Arrival (1)

I am currently looking out of the window of a plane. I was happy beyond any expectations as it was a dream come true. I haven't been this up high or even dreamed of it in eternity. It would not even be possible if it weren't for these God send angels. It was a miracle that descended upon me from heaven and hoped that I received it with open arms.

We were on a private jet flying to England. The clouds outside were soaring up high and it was a great experience to be able to be on the same level as them. I guess every child from the less fortunate families dream of this everyday and night, but how many have actually made it. In real sense, just a handful. It's so depressing as you can see a child of the same age on television with so many opportunities but looking around you, nothing.

It was like I was flying but I was soon bored and decided to keep myself busy with other things. There was nowhere else to look as I was so shy and now sitting with people whom I didn't know, I had no other place than to look out again.

The Simmons Family were filthy rich, that's what came to mind as they did humanitarian work all over the continent with the help of The Red Cross and UNICEF. That's the little they shared with my mother back home. I couldn't ask for more as it wasn't my place to do so and I wasn't the kind to poke my nose on other people's business without their consent.

I guess Mrs. Simmons saw my uneasiness as we were seated directly against each other. I guess she has been starring at me since we took our seats at the airport. I guess that's how rich people spend their down time and I didn't notice until a few minutes back when I was bored looking outside. When I looked back, our eyes met and a cold shiver run down my spine. I was scared since the first time that I saw her and I guess she figured that out.

It isn't my fault, don't blame. As how could a normal person not like his/her savior. How was that even possible as I guess that 98% of anyone who would be in my shoes right at this moment, would be sugar coating their conversation just to get more of what was initially promised. I guess I wasn't interested in anything that she could say to me. But the real reason was her eyes. Ooh! How could I even look at her. She was a beautiful and thoughtful lady in her forties I guess. But every time she looked at me I could feel my skin crawl out.

She had these captivating silver eyes that when they met mine every time, I had to avert my eyes. I guess it gave her a sense of satisfaction as she was always starring at me like I was a rare specimen. I didn't like it but also thought that maybe she was teasing me. I was sure we could be great friends if she had black eyes like everyone in our small town. It was just that her eyes reminded me of a legend of a witch who devastated the world in the last few centuries, she brought nothing but wars, chaos, plagues, famine and death to the people of that time.

My mother used to narrate to me the story when I was misbehaving as I was little. That would freak me out until my elder sister soothes me to sleep. But as time went by, it got permanently imprinted in my mind and became real. Thinking of it now, I am sure she is related to that witch in one way or another.

"Genesis, take this. It will make you occupied before we reach our destination. As I estimate that we will touch down at around 2300hrs. We will stay at a hotel for the night and head off after sunrise." Mrs. Simmons says smiling as she stretched a hand to me holding something that looks like a small television.

"Thank you." I said while accepting the device from her hand.

"It's just that your name is so unique. So I have thought of some nicknames to call you with but they are all feminine. If I call you 'Gen' It sounds more like 'Jen.' And 'Gene' will also be inappropriate. So what kind of a nickname would you like me to address you with." She says while looking at me straight on the eyes.

"Genesis is just fine." I said while looking at the device on my hands.

I wasn't sure how to switch it on or how it worked as only two people owned televisions in our small town; the Principal at our school and the representative of the town. Everybody knew everybody and I would have known if anyone possessed something like this.

"Let me help you, come sit beside me." Mrs. Simmons said while patting at the couch beside her after figuring out that I didn't have the slightest idea of how to operate the device.