Chapter 47: New Beginning

Carter and Ahliyah took a lot more pictures together and included Lorenzo in the pictures, so they could have family pictures. They laughed sharing things with each other as they started to be a family. Over the last few months, Carter finally learned the true meaning of family.

Even though he had scars to tell him other wise, family was supposed to make you laugh and cheer you up when you needed it. Nothing put a smile on his face when he wasn't hanging out with the people cared about. He had a support system and friends who cared for him deeply, people who be there no matter what.

Ahliyah finally called her dad back and allowed herself to give him a second chance. She knew not to let him all the way because if there was a chance he screwed up again she wouldn't be hurt at all at the damage.

They all sat in the backyard watching the birds soaring freely in the sky. They were proud of their new beginning and how things were looking for them.

Lorenzo was going to go back to New York and start over for himself again, but he had a home in Texas if he needed it. None of them had to worry anymore about what tomorrow was going to lead to or if they were going to have to hide under the covers hoping for one good day.

It felt good because they could breathe and soak everything in while it lasted. When life decided it wanted to try again at throwing curve balls at them they would know what to do.

This time belonged to them.

This time they reminisced about they memories they shared together and all the joy they felt spending time with each other.

Lorenzo sat in his room packing his things preparing to leave again. Ahliyah and Carter sat in the living room together writing in their journal one more time before they put them away. They promised each other they would put the journals away until they needed them again.

The journals allowed them to break free of what they knew before. As they wrote their last entry in their journal it was the end for them and the beginning of something new. Carter read his journal entry first and Ahliyah listened waiting to read hers.

Dear, Ahliyah

We've spent a long time learning are growing together and I'm still learning things about myself in the process. I want to say thank you for giving me back the light I lost years ago, for giving me back my confidence and to want that light back for myself.

I love you and I know every time I say this I try to find ways to love you more than I did before. It's been a long ride for us and I know life isn't going to take it easy with us, but I'm glad I have you in my corner to go on another journey with me.

It feels nice knowing that I have a best friend and a girlfriend I would like to spend my forever with.

Love, Carter

Ahliyah grabbed the letter reading it for herself, she didn't know he felt that way. She cried and wiped her tears from her eyes. She took a deep breath opening her letter and she read it.

Dear, Carter

Sitting on that bench with you looking at the lake was perfect for me. I didn't want to stay in Florida and all I really wanted was to be with my mother. If I didn't stay in Florida I don't think I would've met anyone like you.

I thought we were our issues were the same, but they were different. I love you and I'll tell you a thousand times for you to understand that. I don't ever want you to feel like I don't love you and I know none of this is going to be easy for us, but I'm glad to have you in my corner.

You are my superhero and thank you.

Love, Ahliyah

They hugged spending the rest of their time together on the couch watching cartoons. Ahliyah laid her head on Carter's shoulder and they watched cartoons, she couldn't help but smile at their new beginning.

Their fresh start for something new.

Their new beginning to rewrite their story for themselves.