I have scoured the whole city for desperate beggars who have a nice bodily frame, both male and female, I made sure to only pick those who were truly desperate and would do anything just to survive. I then approached them and offered them a great deal, in exchange for their absolute loyalty towards me, I would change them to become different people. I then transformed them into extraordinarily good looking, they would then become my eyes and ears within the nightclub. Ylaric was able to quite easily turn these people, who had below average looks, and turn them into truly attractive people.

They were then trained in all the forms of etiquette, each divided into different groups that are then assigned a different role with a corresponding outfit. The male bartenders each wore a tuxedo, while the female waiters had to wear a formal black dress, there were also half naked people who had colorful body paint all over them, whose job was to walk around the venue, offering different drugs for sale while basically partying hard, teaching our guests on how to truly enjoy the nightclub experience.

There were many jobs that had to be fulfilled and therefore, each assigned to fulfill the positions, from becoming a fancy DJ to becoming anonymous security who patrol around breaking up any 'destructive behavior'.

As the days go by and the final preparations have been completed, It is finally the day of the nightclub's grand opening. I am truly rather nervous as this is when I find out whether all of my plans will turn out successfully and if my drugs will be a hit or not.

As the night approaches, you can see a large amount of people making there way to a small inconspicuous bar that looks like it can barely hold twenty people, this is a rather strange scene as if you were to look at the town from a Birdseye view, it would seem like this one small bar continuously devours everyone that enters, and then just keeps accepting more and more people.

As people enter the club they will look around a bit confused, that is when one of my clan members will point to the door where they will present their ticket to the hole in the door. After the ticket has been scanned the door will slide to the side allowing one person to enter and it is my clan members job to ensure that only ticket holders are allowed entry.

After they have passed the door, they will be presented a dark, downward stairway that is only illuminated slightly, barely allowing them to see, at the bottom of the stairway they will find another door and as soon as they open that door, what is presented before them is an explosion of colorful lights and a soft music.

The music is going to be more timid and soft until the time for the part to truly start arrives, 11PM, that is when things will get real. Each person who enters will initially stare in wonder at the crazy, different sight before them, there are some people swinging from the roof on ribbons, wearing colorful clothes and some beautiful people walking around dragging guests all over the place, explaining everything to them while offering some 'free' sample drugs and instructions on how to take them.

Everyone is briefed on the multiple floors, where everything is, what will happen at 11pm sharp and what to expect. As more and more people enter the building, it starts getting a bit crowded so some start moving to the lower floors and they start exploring while they each start buying a few expensive drinks that have a discount applied until 11pm, when the party starts and drinks jump to full price.

This is a scheme of mine to have them get drunk fast in an attempt to save their money while also putting them in a more 'accepting' mood. The discount doesn't hurt me at all since I am making a large profit either way. As the night moves on and my waiters are doing their jobs well, guiding and making sure that nobody is uncomfortable and ensuring that nobody wants to leave before it truly starts.

As the clock strikes 11PM sharp and most people have already arrived, lights mimicking fireworks suddenly blast loudly towards the roof, attracting everyone's attention, that is when I show up as a massive hologram floating in the center of the room on each floor. I was, for once, wearing my suit that had been specially modified to be white with a large panther stitched on my back, I had a small top hat on my head while wearing my sunglasses and I was holding a large jug of beer in one had while the other was tucked in my blazer pocket.

I smiled widely and started talking as my voice was projected through all of the sound Rune Devices, "Hello ALL! Thank you for joining me tonight on this momentous occasion! This is the day when the world's first nightclub is officially launched! Each and every one of you are part of this amazing event that will go down in history!!!!"

In the hologram I then take out a pill from my pocket and hold it out while saying, "Each of you should have received one of these pills called ecstasy, now this is a truly magical pill that will give you energy to party for hours, you will be able to drink much more than your usual limit and it will will give you a great surprise, this I promise you! Now to all of those who are bored of your plain and bland lifestyle, lift up your pill and let's take it together!"

I then shout loudly, "Let this night be FUCKING AWESOME and one to truly remember, CHEERS!!!" before throwing the pill in my mouth and swallowing it with a large gulp of beer, downing the whole jug, before throwing the jug down, putting my hands up and shout "Let the party FUCKING BEGIN!!!"

That is when my hologram disappears, blaring music starts to play wile the lights start going crazy, truly displaying a new experience for these people and everyone that was riled up by my speech has almost immediately taken the pill. Others, who are more cautious or timid have yet to take it, but I believe that after seeing the effect it has on everyone and when everyone starts to get into the nightclub vibe, they will have no choice but to take it in order to truly join in on the festivities.