Test 2 +18

"Oh, Alex, your here. Great, I need your help." She said in her normal tone of voice and without a hint of diffidence as she face him. Her breast swaying slightly at her movement, but his focus was split at the moment.

His cousin Stacy was still taking off her clothes, her hands went to unclip her bra as her back was towards him. She didn't even stop when she saw him in the mirror and took off her bra.

Showing him her C-cup breast and light pink nipples that was slowly hardening under his gaze. Gulping, he answered Jenna as he tore his eyes away from Stacy. "Yes, aunt Jenna. What do you need help with?"

Although he can't see her front, her killer figure and beautiful bubble butt are more than enough to make his cock stand rigidly to attention as water began to cascading down her curvy body.

"Would you wash my back? I don't have a scrubber and I really need it darling." She says. "Uh...yeah...OK." Alex stammer as he saw his cousin Stacy, seems to be watching them or rather him.

His hard 12 inch cock standing tall and proud in front of him, bobbing up and down as he walk towards her. This is her first time seeing a real cock in front of her instead of a computer screen.

"Great." With a smile on Jenna's face, she opens the door as steam pours out. He take the opportunity to admire Jenna's wet body up close. Her enormous breasts swing side to side with her every movement as she continues to wash herself.

As Alex step into the stall, she notices his swollen cock and says nothing. After she turns around, she grabs his shampoo bottle and squirts some in her hands before handing to Alex.

Then she begins to shampoo and rinse her long hair before moving downwards. Rubbing it against her chest, then her arms and shoulders as the suds making their way down over her body as it reach her feet.

Having watched enough, he squirted some shampoo in his hands and washed her down carefully making sure to give every inch of her back with an intimate caress."Mmmm...Just like that honey." She said throatily, his cock twitching against his stomach.

Meanwhile, Stacy was already neck deep into bath subs as she watches Alex rubs her mother's back. Absentmindedly, her hands were gently stroking her thighs, running slowly along her long legs, then sliding in between her bald pussy.

Once her back was completely covered with soap, Alex glides his hands down, massaging her lower back until he cupped her tight backside, sending a rush of pleasure through her body.

"Oh!" Was all she said as he continued to scrub her butt, over and over again. Never going beyond her ass cheeks, much to her disappointment. But that changed as Alex pressed his body against Jenna's and says,

"Let me wash your front now." Alex's hard cock is now grinding against Jenna's ass and look down at her breast. "A-Alright." With a labored breath, she agreed to his request and placed her arms by her by side.

Slowly, his hands went from her back around to her midriff, covering her bellybutton and doubling back to just underneath her tits. He knocked into her breast, which just wobbled a little, but she didn't react.

Then he gently stroke her massive tits with his hands, enjoying how soft they are in his hands. "Careful A-Alex, not so rough! Nnn...H-Here, use some of this lotion." She moan a bit after being a bit rough, kneading her soaking breast.

As she passes the bottle towards Alex, he didn't hesitate to squirt some pearly white liquid onto her skin, imagining for a moment that its his cum spraying all over hers tits.

"Er, I think you've got enough there Alex, why don't you rub it in now?" Without any hesitation, he begin rub in the lotion all over her incredible breast. "Mmmm, that's better." She purrs with delight, leaning against Alex as he kneads her massive titts.

Giving a low moan every so often as the palms of his hands brush against her hardening nipple. Not to mention using her thick butt to bring him pleasure as she moves up and down on his shaft, seeing as he is nestled between her cheeks.

Moving one hand from her breast, Alex used two fingers to grab her chin and turn her head to the side, where he kissed her, his tongue licking her lips for permission. Which she gives as Jenna opens her mouth, kissing him deeply.

Alex other hand continues to molest her titt, rolling her nipple between his fingers. They make out with each other for several minutes, until he breaks the kiss and pushes her against the shower stall.

Her massive breast pressing up against the glass, showing her daughter her breast as she looks back, over her shoulder at him with. "Oh! So forceful!" She moaned playfully.

Loaming over her, he whispered in her ear, "Stay right there Jenna. I just need to clean one last place until your fully clean." And to emphasize his point, he used his hard cock to rub along her neither lips, making her shudder in place.

"A-Alright, Alex...whatever you say..." She purrs, a bit breathless, but braces herself for what to come. As she talks, Alex holds her by her hips and maneuver his cock to her slick pussy. Gently moving foreword, he poked his fat cockhead just inside her slit.

"Mm~" A low moan escapes her as the tip of Alex cock breached her tight pussy. Leaning forward, he reach around her body to her heaving tits, where he pinched her erect nipples, making her moan a bit louder.

"Ohhhh... FUCK!" Jenna screamed out in pleasure as Alex thrusted hard, punching his cock deep inside Jenna's hot and tight pussy in one fluid motion. Jenna's body moved with the motion, pressing herself tighter against the walls, and moans loudly.

"Arhhhhh, Alex you're so deep." She moaned. She could feel her inner walls stretch to accommodate the intruding cock, reshaping her walls into his cocks shape. With each movement he lost himself, driving forward and backwards, pulling her hips to meet his before pushing off, so he could impale her again.

Their combined moans were music to Stacy, who was masturbating in the tub. She watched her cousin hand wash her mother, from back to front. Paying extra attention to her ass and her giant breast.

Which she frowned after cupping her own breast and gently molded her hands around them like he is doing to her mother. A light moan escaped her lips when she accidently tweaked her nipples with her palms.

Blushing, she shot her eyes towards the shower stall, feeling both relive and a bit of disappointment that Alex didn't hear her. Shooting them another look, she saw him preoccupied with cleaning her mother and wasn't paying her any attention.

Feeling bold, she use one hand to imagine Alex kneading her breast, while she then inserted her finger in her tight virgin cunt, also imagining her cousin playing with her pussy.

Soon the sounds of wet bodies smacking into each other and loud moans are heard in the bathroom, covering up her own moans. Which she takes full advantage by moaning louder as she stick 2 fingers up her pussy.

Now pressing his front against her slim back, he nibbled on her ear while switching his thrusts to short, but fast. Amazed at how tight she was even though he had fucked her so hard before. It felt like her whole cunt was trying to suck and massage his dick.

"So tight and hot!" He moaned, leaving kisses on her neck, before sucking on it, leaving a hickey as he pulled away. His left hand explored her breasts once more and his right hand went to her clit and began to rub on it.

She screamed at the touch as her cunt walls tightened around his member. She was close, he could feel it.

He thrust even faster, rubbing her clit without mercy and then he felt her come as her inner walls spasmed against his dick, intensifying the pleasurable friction it was giving.

"ALEX!" She moaned his name as he pounds her harder and faster. "I'm coming!" She shrieks to the heavens and her body shakes vigorously as she rode the wild and wonderful waves of sheer ecstasy.

Soon, she lost her balance as she climaxed, her hips thrashing about as Alex continued to pump into her as an intense climax rocketed through her. He was the only thing holding her up, otherwise she would of slide down the glass.

He held her up as her warm pussy rippled and clenched around his shaft again, he knew he was at his end now. Thrusting deeply in her once, twice, then a third time, he released his load.

"Oh fuckkkkkkkk~! I'm gonna cum!" He growled in her ear as he continued to thrust in and out of her tight pussy. Before going in deep as his cock erupts inside her like a volcano, spewing hot white lava inside her willing, fertile womb.

She gasp again as another orgasm shoots through her body when he filled her womb with huge gouts of sticky cum. The enormous orgasm overwhelms her mind. The feeling of his seed filling her womb was the best feeling in the world. Only pleasure mattered right now.

Being restrained by his hands makes her wilder, bucking and wiggling in his grasp. Her body keeps surging with ecstasy as she panted with need and lack of air.

After five more squirts into Jenna's womb, he couldn't support her anymore and slowly slid down the glass, still holding onto Jenna's delicious body. The water falling on them only made it hotter for them.

"Uh." Alex moaned softly as he slowly withdraw his cock from her pussy and the moment it popped out a small amount of cum seeped out, but most of it had been planted deep inside.

"Now that your fully cleaned aunt Jenna, mother wants to talk to you." He tells her as he turns off the shower and dries himself off. After that he wrap the towel around his waist and walk out the room.

Falling face first on his bed, he slowly calm his beating heart racing as he just realize something. Stacy didn't say a word of protest when he joined her mother in the shower and started fondling her mother.

Not to mention, Jenna wasn't even a bit shy or embarrass when he was having his way with her in front of her daughter. She didn't even care when he was fucking her against the glass wall, giving her daughter a good view of her naked self.

'This liquid is awesome!' He shouted in his mind as he wears a new set of clothes and made his way down stairs. Feeling hungry after the morning workout.