
"We don't want a girl who would blurt out our secrets after getting a few drinks into her or someone who wouldn't approve us having sex. After all we will be sharing the same man and I would like to be sister's with them." She explained.

"Ok, yeah. I can see what you mean. The new girl will be jealous and insecure about herself after seeing you two." He said, pulling her close to him as he roam her body with his hands before going under her shirt and cupping her soft breast.

"You guys are smoking hot and with how big your breast are, they will feel threaten. After all, men cannot resist the charms of a women's big breast."

Alex squeeze her breast, earning a small moan from Beth as he felt her nipples start to harden underneath his palms. "A-Ah. That is true. Y-You were such a hungry baby that you couldn't get enough milk from these."

She said, looking down at her breast that was being fondled by him, "You were so sad when I stop breast feeding you that you were mopping for days. I was beginning to think you like these more than me."

"Ahem." Clearing his throat in nervousness, he continued, "I didn't even remember that happening." Furrowing his brow, he acted confused by her words as he saw his aunt looking at them out the corner of his eye.

In both lives, he was fascinated with breast and it was his main fetish. He was and still is fascinated with her breast. 'Still, it was quite surprising she notice that.'

"Ok, while I don't like it, but I will follow the rules this time." She said, looking a bit disgruntled. She was planning on having sex with Alex in her room, while her husband is downstairs.

'Well, there goes my plans of having risky sex with Alex going down the drain. At least having sex with my nephew behind my husband's back is exciting too.' She thought feeling a bit better.

While it is exciting to almost get caught having sex in public places; it is still bad if they get caught by someone they know.

"G-Good. Ahn. I-I'm glad you agreed. N-Now, let's talk a-about who g-goes first o-on what days and h-how long." She said, breathing erratically as her son rubs her clothed pussy.

"Ok, but I'm going first." She said, not taking a no for an answer. Seeing as her sister fuck her nephew "first" and last, it was her turn now. "F-Fine."

As for Alex, he didn't say anything as he was too busy having fun making Beth squirm with his touch. And so they spent the next 10 minutes hashing out a draft of who goes next and on what days.

Unfortunately for Alex, since they have been sex with him for the past 2 days or so, their vaginas' is a bit tender right now, so they decided to hold off on sex today and start tomorrow.

"Good." She nodded in approval before turning to Alex. "Alex, make sure to leave you door unlock in the morning as I will be waking you up~."

She said huskily into his ear which sent shivers down his spine. Smiling at the reaction she got from him, she got up and sashayed out the door, but not before throwing a wink over her shoulder at him.

Beth just huffed at her antics and followed her out, leaving him alone in his room. Sighing, he followed after then, but not before adjusting himself as his pants was a bit tight right now.

Making his way to the living room, he sat down next in between Beth and Jenna, right across from Hank and Billy. Stacy was nowhere to be seen, which means she is in her room.

'I guess I need to spend more time with her.' While he was a bit sad she was not here, but he soon distracted as Beth's short summer dress slide up her tight toned thighs a little higher than was proper.

Tearing his eyes away from her, Alex stared at the screen, not really watching the movie and not really caring about it at all. Having already seen it numerous times, [A Nightmare on Elm Street] 2010.

Turning his head slightly towards Hank and Billy, he placed his hands on top of Beth's and Jenna's thighs as they briefly glance at their direction before turning back to the TV.

His heart was pounding fiercely at his actions as he was taking liberties with Hank's wife. Seeing as he wasn't saying anything, he slowly slip his hand higher on their legs.

As he was moving up their legs, he was actually surprise to see they were unconsciously and slowly spread their legs wider, giving him better, easier, access to their sex.

Looking at their faces, he notice their cheeks were flushed, eyes glossy as they stared determinedly at the television. Slipping completely under their skirt/dress, he slowly explored their clothed sex.

Using two fingers, he slowly moved up and down their panties, soaking them a bit in their juices before pushing them aside. Without wasting any time, he plunge his fingers into their wet sex; gasp of pleasure escaped their mouths.

Hank and Billy only glanced at them briefly before focusing on the TV, ignoring any and all sounds escaping their mouths. As Alex hand continued to caress and explore their pussies.

Looking down, he saw their nipples becoming hard. Blatantly poking out through the thin fabric of their dress/shirt as they squirm in place.