Morning sex +18

After stuffing his aunt to the brim last night, Alex carried her back to his room to sleep it off. While he did so, he made sure every last drop cum he pumped into her was left on their bed. A present for his uncle.

Since he want to make sure Hank understands' that his wife is now his and it wasn't some horrible dream. After all, if he was a loving husband to Jenna, it would of taken her a long time to fell in love with him.

While the liquids made it easier to fuck females, Alex also wants that emotional connection lover's have with each other. If he just wanted to screw someone, he would of used [Knockout] right then and there.

Not that he didn't think it at first, but Alex thought it would go to far. Without having a bottom line to hold him back, he will be exposed much sooner than he would of liked.

Putting her underwear and shirt back on, he carried her out of their room and into his with ease. Thanks to [Perfect Body] he can lift 5 times his normal body weight, so carrying her is like carrying a stuffed bunny.

Once inside he gently placed her in bed and covered her with blankets. Then Alex got in next to her, spooning her from behind as he hold her tight and went to sleep.


It was around nine in the morning and the sun was shining high in the sky, causing light to leak into a certain room in the house. The room in question had two occupants that were soundly sleeping until the light from the sun interrupted it.

Alex and Jenna were in a very intimate position. Jenna's head was laid on Alex's chest, while his hand was placed on top of her left breast. The rays of the sun shining into his eyes roused him from his sleep.

Raising his free arm to block the light when he noticed where his other hand was. He just smirked and gave Jenna's breast a squeeze eliciting a moan from the still sleeping woman.

Deciding to just enjoy himself he sat there for next 30 minutes or so occasionally squeezing her breasts every now and then. After having to get up hours before and douse everyone, besides Jenna that is with [Ignorant] once more, he felt like he earn it.

Alex laid back and enjoyed the feeling of Jenna's soft body on his and her firm breast. After those 30 minutes were up, Jenna woke up from her sleep.

'Mmm~, what a wild dream that was. Ravaging me right in front of my husband was so hot.' She thought with smile, before continuing. 'Would be wonderful if it was true.'

But before she could go back to sleep, Jenna felt her left breast being squeezed. Still being drowsy from just waking up, she mumbled out, "Stop that Hank. I told you not to touch me again."

She was immediately shocked out of her drowsiness though when instead of her husband's voice she heard a younger, youthful voice. "I'm not Hank, and its never to early to play with tits like these!"

Alex just chuckled when he seen her eyes open widen to stare at him and her body shoot ramrod straight. "ALEX! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!" She shouted out in fear before whispering to him quietly.

"Get out of here! Quickly before Hank comes back and sees you here!" She tries to push him off the bed and out of her room before Hank comes back.

Alex pulled her into his arms, holding in place as she tried to get out of his hold. Feeling amused and touched, he decided to break it to her. "You're in my room. Waking up after a night full of fun. Don't you remember?"

Alex knew that she wouldn't believe what happened last night was true, seeing as Hank did nothing to stop them. As he said this Jenna finally believe what happened last night was real.

Eventually, she renewed her struggle in his grip before finally letting her go. Which was a bad move on his part as soon as he let go Jenna slapped his chest three times before laying her head back on his chest.

"Why didn't you say something like that first. Nearly got a heart attack thinking my husband would be coming back and catch us in bed together." She pouted which made her look cute in his eyes.

Chuckling briefly, he pulled her forward, wrapping Jenna into a tight embrace as he apologize for scaring her like that. Her cheek resting on his developing pecks as she listens to his heart beat which gradually calms her down.

"Ha ha, I'm sorry dear. I would've thought you would realize that you were not in your room. I guess it's my bad for not telling you then." He said with a smile.

"Hmph!" Pretending to be annoyed with him, she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. Waiting for him to coax her awake like in those romantic movies she and Beth used to watch.

Sighing to himself, he tried coaxing her which failed spectacularly as he didn't know how to do that. "Honey, it's all my fault..." He continued for the next few minutes which she only turned her head away from him.

Showing Alex her displeasure with her actions without any words. Snorting in amusement at her actions, he decided to try a different approach now that he failed.

"Well now, since that didn't work, let's try it my way." His hands roamed to her breasts as he spoke. "Maybe we can pick up where we left of last night." He said this as the smirk on his face grew. He expected a denial to his response, but that wasn't what he got.

"Last night wasn't enough so you wanted more, huh? Just don't tell your mother that we skip her turn." Opening her eyes, Jenna turned around to face him with a teasing smile surprising him.

The surprise was only momentary though as his smirk became a full-blown grin. So leaning foreword Alex catch her lips in a passionate kiss which she returned with as much passion as him.

Then Alex shuddered when he felt her hand squeeze his cock, making it even harder and bigger. After a couple of minutes of intense tongue battle, which he was winning, he felt it was time to begin.

Breaking the kiss, Alex lowered himself until his hard cock was at her soaking entrance. However, before he could thrust his dick foreword into her pussy, he was stopped when Jenna placed a hand on his chest.

"Alex, could I be on top? I want to give it a try..." She said with a timid look on her face. "Of course, love" He quickly responded after blinking his surprise away. Having not seen her being timid before, it made her adorable.

Rolling over on the side next to her, he watch her jiggle- her breast that is as he can't take his eyes off it right now. He didn't get enough time playing with her breast last night that he is making it up now.

Seeing her glorious huge tits bouncing up and down as she rides him cowgirl style, he was going to feast on them. As he lied down in his bed, she climbed on him, maneuvering herself as she slowly sat on his thighs at the base of his massive cock.

Starting slowly, she lift her hips up before gradually dropping them back down. When her plump rear end met Alex's lap once again, she fluidly swayed her hips from side to side.

After repeating it a few more times she did something different. Raising her hips back up along his shaft until she was resting at the very tip of his cock. Just a slight push from either of them will allow his cock to penetrate her.

Bitting her lower lip in concentration, her gaze fell down on Alex's eager face as she allowed some of his cock to slightly into her pussy. At that brief penetration he felt her walls trying to pull his cock foreword into her depths only to blink in surprise.

He looked at her with a wrong expression as Jenna did him dirty. As he was only moments away from fully penetrating her, she slip him out of her wet pussy as she grin at him.

She allowed him to feel enough of her walls for a moment before dropping back down with his length, her ass pressing on his lap.

"Not yet. Alex. Not until I say so. Got it?~" She teased him, swaying hers hips once more to a unknown beat. Enjoying having power over him at this moment as she once more rubs his cock with her soaking pussy.

Of course, she could feel him throbbing and pulsing against her slit as his member slips between them. But she didn't bother doing anything else as she loved how it felt.

Having enough, Jenna lifts her body up and used her hand to grab hold of Alex's cock, hold steady it steady until it was pointing at the inviting, and dripping wet entrance of her pussy.

Teasingly, she used his cock to rub against her entrance, moaning along with him at the contact. She couldn't wait to feel his cock pushing in and pounding into her insides.

Lowering herself gently on his cock, they soon let out groans of pleasure as her slick walls stretch deliciously on his fat cock and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

A full-body spasm erupted as her tight pussy walls squeeze his shaft touched new spots inside her. "Fuck!" She screamed, not because of the pain, but for the pleasure it brought.

'It's ridiculous', she thought, 'I'm already on the verge of cumming.' She was shock to find herself a hair trigger away of cumming after being ravage last night.

And it didn't help her pussy drooling down streams of arousal on his cock as she sank down a little more. "Fuck", She gasped again, shuddering as she felt it getting closer.

Meanwhile, Alex was fighting against the urge to thrust his hips upwards to finally bury himself inside her, but he manage if barely. He will allow his aunt this much control before moving.

So it didn't help that Jenna was taking a few inches of his dick every minute as she stave off from orgasm right then and there. He knew enough was enough as he wince ever so slightly as her nails dug into his chest.

Knowing his family will be waking up soon, he decided to take back control. Letting go of the sheets, he then grab Jenna by the hips to her brief confusion before she started to protest.

"No...," She moaned as he pulled on her hips down. Jenna's protests died on her lips as she sank down on Alex's cock with a single thrust. It scraped her clit and smashed straight into her cervix as she came with a shudder.

Jenna's plump lips were now squirming around the base of his shaft, rubbing against his balls as she seemed to leak, shudder and moan. Not surprising as she was at the edge.

"Too… big… cock," She groaned as her convulsions wound down and she collapsed against his body. While he enjoyed having her breast press up against him, now wasn't the time to enjoy it.

Carefully pulling Jenna's hips up, his muscles bunching up as he worked her pussy up his shaft, leaving a trail of her cum all over his cock. He ignored her moaning cries, "No, not... ready!" as her body started spasming again.

Just as his cock head was about to leave her, he then let go of Jenna's hips. Her legs, which were keeping her up before, refused to work, and she just collapsed back down on his shaft.

Her pussy making a squelch sound as it slammed deep inside Jenna's vagina again. "Aaaaaaaaaah!" She screamed as her orgasm just seemed to go on.

Naturally, Alex has to step up, seeing as she can hardly do anything like that. Grabbing onto Jenna's ass and mauling her fleshy cheeks as he held her flush against the base of his shaft.

He started thrusting up and down her bouncing ass, increasing his pace as he did so. "Ah! Ah! Ah! Yesssssss! Harder, hardeeeeer!" The sounds of her massive curves slapping against his hips filled the room.

She moaned lewdly as her eyes kept rolling up to the back of her head from absolute pleasure. She could not form words to express her emotions. All she could do was support the orgasmic assault she was receiving.

Seeing her huge breasts bouncing back and forth right in front of him, he couldn't take it anymore. He rose up keeping a hold of her ass as he did so and put one pink nipple in his mouth, tasting it.

This caused the MILF to unconsciously wrapped her shuddering and quivering legs around his back as she was soon held on his lap. Her hands curled around Alex's neck as she pulled him tight to her breast.

Moaning loudly as she felt another orgasm coming her way as she embrace it. Unfazed by her orgasm, Alex continued violating her womb, now filled to the brim with his meaty cock.

19 minutes and half a dozen orgasms later, Alex felt himself getting near and so he told to his fucked silly partner. "I'm getting close Jenna, get ready!"

"Ah! Ah! Yes~! I love you so much, Alex!" He groaned as he felt himself explode into her, shooting thick ropes of cum into her well used pussy. Jenna could feel it filling her up to the brim.

The sensation of warm cum flooding her insides brought her to another mind-tearing orgasm, her entire body spasming, her huge breast heaving as she shuddered from the intense pleasure.

However, Alex was not done yet as he only cummed once so far. Laying her down on her back, he untangle her arms and legs around him as he leaned back.

Slowly, he pulled out his cock. Inch by inch he withdrew until the full 12 inches of hard meat lay on top of her pelvis. The cum he had pumped into her began pouring out, dribbling down her thighs as it pooled between her legs.

She whimpered in disappointment as she was overcome by a feeling of emptiness within her. She rolled her hips against his crotch, trying to coax him into filling her up again.

"More, Alex, oh, give me more please!" she moaned. "Now, now, calm down my love. I promised I would continue and I will. But first, you have to earn it. Suck my cock!" He said, placing his cock before her.

She obeyed, wrapping her luscious lips around the head, sucking and slurping on it like an oversized lollipop. She rolled her tongue around, savoring the taste of her own cum on the meaty cock.

Next she began slowly bobbing her head up and down, each time trying to get more of Alex's cock down into her throat. It was slow work, because of the huge cock, but after a few minutes she had managed almost all his size in.

She breathed in his manly scent, moaning and rubbing her pussy from excitement and pure lust. This made Alex groan at the sensation, but he needed more.

He grabbed the back of Jenna's head, forcing his cock down her tight throat. Her eyes widened as her slender neck bulged out at the monstrous intrusion, but didn't panic.

She choked herself silly on Alex's shaft until her lips met the ridge where his head met the main shaft, keeping his crown in her mouth, and then choked herself down again.

The deep-throating continued for ten whole minutes until Alex's shaft was glistening with Jenna's spit. He eventually had to pull the MILF off his cock, strands of saliva linking her lips to his lower head.

"Looks like you're addicted," he said, observing her spit-glazed face casually. She just panted. Her lungs were on fire from choking herself repeatedly on his tasty cock and her cheeks felt heavy from being expanded by Alex's girth, but she couldn't help herself.

She just panted and nodded. "Have I earn my reward, Alex? Please, please, stick your big cock back into me, love."

"Well, yes, I'm pretty satisfied with your blowjob honey. Now, turn around and get on fours, Jenna." Her body folded over as she balanced herself on her arms.

Her back arched as she raised her ass in the air, presenting Alex with a view that many would kill to watch. Shifting behind her, he was prepared to fuck her in the doggy style position.

He rubbed it back and forth briefly making her whimper before slowly sinking his cock back into her welcoming pussy. "Aahh~.... Yes, yes! Ohh A yes~!"

She started screaming with each thrust and ripples of her bouncing ass as Alex's hips met Jenna's buttocks with a series of resounding claps, "AAAAAAH!"

Soon she exploded in another orgasm, coating his dick with her nectar as her upper body collapsed on the bed, but he would not relent on his thrusts.

Her crevice repeatedly spread open again and again by his large fleshy intruder as her hips were held in his strong grip preventing her from pushing back against him.

She was at his mercy as her body was sent forward by the force of his pumping sending wave after wave of pleasure throughout as her tits swung back and forth freely.

Wanting to feel her huge breasts at this position, Alex leaned foreword and cupped the heavy tits. "Your breasts truly are something... they never stop to amaze me."

"Ahhh, you like them? You can ahhh, use them in whatever way you like aaaahhh. But pleeeaase, don't stop fucking me aaahh."

She had started to slam herself back into his cock, trying to match his speed. She felt him hitting the entrance to her womb with every thrust and the sensations from it made her excited to take his seed as he hit her G-spot over and over again.

"Ah! No! Ah! Don't! Mmm, fuck! Stop! Keep! Ooh, right there! Fucking me!" She panted out begging as he repeatedly slammed into her, not letting up on her abused cunt. "No. Need. To. Tell. Me. TWICE!"

He yelled punctuating each word with another harsh thrust inside her pussy. The busty MILF'S eyes had rolled up and her tongue was lolling about helplessly. Her large, rounded breasts swaying and bouncing around wildly as he continued to savagely thrust into her.

Her body shook and undulated repeatedly with the rapid-fucking he was giving her, her pussy squelched over and over again with insides contracting even tighter around his meat.

The sounds of moaning and wet slaps filled the room, the smell of sex was overpowering, the heat of their frantic lovemaking fogging the windows. "Uh uhu hu uuh uuaahh aaaahhh! Eeeagghhh!~"

Jenna cried out, while Alex merely grunted loudly within his throat in utter pleasure. Over and over again he felt the tight squishy sensations of her pussy squeezing his length tight as he punched her cervix with his hard cock.

He had pierced her womb constantly with Jenna's insides wringing him tightly as though wanting to milk him for his seed. Not that he wouldn't give it to right now, but he is saving it for the big finish. Which is now.

He could feel his balls tinging and his cock stiffening, which only helped make it easier to power fuck her pussy, still lockdown-tight.

Finally though after a few more powerful thrusts, the small thread holding him back snapped and he erupted. "Cumming!!" Alex shouted. He didn't stop thrusting his hips as he cum inside her.

Jenna's own orgasm was triggered when his hot jizz splashed into her hungry womb, her walls tightening and massaging his member to drain as much of his cum as it could.

Each thrust was accompanied by a thick spray of his cum straight up against her cervix. By the time he slowed to a stop in his thrusting, leaving his massive cock lodged tightly in her pussy.

Eventually she felt it overflow and leak out, a mixture of his and her juices trailing down between her legs forming a small puddle on his bed. She tightened her walls around his hot member to draw out as much of his jizz as possible into her hungry pussy.

Starting to feel weak Jenna's upper body fell down to her elbows, her chest hitting the bed as she took some breaths to steady herself and she felt him jerk insider her.

No doubt reaching the end of his orgasm and soon she felt him pull out entirely drawing a tired moan from her. Next she felt Alex helping her lay down flat on his bed as he then hug her from behind.

"I love you, Jenna."

"I might love you as well, Alex."