Sex talk

A white sleeveless top that outlines her massive bust, jiggling as she walks in. She is wearing a skirt that stops at mid thigh and she is pantyhose which she only wears when she is having date night.

It's not clothes that she would usually wear as she covers up. Not showing how curvy her body is as she wears baggy clothes in the house.

Alex watched her walk in, without questioning why her sister/his aunt is on his bed, wearing that. Placing the bowls of popcorn on his bed, she laid down next to her sister. In the same spot he was before he got up.

They watch in shock as she proceeds to grab the remote and select a movie. After watching Beth took his spot, Alex closed and locked the foor as he doesn't want anyone interrupting them.

Moving back to his bed, he laid down next to Beth and watch her out of the corner of his eye.

'She seems to have changed a bit. Interesting.'

Turning towards the TV, he heard his aunt and Beth arguing with each other between 2 movie choices.

"Why can't we watch this, [The Notebook]. It's a classic tale about love overcoming any obstacles to be together. It's your favorite movie."

She said, getting a conflicted look from Beth as she looked at her movie choice. A few movies down is, [Ocean's 8]. A movie they supposed to see a few days ago as a family, but Alex was grounded, so they didn't see it together.

Jenna knows once Beth watches [The Notebook], she won't be able to tear her eyes away from it. A good way to do something naughty with him without exposing her true intentions to her sister.

Alex knew this movie was her favorite in the world, so the words so what they heard next surprised them both.

"Y-yes, it is my favorite movie, but I promise my son we can watch [Ocean's 8] a few days ago, but he was grounded. So we are watching it, besides I can watch it at anytime. I'm just here to spend some quality time with my son."

She said, giving a kiss to her son's temple before pressing play on [Ocean's 8]. Alex felt his cheeks heat up as his mother is being sweet on him and he felt loved. He knows [The Notebook] is her favorite movie and he planned on making it up to her.

His aunt on the other hand felt, helpless and amused. Despite having a sexy body to die for, it is weak against the power of love, like right now. Despite showing him her breast a few minutes ago, there was no signs of love in his eyes, but lust.

Even so, she learned a great deal from their interactions just now. She just needs to change her strategy slightly to make him think about her. She is planning on having sex with him, but maybe give him a hands on practice on sex later.

'Besides, he is cute when he blushes.'

Turning away from them, she began watching the movie, while eating popcorn.

(2 hours later)

Once the movie was began, with Beth in the middle of him and Jenna, nothing happen. Besides getting a free show of Jenna's breast without Beth knowing. The movie was interesting though, the way she stole those cosmetics and booked that room. It was genius.

When the movie ended, Alex wanted to see a different one, so he is scrolling through a bunch of movies when he heard Beth said his name.

"Alex honey, let's take a break for now. It's almost lunch time and I have to prepare for it, so what you want to eat?"

"Hm...Spaghetti with meat, please."

He replied, putting down the remote as he was feeling hungry. Getting up from his bed, he stretch his body, feeling a bit stiff. Jenna stayed quite as she stretch as well. Pulling his arms back as her chest thrust in front of her.

Her breast almost escaping from her 'shirt', but Alex was left disappointed. Her breast stayed inside, barely giving him a glimpse of her areola. Alex sat down on his bed with the remote in his hand, flipping through channels as he watches Jenna out of the corner of his eye.

Without missing a beat, she locked the door once Beth closed it and sat across from Alex. Giving him an unblocked view of her chest as she begins to talk to him.

"So Alex, since you are..."


"-14. I was wondering if you had gotten the talk yet from your mother?"

"No, she did not. I had learned some things from my female friends last month. Why?"

He lied about how he gain knowledge about sex as he doesn't want her to know about his past memories.

"I just figured she told you by now as I told my son about it when he was 12. So this female friend is she your girlfriend or what?"

Jenna asked as she leaned towards him slightly, showing him her cleavage.

"Umm...she isn't my girlfriend. We just...are...friends, but we sometimes do things together."

He said in a nervous tone, hiding behind a façade. Alex wants her to make the first move, so he can fuck her while acting like a virgin.

"Things like..."

She asked, hopping they didn't gone to far as she wanted to pop his cherry.

"Ummm... Like...kissing...and touching each other."

He said looking away from her a his cheeks blushed red in embarrassment. Despite having a mind of an older person, he is shy from expressing his sexual life. She gave a silent breath of relief as they had gotten that far only.

Scouting forward until she hugged him. His face on her bare skin as she rub a circle on his back. Soothing him as she said in a soft tone.

"Alex, don't be nervous, okay. I will keep this between us only, your mom will not know about it okay."

She smiled when he nodded and replied with an,


Breaking the hug, they looked into each others eyes as they continued to talk.

"So she touch your dick with her hands and you returned the favor by..."

She asked, but then stopped as there was 2 thing he could of touched. Her breast and her vagina. Seeing her pass, he knew the what she is thinking about, he added for her,

"...her breast."

"...her vagina."

They said it at the same time, while he had a bewildered look on his face. An awkward silence form between them when it was broken by Alex.

"Vagina...what is that?"

He asked her, hopping for the 'talk' to get in a more visual lesion by using her body as an example. Meanwhile, Jenna was relieve to know that he only touch a girls breasts, but not her vagina. With a surprised look on her face, she faked her stutter as she said,

"Y-you...don't know what a v-vagina is."

"Maybe. It's where you go pee right?"

He said hesitantly.

"Well, yes, but it has other functions and totally different from men in a lot of ways."


Alex said, raising an eyebrow in confusion and making her explain in detail.

"It is shape differently, it's smaller in size and the working process are totally different, but still they do the same work as a penis."

She explained in a confusing manner, wanting him to ask her to see a real life vagina. Then steal his 'virginity' as she teaches him about sex.

"I don't understand"

He said with a confused face. Masking her sigh of relief with a regular sigh, she went into a bit more detailed explanation.

"Okay, when your 'friend' touches your dick, you feel good and white liquid comes out, correct?"

Alex nodded with a red face.

"Well that is another purpose of a dick or a vagina. To get pleasure."

She said with a smile as she continued,

"Umm...girls also do it, but since its' shape is different, they have different methods they like to use. Like their fingers or vibrators and also-"

She was cut off by Alex,

"What shape is a vagina"

He asked her and then it got silent. She was hop-dreading this moment, but since it was here she couldn't back off from this. It was time to get practical.