Ch71.Things to do.

I quickly contacted Oga and asked him if he had any thoughts on the matter of taking over a territory and becoming a Boss, his response was … as expected … a blatant NO. I had to argue and persuade him for a few hours in order to get him to finally agree! Even then, the only way he agreed to accept my request was by saying that he didn't have to do any actual work… All he had to do was 'be the boss' and I would take care of the rest, and that if he were to become a boss, he could find some people in his territory to 'participate' in some of his drug experiments.

Since Oga was insistent that he do no actual work other than continue his research into drugs, I have to find someone to pose as the boss or at least the second in command who can publicly make an appearance and who can then manage everything regarding the Drug dealings. I honestly don't know who to choose for this though, oh well I am sure I will find someone soon, maybe I don't even need anyone and I can just control a Shadow Puppet to appear as the boss when he needs to make a public appearance.

Anyway, enough on that topic, what is more important is to prepare an open retaliation against this Derolo in order to create a distraction, allowing my Shadow Guard trainees a bit more room to help them gain the information that I need.

It is vitally important to figure out why this Derolo wants to contact the 'drug lord', I don't think there has been enough 'publicity' on the drugs to warrant any interest from the Bosses. Besides a select few of my Clan members, nobody should know how much money I am making from the drugs since most people would assume it is just another commodity, like alcohol. This brings me to question this Derolos objective, does he know something that shouldn't be possible, or is he just really smart and has figured out the potential benefits of these drugs, I truly hope it is the latter.

I, therefore, need to be a bit forceful in my approach, but not now . . . I will leave my own involvement in this matter for a little bit, right now I will just have my clan members find trouble with Derolos gangsters, every time they leave his territory and enter either mine, Nafets or a neutral zone, I will have a few of my men launch a sneak attack and beat his people up, nothing too serious since I don't want to flat out start a war just yet, but this will still cause a decent distraction.

I don't expect this to be overly effective, I can partially predict his response to my blatant provocation, but assuming he responds 'correctly', he will either personally leave his territory and try to confront me, in this situation I will happily ambush him and 'quietly' take him out, then quickly and efficiently have my men take over his territory. This situation is, however unlikely, what he will most likely do, is have his men retaliate by attacking my members. I will need to start preparing for these attacks, but this shouldn't be too hard to prevent any serious losses as long as my guys don't travel too far away from my territory

As I continue to prepare for these scenarios and plans, I am also making some progress in my final Rune Choices, and I believe within the next month or two, I will be able to successfully advance to Circle 2!! This is great news for me considering becoming a Circle 2 mage is considered becoming an official Mage!

Although achieving Circle 1 technically means that you have become a Mage, people who have managed to create one Circle are just too common in the Magic community and are far too weak for anyone to actually acknowledge. Circle 2 Is when you start to have some real 'strength' since most Mages at this level are able to create composite Circle Magics, where they combine their two circles together in order to create many different spells, and are able to adapt to most situations.

By using two or more circles to form a single spell, allows for a much greater utility and allows each individual Mage to figure out the best Rune combinations to use in order to create spells that will suite them best.

After advancing to a Circle 3 Mage, you are considered an accomplished Mage and is the minimum requirement needed to graduate most of the common Academies, this is because reaching this level is relatively simple for most Mages. Circle 3 is similar to Circle 2 in that the only real difference, besides the increase in Magical Energy, is that you are able to create another layer of composite spells.

Truly powerful mages are at least Circle 4, this is where things truly get started, if you were to see classify Circle 4, it would be is the highest stage before stepping into the next 'level' or so to say. At Circle 4, Mages have a ridiculously large amount of spells that they are able to cast by combining their 4 Circles together, in addition, they are able to create truly terrifying Magic by using all four Circles together. The problem comes in that creating and setting up the more complex Magic, requires time and mental calculations.

Therefore each Mage usually has a certain number of spells that they constantly practice, they will will then form their own style of Magic and create a unique battle style that perfectly suits them. This is an important step to master as advancing to Circle 5 is a completely different story.

After advancing from circle 4 to 5, everything changes, the sheer quantity of Magical power your body is holding is insane this results in even the basic spells becoming more powerful than some of of the more powerful Circle 3 spells.

The drastic change in Magical Energy upon reaching Circle 5, causes the Mages Magical Energy to become ingrained inside the element of the Mages choosing, for instance should I reach Circle 5, all of my Magical energy would most likely convert into either the Shadow element or darkness element, then assuming I could cast external magic, each spell I cast would automatically have traces of my element within them even without me using that Elemental Rune in the Circles Composition.

That is why, when Mages reach Circle 5, they tend to return to the basics by simplifying their Magic and creating a set few Spells that they will use as a base and can be cast to deal with most situations.

The technical part comes with being able to create a Circle without an elemental Rune, this allows a Mage to create a type of auxiliary Rune Circles. They can then use these auxiliary Circles, with either singular Runes or mini circles, containing only three to five Runes, to 'feed' into their main Magic spell and augmenting or improving upon the Power of each Main spell.

This allows a Circle 5 Mage to create a large variety of spells using very little Magical Energy as well as well as using only a few base spells to create a wide variety of effects. This results in a truly terrifying ability that allows them to fight for hours and even days on end. This massive boost with regard to the sheer amount and quality of Magic one is able to cast upon reaching Circle 5, puts them in a complete class of their own.

This is all very far away from the current me so I shouldn't worry too much about this right now, I also have no idea how stepping into Circle 5 will affect me since I can't even cast external Magic. I may not receive a power boosted at all, that would be … just sad, if that were to happen I may just kill myself and find a new body in order to start over since my path in Magic would pretty much be cut off.

Sigh… I should stop thinking about these sad things … anyway, getting back to my point, as soon as I reach Circle 2, I will be able to stand as 'equals' with the large majority of the Gang Bosses in this City, minus a select few who have reached Circle 3 and have some powerful subordinates obtained through various methods.

Sure I have a few Circle 3 Mages under my … well Nafets command, but this is not 'my' power and I can't really use them freely. I, therefore, need to quickly bump up my own strength before I can successfully hold off the other bosses and truly start increasing my underworld influence.


Hi all sorry for the long delay for this chapter, this weekend was pretty crazy and I just couldn't find the time to write . . . Anyways ... I Hope you enjoy this chapter!! I will hopefully get back on schedule soon and try to increase my release rate, will see how it goes.
