Night blowjob

Alex was wide awake when she step through his door, an hour later after slipping her husband a sleeping pill. He watch her on his phone as she change into a sexy 'dress', but it's actually lingerie.

(LEADOKO Women's Plus Size Lingerie Dress Lace Babydoll G String Sleepwear Soft Nightgown)

(Jenna's pov)

She lay in her bed with her snoring husband, staring up at the ceiling. She was tired, but not ready to sleep just yet. There was something she needed to do, but she saw it as a need.

She turned her gaze to the clock on her bedside table. The digital display read 10:50. She slowly got up and out of her bed. Being as quiet as possible she slipped on her sandals and she snuck out her.

Taking one last look towards her husband to see if he was awake, he was not. Then she opens and closed the door quietly as she walk towards Alex's room. Her footsteps are muffled due to the carpet flooring.

Without even stopping she opens Alex's door and walk through it then she closes it, locking it behind her. Her eyes was focus on Alex, who was looking at her. Eyes wide as he glanced up and down at her.

An alluring smile appeared on her lips as she walks sexily towards him. Liking the way he stares at her, like he can't get enough. It sends thrills of pleasure through her body as he finds her sexy.

She saw him rustling his covers, throwing them aside without a second thought. Then he pulled down his pants as he sat on the edge of his bed. She lick her lips in desire as she stare at his hardening cock.

She watched as Alex lazily stroked himself with one hand until it's fully erect. The entire length throbbing with arousal. She locked her eyes on his cock, the enormous mushroom tip, dark and swollen.

"Even though it's my second time seeing it. It's still the biggest thing I've ever fucking seen."

She complimented with the simple honest tone.


She said, drawing closer. Her eyes focused on the pre-cum, leaking at the tip. She licked her lips at remembering the taste. Despite it having a salty taste to it, she wanted more. She stepped close to him, one hand reaching out to his cock.

Kneeling down before Alex's cock, she slowly wrapped her fingers around him, she was amazed again at how much of his cock was left uncovered. She thought she was mistaken before, but she couldn't get her two fingers to touch. She began to stroke it, exploring every inch of the massive meat.

Up, to the tip, which she couldn't fit in one hand, spongy yet so firm. Hot and heavy against her dainty hands. Then down, all the way to the rigid base.


She exclaimed, as Alex grabbed her clothed breast once it was within reach. His hands sank into her warm, firm, titts. Constantly fondling, groping and even teased it, making her let out gasps and moans as she tried to focus on his dick.

Soon she had to add a second hand, wanting to go faster, but with Alex's size, there was a lot of surface area to cover. Her nervousness and the filthiness of this whole situation made her movements slightly clumsy.

She rubbed at his balls with one hand, trailing her fingernails gently over them. Alex moaned softly, making blushed in excitement, taking that sound as its own reward.

"Do you like that, big boy?"

She cooed, her voice sounding slightly less teasing and more sincere than she'd meant. He merely nodded, eyes roving over her form with obvious lust. Leaning against his young lean body, which gave him greater access to her clothed breast as he slid them out.

He cupped them with both hands, jiggling it before he pinched a bit harder than intended on her nipples. Getting her to moan a bit as she squeeze his dick tighter in her hands, making him hiss in pleasure/displeasure.


Knowing his mistake, Alex gently rolled them with his 2 fingers, dulling the pain he brought to her nipples. He then move his hands from her breast to the top of her head, making his intent pretty obvious.

'Well, clearly,'

She thought, squeezing at his tip and loving how it swelled up against her fingers.

'With a cock like this he didn't need to be subtle.'

She complied as she looked up at him. His huge cock looked even larger now that it was above her, and her fingers splayed out along his length. She brought her lips up to the tip of his cock and gave it a few kisses, letting her hand stroke a bit more firmly and boldly across his shaft.

She felt like she was in a good place now to give Alex the satisfaction he wanted. Pushing steadily forward, she licked her way down his cock, bright eyes staring lustfully up at him as she made her mark.

She worked along his cock with her tongue, getting it slick and ready for what she was going to do to him. Sitting on his bed, Alex got his hands into Jenna's silken brown hair, running his fingers through it, enjoying the feeling of her loving touch upon his cock.

She looked quite eager to have this opportunity and it still surprise him that she will do it on her own free will. The sight of his cock had seemingly changed her whole demeanor and that was exactly the kind of power that Alex was happy his dick had.

He could startle a woman as gorgeous as her into reacting excitedly to his dick. Alex found himself very eager to learn what kind of affect it would have on other women. But that was for later as he can feel the swelling, building pressure starting to take hold of him.

Once she had finished lavishing his cock down to the base with spit, Jenna licked her way to the tip. She began lavishing it with a flurry of firm, feverish kisses. As she did so, she got her hand around his base, stroking it quickly and working over his shaft as best she could.

Her eyes remained firmly up, gazing into his eyes as she gave his cock some needed attention. Feeling mischievous, she made it look like she was about to say something as she was about to open her mouth. Letting out a praise or remark that he grew tense waiting for.

But it was a playful little trick meant to catch him by surprise when she abruptly pushed forward and sucked his cock into her mouth. Giving him a deeper access to her throat that had Alex gasping with excitement.

Rocking her head back and forth, she sucked his cock into her mouth eagerly, racing her hand along his cock. She was impressed on how Alex seemed to last this long.

She felt like she could get away with anything here, once he submitted to her, she would have him wrapped around her finger. She knew exactly how to push every button in a man and he is no different.

"That feels so good~"

Alex groaned, his head rolling back as his fingers tightened up harder into Jenna's hair. The way that she laid into him with her blowjob drove him wild. This was too much pleasure so quickly and he felt himself overwhelmed by it all.

He wanted to act the part, but he was definitely not ready for just how good she was going to make him feel, her experienced mouth is driving him wild.

"I always knew beautifully mature women would be better. You're amazing."

Jenna's eyes gleamed as she kept up the motion, quickening her pace a bit as her hand and her mouth worked in steady tandem to lavish Alex's cock. She had him where she wanted him now, with his cock throbbing in her grasp and his moans spilling excitedly from his lips.

There was no holding back anymore and she was shameless enough to greedily suck him off.

"Jenna! I'm cumming!"

Alex gasped, he lost himself to the sweet embrace of Jenna's mouth. He blew his load, gasping in excitement as she swallowed it all down eagerly. Not wasting a single drop as the excitement gripped her. He watch her guzzle down every last drop of his seed, leaving him panting as he sat there.

"That was great."

"Yes, it was. However, that is enough for today."

She said, licking her lips and rising up to her feet, letting go of his cock. She then fixed her nightgown that was down on her hips. Walking towards the door, she gave him a wink as she ignored his complaints.


Alex said, not wanting to let her go, but knew if she stayed, they will get into trouble. He just made that protest as she left him still hard.