
"Welcome back, Lord Zeus"

Jack stood, speechless, as the cyclops that just tried to squash him like a bug bowed to him. Even crazier, it regarded him as Zeus. King of the gods, Lord of the sky, god of lightning. As far as dreams went, this had to be his wildest. There was no way all this was real.

"Steropes sorry for calling you stupid." Steropes had straightened up now. "Follow me, master, Steropes finished your assignment."

Still frozen in wonder and shock, Jack just watched as Steropes made his way back towards the room he came out from. Although he could sense the change in intent from the monster, he wasn't ready to trust it just yet.

"Go on ahead Steropes," Jack forced out the words from his mouth. "I'll wait here."

Steropes spun around abruptly, scaring Jack into jumping backward.

"Masterbolt needed to start up forge," Steropes grumbled. "No source of lightning in stupid Labyrinth."

Jack's mouth dropped open. "Labyrinth?"

"Yes, now come help Steropes."

Knowing he wasn't going to get more answers from the cyclops, Jack shuffled forward. Assuming Steropes was right and he was in the Labyrinth, he couldn't bear to imagine what would've happened if he had woken up to see something unfriendly.

The Labyrinth was a complex maze created by that Dades dude, Jack thought. No, I think it was Dadeus or something. And it was for the king of Crete? Anyway, he created it to hide that half beast. The Minotaur or whatever. I wonder if-

"Here my Lord," Steropes said, disrupting Jack's train of thoughts.

Steropes pointed to a hole in the wall. Jack could barely make it out, but it looked like a forge. One that hadn't been lit up for a long time.

"So I just blast it?" Jack asked, leveling the rod at it.

Steropes nodded his head in agreement.

"Alright then, but how-"

Once Jack pointed the rod at the hole, electricity surged through his entire body and shot out from the tip of the staff. The bolt slammed into the hole, lighting it up immediately and knocking Jack off his feet.

"Now come master," Steropes said. "Steropes has completed your request".

Moaning, Jack struggled to his feet, his body still tingling with electricity. He picked up the rod, wondering just how much power it packed. Dusting dirt off his clothes, he spat in frustration.

"Should've expected that," he grumbled, glaring at the blazing forge, before turning to follow Steropes.

He hadn't gotten a proper view of the room before. The first time, he just ran out after seeing Steropes' terrifying figure. But now, with the freshly lit forge as a light source, he could make out a massive anvil not too far away from where he stood. A large sledgehammer rested beside it, along with several other hammers. It was now Jack realized how dirty and dusty the room was. Pieces of metal and wood were littered around the room, their sizes ranging from anything larger than a truck. Jack felt like a cockroach in comparison to everything he saw.

"You keep it simple," Jack said, still trailing the cyclops.

"Steropes had no choice. With you gods gone, no point in anything."

The giant stopped and turned to face Jack. "But with you back, Steropes can forge whatever you need for fight."

"What fight?" Jack felt the panicky sensation rise in his chest again.

Either Steropes didn't hear him or just straight out ignored him. The cyclops just stepped aside and gave Jack an odd sort of grin.

"Steropes did his best Lord Zeus," the giant said, still with a scary smile on his face. "Don't blast me."

Not like I can control this stupid stick, Jack cursed in his head.

Stepping forward, he saw something finally his size. A small workbench, intact and surprisingly clean. Approaching it, Jack watched Steropes from the corner of his eye. The cyclops may have feared the nuclear grade weapon in his hand, but he wasn't going to take any chances.

As he neared the table, he noticed there seemed to be something shiny on top of it. Shiny and small, even for him. He lifted his eyebrow as he came to a halt in front of the table.

"A necklace?" Jack picked up the object on the workbench.

It was a dull gold chain, just long enough to link round his neck, with an eagle pendant and a little latch at the end. The winged creature had its wings spread like it was about to take off and escape the gloomy environment Jack had stumbled upon.

"Zeus doesn't like?" Steropes asked, looking down at Jack with its emotionless eye.

Jack faced the cyclops. "It's beautiful Steropes." And he meant it. Although he was afraid if he said otherwise Steropes would crush him instantly.

"Thank you master," Steropes bowed. "It is an honor."

Nodding, Jack set the rod on the workbench. Then he proceeded to put on the necklace to appease Steropes. Clicking the latch into place, Jack felt a massive weight drop into his body. Gasping, he dropped to his knees.

"Master!" Steropes cried out crouching down to Jack's level.

"I'm fine Steropes," Jack said weakly, regained his composure.

"Are you though?"

Huh, Jack thought. He could swear he just heard another voice.

"Are you fine human? You seem pretty weak to me."

Suddenly the weight seemed to vanish. Jack stood up, wobbling, and grabbed the master bolt.

"Did you hear that Steropes?" he shakily pointed the weapon in front of him, searching for the source of the voice.

"Not at all my Lord," Steropes responded.

"Of course he can't hear me, you stupid oaf. I'm stuck in your useless mind."

"What the hell is going on," Jack muttered.

"Of all the humans those damned Fates could give me, why did it have to be such a disrespectful, stupid-"

"Excuse me?" Jack flared, but the voice went on.

"-ignorant, oblivious human? Why couldn't I get a Perseus or, even better, Hercules! Are there no stronger warriors in this age? Is this what I sacr-"

"Can you shut up for a second and tell me who the hell you are and why you are in my head?" Jack yelled, slamming the lightning rod on the ground.

Surprised, the ranting voice went silent.

"I'll allow that to pass this once," the voice said, although in a much calmer and grudgingly respectful tone now. "But I presume we'll get nowhere if I don't explain the situation at hand.

I am Zeus, King of the gods, Lord of the sky, blah, blah, all my honorary titles. And I am stuck in your worthless body because the mortal world is in terrible trouble."