
Watching his aunt walk out of the kitchen, his gaze lingered on her swaying butt, moving left to right. Beth on the other hand becomes as little jealous as her son watches his aunt leave. Giving a displeased 'Hmph' to her son, she moves to collect 4 bowls and 4 bags of popcorn and started to microwave one.

When he heard a soft 'Hmph' behind him, Alex turned around to see Beth has a frown on her face as she moves about. He frowned as well as he can see Beth being jealous at his aunt when he stared at her swaying ass. A thought accord to him as he watch her make the popcorn.

'Maybe I should give her another dose of [Doll] to make her more open minded at the idea of sharing me with other women. If not, then it will be a lot more heated whenever I bring in other women around.'

With that though, Alex hugged Beth from behind as he laid his head on her shoulder. His pelvic an inch or so away from touching her round butt as his arms hugged her waist.

If anyone besides his family saw this, they would think they are lovers with how intimate they are being. Luckily for them, only their drugged family members saw this and thought nothing of it as Alex is giving his mom a hug.

Beth was startled once her son hugged her from behind, but calmed down as she saw it was her son. After basking in his warmth for a few seconds, she then remembered she was still mad at him. Turning her head away from him, she pouts in displeasure.

Seeing Beth pouting like that, he thought she look cute and he said so.

"Your look cute pouting like that mom, but I like it better when you smile."

(Beth pov)


Beth doesn't answers, but her blushing cheeks tells him she is listening. A conflict of feelings are fighting against each other inside her, the Devil Beth and Angel Beth.

'This is our son who we raised for many years.'

Angel Beth said, gently caressing her son's cheek with her tiny hand, which he didn't felt.

'Yeah. Our son who was checking out his aunt's ass as she leaves. She even swayed her ass to him on purpose. Don't act like you didn't see it.'


The angle stayed silent as they perfectly remember her sister doing that as she was leaving. A feeling of defeat rose in her before the battle even began. Jenna always has this air of charm that sometimes get people to do what she wants.

While she was the average twin who followed her sister everywhere. Despite being twins, boys will flock to Jenna first as they ask her out on dates and ignore her. Even the boys who ask her out are just using her to get closer to Jenna, which left her feeling numb.

Only when she moved away from her sister's shadow, she become a new person. A person who doesn't gives up without a fight and doesn't take a no for an answer.

'And you are the only person who is mature enough to teach your son about sex and give him lessons about it too. Otherwise, your son will be "eaten" by your sister after she seduces him.'

The 'devil' Beth whispers in her ear, egging her on to take the first step in having sex with her son. Of course, the angle is nowhere to be seen as it mysteriously disappeared.

'Hmph! I will be seducing-I-I mean educating my son about...s-sex and t-teaching him t-too. B-but what to give him once he p-passes?'

She was nervous on what to give her son as a "graduation present" once he used his "sexual knowledge" to ravage her completely.

'How about giving him your sister and niece to him as the reward. He will definitely like it and you can help him "educate" Jenna to know her place.'


Beth was interrupted as she continues to speak, bring out her hidden desire that was bottled up for years. Her son knows about it after he questioned her on the first day and would gladly make it happen.

'Don't you want your sister licking your pussy as you get fuck and make her eat out the cream inside you. Don't you want to see your sister get destroyed by your lover, who is your son, fucking her brains out.'


'Even get the chance to fuck her hard, into the ground yourself. Taking your anger and frustration all those years on your sister's pussy and ass.'


With her last reply to the 'devil' on her shoulder, it disappeared in purple smoke. A dark desire appeared as she glances towards her sister. Alex had already left to tidy up his room, so they won't find anything weird inside.

He didn't know that Beth was turning into an S towards her sister, but didn't care once he learns about it. As it only appears when they are having sex with both sisters. Other times, she will be the same sweet Beth, but more open to her sexual life.


The dark desire in her eyes is gone as she removes the popcorn from the bag and replaces it with a fresh one. As she does so, she is thinking on how to go about it, when it hit her.

'How about...'