CH.81.Future plans(Rough)

//Yo peeps, got one chap for this week, its taking a while to get back into things but I should get faster updates when I get back into a routine, aaaanyways been a bit of a long week and I'm away for the weekend so I thought I'd just release what I have so far, its rather rough as I haven't done any editing and it's short as its not reaaly a full chap but its better than nothing I guess??//

//well enjoy and i'll get this updated and fixed as soon as I get a chance.. sorry :) //


Now that I have left the academy, it's time to start thinking about what I want to do with my clan, how will I continue to develop it while also gaining sufficient resources to fund my magic progression, and what I want to accomplish before I gain a new body.. Since I have been struggling a bit with my fourth Circle, I don't know how far I will be able to go on the path of magic using this body. I will obviously push myself as hard as possible to advance to the peak I am capable of, but if circle 4 is this hard I can't even imagine how crazy circle 5 will be since that's the point of real change!

While I push myself towards Circle 4, I can spare the time to get things set up and figure out what I want to do, since I have a few years before I am considered an adult, and although I may look it, the other bosses definitely look down on me due to my age, even though it's not obvious due to how massive my body is, I know they do since I would do the same, I mean seriously I'm like 16 now which is fine(confirm), but I am still a long ways off the old bosses around this city alone, they have has much more time to solidify their power and control over the various resources and nobel houses, so trying to get into the real game will take time, and maybe even a generation which is waay longer than I would like.

So for now I need to get my head straightened out on what I need to do.

Firstly I shouldn't be thinking too far ahead since, I highly doubt I will be leaving Academy city any time soon, I have built up a sizable force over here and although I am not one of the top bosses around, I am definitely up there in the middle level, and although I have lost ''complete control'' over the club scene, that was never really my end game, just a jump start into the game while gaining connections and funding to start expanding into other areas.

Now I cant intrude into the areas of any of the major 'markets' such as slavery, theft, assiasinations and such as that would be an easy way to get myself attacked by all the big dudes, now although I have a sizable control over the alcohol & drug scene, with' Nafets and Oga' being the main backers over that area, I dont have to do much to push that forward and although they are both major money makers, I just dont see them pushing me too far into what I really need and that is magic resources.

These resources are not going to be easy to come through since, although I have a lot of money, it's not really the going currency of Mages, they use a Rune based system,c allied Runic coins, where a vast amount of Runic Knowledge is encrypted and broken up into many many smaller, incomplete parts, and by collecting a certain amount, one is able to exchange their parts for one complete encryption and use this to gain the knowledge behind said runes.

This means that using this currency, each Runic piece has its own value linked to a specific knowledge base that is backed by a massive banking organization which allows one to exchange said runic for knowledge of one's choosing , and to even start gaining this money one needs a certain amount of influence and personal power.

I have some ideas on how I can meet these requirements, but they will require vast connections and a network that I currently don't have, in fact I don't even come close to having anything near what I need besides maybe personal power as soon as I reach Circle 4 I will be at the minimum requirement to get an account but without the other connections it will be truly difficult to ever gain enough money to actually exchange Runic coins to exchange for the knowledge I need to advance into Circle 5 and beyond.

So for now, I think I will won't do anything too crazy, I will just stabilize my current position even further, build a solid foundation, start getting more chummy with the 'young master' types by focusing on my cage fighting business, this will be my true start, and although I have been doing this for a few years now, I don't believe I have extracted its true worth just yet.

I can name a few more ways to bring about more excitement from these types of events at the top of my head such as , man vs beast fights, obstacle courses, unique terrain fights or even battle royale fights!!

The list goes on and on, and with my Runic Injection methods I can actually groom fighters that are able to do basic magic, creating fights that are faar from the normal 'punching and kicking'.

I am thinking of having some fighters set up with very minimal runes, besides the basic Energy gathering one, maybe two more, one active and another passive, that way they will only really have one 'ability' that they have to master and utilize to the best of their abilities in order to compete with the others.

This will ensure they aren't too powerful, but still enough to make things interesting, and it brings about a whole new area of entertainment that will absolutely bring about massive benefits for myself, might even break into the higher end nobles circle and gain some truly valuable connections.

Hell, I may as well introduce team fights using a specific terrain, have them complete a certain objective in order to win and use strategy to gain advantages, maybe even set up certain rules similar to some games from earth in order to spice things up.

So its decided, this is going to be my focus for the next few years, grooming new fighters, gaining resources required to open new venues, and, after reaching Circle 4 and gaining a new territory, I can start truly moving into the Magic market.