Threesome +18

Everyone froze in stunned silence for several seconds as they look at each other. Slowly, Beth turned to her master and gave him a kiss on his mouth. Ignoring his widen gaze as she said to him,

"Master, stay here. I'll be right back."

She ease herself from his embrace and went to her blushing sister, ignoring how her master's semen ooze itself from her pussy.

"Come with me."

She said, grabbing her hand and pulled her along to the bathroom. Jenna stumble at being pulled, but soon followed along without saying anything. Meek as a mouse, Jenna lowered her head as she use one hand to fix her clothes.

Alex just watch them go, wondering about what they will be talking about.

(Beth's pov)

After leading her into the bathroom, she closed the door as she leaned back a little and studies her. With a little smirk on her face she asked,

"So, did you enjoy the show?"

Jenna a gasped in shock as her wide eyes immediately locked onto her own. She blush as she turn her head away from Beth's knowing gaze. Despite knowing the answer, she still want to hear it from her own sister's mouth.

This was the perfect opportunity to get some payback from all the teasing she receive from her all these years. Walking closer to her sister, not even bothered to cover up her nudity or the love bites on her skin, she ask,

"Well? Did you?"

She can see Jenna struggling to come up with a proper response. She leaned forward a bit as she wanted to clearly hear her reply.

"I-I don't know what you mean."

She said, feigning innocence.

"Oh, really? I saw your face when you went in, so tell me. What thoughts were racing through your mind when you saw my son fucking me roughly on my bed."

She said, putting extra strain on the word roughly.


Jenna stuttered out. With a smirk, she placed her mouth right next to Jenna's ear.

"Well, if you enjoy watching, then you wouldn't mind if you experience it for yourself, right?"

She asked seductively into Jenna's ear, making her freeze in place at her sister's words. She didn't want Beth to know that she has been having sex with her son as it would break their sisterly bond. With a stutter, she asked her,

"W-w-h...what d-do you mean...s-sister..."

With a slightly sinister smirk she continued,

"Well, I don't want you to go blabbing about seeing me having sex with my master to Jake, so I need you to keep quite about it. And the only thing I could think about how to do it is with my master's cock. Once you experience it, you can't get enough of it. Mmm~"

She shivered in pleasure as she closed her eyes, remembering how good Alex's cock felt; missing Jenna's look of arousal. Opening her eyes once more she asked her,

"So...what is it going to be?"

"A-alright, I'll do it."

She said looking away from her sister as she 'reluctantly' agreed.

"Wonderful! Now take of your clothes, but leave your underwear on, he will want to take it off himself. Wait here until I come back for you."


With that she left her sister in the bathroom as she began taking off her clothes and went back to her master. She found him exactly as she'd left him, still lying back on her bed.

The only noticeable change was that he is still hard. Men's cock will go soft if there was no stimuli to keep it hard. He went to sit up when she entered, but she held a hand up and he settled back down.

She sat on the bed beside him and gave him a gentle smile. Looking at him directly in the eye, she began,

"Son, I have made an arrangement with my sister to keep her quite about this, however..."


"...I need you to fuck your aunt."

At this point, he sat up on his elbows in surprise. This made his cock bounce around, grabbing her attention as she tried maintaining a serious expression for the moment. Tearing her eyes away from his juicy cock to his wide eyes, she continued,

"It's a deal we made so she won't spill the beans about what she saw. Once she gets a taste of your cock, she won't be able to live without it."

She then wrapped her hand around his cock as she then stroke it gently, making him moan in approval.


Leaning closer to him, she whispered in his ear,

"Besides, this thing likes the idea of having both sister's serving it, isn't that right master~"

She purred sexily as she stroked him faster before slowing down to a stop. Letting go of his cock and getting up from the bed; ignoring his moan of disappoint as she calls out her sister from the bathroom.

"Jenna dear, come in here."

Jenna walks out the door in nothing, but in her pink G-string underwear.

Moving to stand behind her sister, she beckoned her master with her fingers, making him move off the bed as his cock bobbed left to right. Drawing both of their eyes to it as they unconsciously lick their lips.

Once he was close enough, she leaned into his, her breasts squishing and molding into his back, making Alex move closer to her older sister.

"Okay, honey, you've been patient long enough,"

She cooed to her master as she place her head on his shoulder,

"Show her what you're made of."

With her permission given, he did as he was told. Wrapping his arm around Jenna's shoulder's, he drew her in close. His strength made her gasp momentarily in surprise, which was enough for him to push her tongue in her mouth.

But she was not idle for long. He started sucking on her tongue, which had him moaning his approval. Jenna's lips were full and plump, soft and juicy, something that he knew from experience were perfect to suck and nibble on.

Beth giggled as her master began making out with her 'experience' older sister. She shivered in anticipation as her pussy quivered and released juices once more down her leg.

The massive cock twitched hungrily in her hands, growing harder and harder by the second as her fingers toyed and worked it over. Feeling those familiar fingers dancing up and down his member, he moaned into Jenna's mouth.

His hands were now roughly groping her fat, thong-clad ass, pulling her into his lap as he sat back down on the bed.

She went along with Alex, being lost in the kiss as their attention was on exploring each other's mouth as thoroughly as possible and extracting as many erotic sounds from other.

Their hands were also not idle. She was moving her hand up and down his chest. While one of his one hand moved to massage her tits, while other stayed downward as he continue mold her perfect, firm ass.

As he squeezed and played with it, her moans became louder. Her big, fat tits squished heavily against his chest, while his huge, long and hard cock grinded insistently on her lower belly and her barely-covered slit.

If it weren't for the fact that her sister was with her, she would instantly be on it. But she could only moan into his mouth. A passionate growl from his throat made her body quiver and shake with excitement.

Finally, they separated as the need for air became pronounced and were both breathless.


Beth asked sweetly, now pressing her huge, soft breast up against her master's back as she murmur in his ear,

"How is she, master? Does an experience women like her, kiss differently from me?"


He admitted softly to her as she nodded her head in understanding.

"I guess I need more practice then."

She turned his head to face her, catch his lips with her own in a deep and passionate kiss. Which he didn't hesitate to return the affection that he was being given.

He met each and every one of Beth's kisses with one of his own, moaning into every one as their lips danced together. He didn't pull away from her as their lips parted for only a moment, just to meet again for another kiss.

A quiet moan rumbled in her throat and muffled itself against his lips before their kiss was broken. Giggling, she asked him,

"Was that any better, master?"


"Good. Now master, I think it's time for my sister to service you."

She said, giving her sister a hint which she nodded at. Kneeling before him, she wrapped her hand around the his throbbing shaft. There was a 'slight' hesitation as she started to slowly stroke it.

"H-Hank isn't even thi-this big…"

She stated aloud, making sure her sister heard her as she couldn't take her eyes off it. An overwhelmingly powerful smell of male and female musk washed over her and made her actually drool a little.

She instinctively wiggled her wide hips at the thought of this monster plowing right into her. It loomed over her with a threatening aura to breed her, thick silently promising to ruin her cunt. She did nothing for a moment but stare at it.

"Amazing, huh?"

Beth's giggling voice was heard next to her, snapping her out of her thoughts. She leaned next to her; her plump legs folded neatly and pushing her breast against hers from the side. Both of their hardened nipples rubs lightly at each other as they eyed the towering shaft before them.

" is amazing..."

She agreed with her younger sister, acting in complete awe at the sight of his cock. Thick heavy veins pulsated through the monstrous shaft. Double the thickness as her arm, with violently pulsing veins criss crossing around it.

"You know what to do right."

Her sister whispered in her ear after noticing she was in a trance. She swallowed nervously and without saying a word in return, she begin.

Reaching out with one hand towards his cock, feeling the heat coming from it made her hot as she proceeded to wrap her hand around it. Barely even fitting, she began to move her hand up and down rubbing it, causing him to moan.

As she did so, her other hand found its way down her body and into her G-string panties, finding her pussy wet as can be and began to play with herself. Rubbing her fingers around the outer folds before dipping in deeper causing her to moan out loud.

After her older sister get took her master's cock in hand, she stayed in place, watching her sister closely on how she takes him in her mouth. Before frowning in jealousy at the bit of pre-cum at the tip of his cock being swept clean by Jenna.

Leaning in close, she went from base to tip, tasting his cock and pre-cum in one go, as she began to lick all over his dick with more fervor; unable and unwilling to stop herself.

Running her tongue along the underside of his dick, licking from side to side, causing it to move back and forth. Twirling the tip of her tongue around the crown before taking it in her mouth and suck on it briefly.

Gulping more of the cum that leaked out before letting go and resuming her previous task. With one last lick, she gave the tasty slab of cock before her a kiss on the tip before engulfing a quarter of the thing in her hot tight throat.

Beth watch with eager eyes as she saw her sister choking on the large cock that barely fit in her mouth. Before frowning a few minutes later as her sister stopped in the middle.

Feeling frustrated with her sister's actions, she decided to take matters into her own hands. Grabbing a fistful of hair from her sister's head and pushed her head down past the middle, near the base.

His massive girth stretched her lips into an obscene ring, her eyes watering as her mouth gaped open. Her tongue flapped about in her mouth, adding to the pleasure as it pressed up against the tip and swirled around.

Her eyes bulged, tearing up even more as he thrust his hips and sank himself even deeper into her face.

"Oooh, god!"

He moaned, his hands tangling in her silky hair.

"Hlllllgh! Hhhhrrgh! Ghhhghhk!"

Jenna choked out, spit frothing from the edge of her lips. Her drool dribbled down her chin onto her deep exposed cleavage, her tits wobbling violently as he began to properly face-fuck her.

"Ghaaghk~ Gllrrrk! Ghhhhllkgh!"

Watching her master face fuck her sister roughly, she giggled with dark pleasure. Leaning forward to mock her sister to her face, she said sarcastically,

"Oh my~!"

She tittered, shaking her head in disappointment,

"She must really be inexperienced with deepthroats if she's choking this badly."

Casually, she reached out to sink her hand between her twin's plump thighs and fondle her thong-clad pussy.

"Oh, she's drenched! Master, she loves this! Please keep fucking that naughty, dirty MILF throat-pussy until she can't take anymore, won't you~?"

He obliged her, shooting Jenna a look of sympathy as he fuck her harder and rougher. Grabbing her silky hair, he proceeded to pound her face with the pump of his hips.

Her slender neck bulged out, eliciting even more gagging, choking and sputtering from her slutty lips. Tears streamed down her face and her eyes fluttered in and out of consciousness.

Slowly they rolled to the back of her head as she started to black out. Yet throughout the brutal skull-fucking, horrid gagging and her spit flying out, Jenna's trembling cunt gushed and streamed with juices.

In between her choking, squeaky moans of delight echoed out from her older sister. She was almost just as much of a mess, fingering her own pussy furiously at how Jenna was getting off on her master ruining her esophagus.

"Did that husband of yours ever treated you like this, Jenna?"

She panted, her eyes shining with maddened lust even as she slurped and suckled at Alex's remaining shaft,

"I bet he didn't and let you do all the work, didn't he?"

"D-damn right!"

He grunted, playing along with Beth, trying his best to cram himself all the way down to the base inside the other woman's vacuum-tight mouth.

"What a dumbass!

Finally, after several long, blissfully rough minutes of vicious face-fucking, Jenna's nose became buried in his pubes at the base of his cock. Her lips, stretched into a thin ring and smeared with lipstick. She had made it all the way down.

With a deep, breathless, weak moan that vibrated his shaft. She came, eyes rolling all the way back as her spasming pussy sprayed and gushed her juices all over herself, drenching her thick thighs and soaking through her slutty thong.

Beth also joined her, climaxing with a squeal as well. An arc of pussy juice fired from her greedy, plump slit and drenched her pumping fingers. She giggled and moaned at the sight her arrogant older sister wetting herself.

"Mmmmm. Would you look at that~"

She purred, licking her own cum off her fingers.

"Someone came first. Even before my master."

"...Fuck, I was really close too"

He groaned, slowly dragging his massive prick free of her tight, slimy throat.

"She has a tight throat, but my cock was too much for her to handle."

He said, feeling sorry for her after his rough actions. His cock was absolutely filthy; slathered in a thick coating of frothy spit. Beth just cooed lovingly at his cock, ignoring the warm saliva that is being splattered onto her breast.

Seeing her older sister get utterly ruin by her master's godly shaft made her mouth drool for a sweet taste herself. However she felt like teasing her older sister a bit more.


Jenna was barely even aware of herself and those around her. Her makeup was a complete mess; black mascara mixed in with her tears and spit ran down her face, her eyes rolling listlessly and unseeing.

She gasped and struggled for air while her tongue hung out. Her lips stick, once a clean and sexy look, was now smeared around her face. She was ruined beyond recognition as her tantalizing breasts jiggled, up and down with her panting.

Yet the feeling of Beth's finger's pulling at her nipples, twisting the hardened nubs, made her shiver and squeal like a pig. Her younger sister kneaded and caressed her bosom with rough tugs and pinches.

"Well, maybe she just needs a little help~"

She giggled, motioning her beloved stud of a master to sit back down. Pulling her sister upright by the hair, she shoved her glorious cleavage onto Alex's swollen cock, wrapping those soft bosoms around his massive cock.

"Mmph! Let's see how good her tits are~"

He groaned at the soft warm feeling of her breast wrapping around his long cock, swaddling him in marshmallow softness and flawless white skin.

"Crap! Her tits are so soft!"

He panted, biting his lower lip in lust. However, she only snickered, forming an even more sensual plan in mind. Kneeling next her sister, who was slowly coming to, she took her own breast and smushed them around her master's shaft from the other side.

Goosebumps formed on her skin as she sandwiched his hot cock between her bosoms and those of her sister. Their fat, suckable nipples rubbed and flicked against each other as she began to moving her jugs up and down.

Giggled playfully, as their breast stroke his manly shaft,

"It's time for a paizuri, master~ This time with twice the fun!"

Taking her hands off her own heavenly breast, she seized Jenna's breasts from the sides and began hauling them up and down as well, her fingers sinking into the fat.

"Oh! They're so soft, my hands are getting sucked in! I bet her husband never played with them much!"

Jenna could only whimpered as she and her younger sister gave him a double titty-fuck. Both racks sliding easily along the spit-soaked shaft to slap softly on his thighs.

She wanted to say something, anything, but the musk of Alex's cock and it's hot pulse thumping though her chest; could only make her respond in needy pants and whines. He agree with a deep-throated moan as he said,

"He doesn't know what he's missing."

She took her own plush, juicy lips and kissed up against Alex's pulsing, cockhead. Moaning sweetly as she swallowed more and more of his cock. Her tongue lapping eagerly at the sweet pre-cum that dribbled out of his slit.

Joyfully bobbing her head up and down. Light gags sound from her tight throat as the cockhead teased at the entrance to her tight throat. In the meantime, as her skilled lips and tongue set to work on his thick cock, her older sister watched with some shock and jealousy.

The skill she displayed at taking such a monstrous cock was far more impressive. Where she had gagged and choked, Beth merely moaned. She worked that cock like she had done it before, which was impossible.

This was her 8th time working his cock with her mouth as it was Beth's 3rd time. Even while bobbing up and down with lewd, drolly slurps, she never ceased to pump her creamy jugs up and down, still pressed up tight against her own boobs.

And what was even more astounding was Alex's stamina! Sure, his face was twisted in a rictus of pleasure as Beth and her tit's caressed his massive cock, but after a full twenty minutes had past and he still didn't even look close to cumming.

Adding the fact he cummed like 3 or 4 times today and was still hard and ready to continue. She still find it hard to believe he has more stamina that adults twice his age.

His cock twitched and ached under her great skill, but that's all it did. Feeling sorry for him, she re-doubled her efforts, trying to make him explode.

While she did this, Jenna gobbled and sucked at Alex's shaft, pumping her breast at a dizzying rate. Trying to ignore the tingle of her stiff nipples rubbing against Beth's as she worked up and down on his cock.

The loud, meaty slap of her bosoms on his thigh sent a pleasant sting throughout her shapely body. Her younger sister's soft lips always kiss the top of her breast whenever she brought her breast up and Beth's head went down.

Or when she pushed them down and her younger sister swallowed the shaft whole. So engrossed with her efforts that she barely noticed Beth had left Alex's manhood with a lewd, wet pop.

She could only yelp in surprise as she was pulled forward, once more by the hair, into a forced kiss with her younger sister. Her plush lips parted, letting Beth's slither right on in.

Their tongues started to dance together, swirling in each other's mouth and just playing to see who would pull away first. Fortunately or unfortunately, it was for Jenna, it was her sister who pulled back first.

She was barely on the edge of cumming again, only to be left shaking and shivering as she pulled her mouth back and left her panting for more. However, before they could kiss again, Jenna turned her attention to her Alex's cock.

Now, acting in sync, they simultaneously 'attacked' his cockhead. Two sets of plump, soft lips smooched up against the sides, accompanied by soft moans that vibrated his shaft.

He ran his fingers through their hair, grabbing handfuls like reins to reassure them of his presence. Pre-cum continued to spout from his cock in a constant stream, outputting more than a normal man's ejaculation.

The double efforts of Beth and Jenna drove him mad with pleasure. Thrusting between the lashing tongues, his seed spurted out of his purple cock-head.


After yelling out their names, he cummed. An eruption of thick, white cum exploded from his throbbing, shaft. It fired thick, unrelenting clumps that covered the two lovely women faces.

The first shot hit her right between the eyes splattering across her face filling her nose with its strong scent. Having missed the first shot, she was quick to angle herself better for the second and opened wide getting a mouthful of the creamy discharge for her efforts.

Beth moaned at the dense cum that flooded her mouth and drowned her tongue. Meanwhile, Jenna also moan in delight as she tilted her head back to savor what was shoot in her mouth, while the rest shot at her and her sister's bosoms.

After swallowing her new drink, she was left breathing heavily. Bringing her hand to her face and wiped of some of the cum off her cheek before presenting it before her eyes.

Bringing the sticky substance closer she inhaled its musk before licking her hand clean. Savoring the taste, Jenna followed her sister's lead as she began cleaning herself of cum.

Using her hands, she scope up his cum from her breast and into her mouth. Gulping it down with a shiver of pleasure after each gulp. She made sure not waste a drop as she even lifted up her large breasts close enough to lick clean.

Meanwhile, he stared at them as they did so, his gaze locked onto their every sensual movement as they licked their chest clean. It was at this point that Beth noticed her master's member was still hard and ready for more.

'Good. Cause now it's time to really have fun!'

Thinking this, she decided to entice him further by dragging her tongue slowly over the top of her left breast. Taking the last bit of his cum on her tongue before flicking her nipple with the tip as she finished.

Showing him her mouth, filled with cum as launched herself at her, bring her into a passionate kiss. Her tongue easily pierced Jenna's lips once more and played with her own.

Sharing the remaining sperm in her mouth, they both moaned erotically as they kissed. After kissing for a while, the two left with only saliva connecting them. Their bodies pressed tightly against one another, making their breasts pop.


Without any warning, Alex grabbed Jenna by the shoulder's, turned her around and shove her down into the bed with her ass sticking up and squeal of delight escaping her lips.

Afterwards, he ripped off her drenched panties before tossing them aside, making her excited for the pussy pounding to come. She was left in only her thigh high stockings with her round juicy ass in the air and her supple breasts now pressed onto the mattress.

Giggling at his actions, she stood up and slowly walked behind her master. She can't keep her eyes off her older sister's butt. Without even thinking, she reach out to rub Jenna's meaty rear.

Finally figuring out why her master loved plowing her from behind so much. Her older sister's butt was quite the marvel, soft and plush, yet firm and perky. She really wanted to slap it.


So she did. Getting a cute, submissive cry from her as she jumped lightly off the bed.

'Mm~ Her voice is really cute too~!'

Expecting Alex to start fucking her right then and there after her sister played with her ass, she jumped once again as she let out another squeal.


Beth smirked smugly, ramming her middle finger deep into Jenna's cunt, sliding right on in. She then jackhammered her digits in and out of her, making her double over with a moan as she buckled her hips widely.

Speaking in a mocking tone,

"Such a slutty sister you are! Wanting to have my master plow this slutty cunt, while your husband is down stairs. Not even caring that his wife is being stolen from him as we speak."

Jenna felt her arousal increase at her sister's words and rough treatment to the point where she began to rub her ass back and forth on the hand that is fingering her. Wanting him to just fuck her already!

"See! He haven't stuck it in you yet and you're already trying to get more! Well, I'll be happy to give the horny whore what she wants, but only if she says it out loud! I want to hear her slutty mouth say it before he FUCKS her hard!"

Beth demanded, spanking her ass with her other hand that was previously on her hip. Then bring her master's cock over her sister's pussy teasing her, making her moan from both the sting of the slap and pleasure of his cock.

She didn't hesitated.


Being the nice guy that he was, he gave her what she wanted. Taking aim at her swollen slit with his cock, he pressed his fist-sized head right up against the entrance and slid inside slowly, splitting her wide open.

He groaned as warm pussy drenched his shaft, hot silken folds wriggling around it ceaselessly. It took a good minute to fully hilt himself inside her. Her tight walls pushed and squeezed him hard like his first night with her allover again.

Still, she easily took him in as his churning balls finally slapped at crack of her rear as his crotch tickled her clit.

"Ooh fuck! Fuck yes! Ram that hot rod right in slutty womb!"

She cried out in ecstasy, spittle flying from her mouth as she felt inch after amazing inch of Alex's cock sliding deeper and deeper into her pussy, sending another orgasm throughout her body.

He didn't stop there however as true to his word he withdrew his dick, while she was still mid orgasm coaxing another moan from her lips and began to fuck the shit out of her.


She yelled out lost in lust from the fucking she was receiving. Her crevice repeatedly spread open again and again by the large fleshy intruder as her hips were held in his strong grip preventing her from pushing back against him.

She was at his mercy as her body was sent forward by the force of his pumping sending wave after wave of pleasure throughout as her tits swung back and forth freely.

She wanted to stop them from swinging, but it was taking most of her strength just to support her self under his relentless assault on her pussy. Her want for him to not stop increasing as her tongue now hung from her mouth, her face taking on an ahegao look to it.

She felt him hitting the entrance to her womb with every thrust and the sensations from it made her excited to take his seed as he hit her G-spot over and over again.

Meanwhile, crouched behind them was Beth, watching enraptured as her master's hips and muscular ass thrusted, in and out on her sister.

"Oooh~ Even if it's my sister, master is so hot~"

She cooed lovingly, her eyes sparkling lustily as she fingered herself. She crawled forward, until she was right closed to the action. Watching eagerly as his massive cock stabbed deep into the stretched hole, his shaft slick with sweet juices.

He grunted out after giving her a particularly hard thrust drawing a deep sexy moan out of Jenna.

"Ah! No! Ah! Don't! Mmm, fuck! Stop! Keep! Ooh, right there! Fucking me!"

She panted out, begging as he repeatedly slammed into her, not letting up on her abused cunt. Crawling around her master's thrusting form. She crawled between his arms and positioned herself over the sexually-ruined Jenna.

Thrusting out her fat ass, she spread eager holes for him. She mewled and moaned for her master's cock.

"Oh, master! Fill up this Toy already! Drown her in your cum, so you fuck your favorite pussy!"


A throaty chuckle left his lips. Never breaking his stride as he slammed his hips with blistering speed, he smack Beth's jiggly butt with a heavy, open-handed spanking.

Her creamy flesh rippled around his hand on impact before reforming into its perfect spherical shape, now slightly reddened.


She squealed lustfully as her ass more or less blushed with each stinging slap, throwing her head back as he assaulted her cushiony rear. Joining her sister in orgasmic bless, she climaxed along with her.

Her pussy lurched and clenched on nothingness as they both showered each other with their juices.

"Hold on, Toy."

He reached over to play with and pull at Beth's magnificent tits, their absurdly soft, yet perky weight settling perfectly in his palms.

"Nnngh, I'm almost done here!"

He announced. His voice straining before he rammed into her again and stiffened. Her eyes gazed listlessly up at the ceiling, while her breast wobbled and bounced from the shear impact of Alex's thrusting hips.

"Oh, fuuuuuuck~!"

He said as his shaft throbbed and lurched.

"Take my cum!"

He hilted himself inside her, twitching and swelling nuts pulling up in preparation.

"Uuuuuhhhn~ I'll make sure that you never forget this! You'll never leave us for the rest of your life!"

His Toy, upon hearing such words being thrown at her sister, moaned as she cummed again as well.

"Yes! Fuck yes! Filled this slut up, master! Hurry and bag this cow so I can be next!!"

She bucked her hips excitedly, bouncing her fat ass off his abs and smearing pussy-juices on his belly as her titties squished in his hands. Filled with delight at the thought of her sister being their bitch.

Beth thrusted a finger into her gushing pussy, swiftly fucking herself through an orgasm. He gave her what she wished for. His virile cum fired deep into Jenna's womb.

It then spewed out the tight edges of Jenna's cunt as she could only moan in pure bliss. Her smooth, tube-bulged belly began to bloat out slightly, only prolonging her orgasm.

Alex then pulled his still cumming cock out of the tight confines of Jenna's over stuffed pussy. Thick cum spurted from his head, coating his two cum-drunk 'lovers' with a few plops, before he rammed deep into Beth's own quivering pussy.

Giving her what is left, but he didn't stop there. She suddenly found herself flipped over, her bosoms jiggling as she found herself on her back.


Was all she could say as he slammed back into her pussy, sending her legs up into a V as he began harshly fucking her again. He moved one of his hands he had placed on either side of her head to steady himself down to her breast.

Groping it roughly as he thoroughly plowed her pussy, hitting new places as they fucked in the missionary position. Her other breast bounced freely as her whole body was shaken roughly by his relentless pummeling.

Her legs wrapped around his waist ensuring he wouldn't pull out and she wrapped her arms around his neck bringing him down to her lips. The sound of flesh slapping against wet flesh echoed throughout the room.

Their hips slamming together as they swapped spit, moans escaping their lips while their tongues lashed out and caressed one another. Sucking on his tongue she could feel their combined saliva trailing down the sides of her mouth

When he suddenly stopped kissing her and broke free from her grasp, pulling back from(and out of) her entirely. However, before she could whine, he quickly hooked her legs over his arms and pushed them over until they were resting beside her head.

Taking advantage of her flexibility he quickly re-began his assault on her cunt in the mating press position again, before ramming his dick into her and passing her cervix into her womb.

She resumed licking his tongue and moaned out loud like a wanton slut.


She slurred in her drunken lust filled state. His weight pressed down on her body pinning and leaving her helpless while he fucked her relentlessly, her words showing how much she loved it.

The rough sex had robbed her of any other senses that didn't involve sex in euphoric bliss and she didn't care as his cock barreled through her caverns over and over.

Over and over he plundered her moist twat deliciously with that thick cock of his, she didn't want it to stop. The most she could do was tighten her vaginal muscles to message his member more and bring both of their orgasms closer together.

Based on his increasingly erratic thrusts and how she felt his cock thickening in her tunnel it looked like it was going to happen soon. Then after some hard humps she saw him grit his teeth and felt him explode inside of her triggering her orgasm again.


Fill her up he did his hot cum warming up her womb again. Doubling the force and speed that he'd used with Jenna, he plowed her with reckless abandon, fucking and churning his seed into her womb.

After finally spilling his whole load, he let go of her legs as he retreated. Drawing his steel-hard cock out of Beth's gaping pussy with a long, loud, wet *SHLORP*. She only moan and shudder next to her sister, feeling totally spent.

He sat on his hunches, panting lightly as he was feeling smug about fucking both Beth and Jenna at the same time. Despite wanting to rest next to Beth and Jenna, they have to go back down now.

They have been missing more than an hour now and he doesn't want them to go looking for them.