Like before, Jack felt his mind tearing apart.
He wanted to open his eyes and stop the memory flow along with the pain, but the intensity made him keep his eyes sealed shut. His body twitched violently, thrashing uselessly against the throne.
Stop, he thought weakly. Please, stop.
"It will wear off shortly," Zeus assured him as he jerked forward suddenly, his entire body trembling.
In a little while, Jack felt the pain completely wear off, and his violent shudders had come to an end. Instead, he was taking a walk down the street in his head. Being a pathway he had been down several times, it was easy to have replicated the same scenery in the little space in his head.
"Why am I here?" Jack said, looking up at the clear blue sky.
"This is where your mind chose to begin," Zeus' voice echoed around his world. "Now do not panic child, you are about to see some things that may leave your mind in a permanent state of anxiety and unrest ."
"Wait what?" he began but was tugged forward without warning by an invisible force. Jack didn't dare turn his neck to look at the passing houses and trees, in fear of snapping it. He closed his eyes instead and allowed the mysterious presence to drag him out of his fake world into somewhere alien to his mind and thoughts.
Soon, Jack felt himself ease into a stop. Weary from the pain and a bit dizzy from the rush, he took time in opening his eyes. Even after waiting, Jack's vision was still blurred. He could barely make out the two figures standing beside him, in some sort of deep conversation. Wondering why he couldn't hear them earlier, Jack shook his head before trying to focus his attention on whatever they were saying.
"I swear I saw him," one of the men in front of him was saying. He had rough dark hair and tired sea-green eyes. He had no beard, not even a stubble, as his face was flawlessly smooth.
The other man looked years older. Like the first, he had tousled dark hair that extended to his neck. But instead of sea green, he had ancient brown eyes and a small, unkempt beard.
"There have been some disturbances in Tartarus," he said in agreement. "We must prepare for the worst."
"It is pointless, brothers," Jack heard himself say in a very familiar voice. "Kronos cannot return.".
"You are reliving some of my memories," the exact same voice said in his head. "It would do you well to watch."
Jack wasn't sure, but he thought could sense a deep sadness behind Zeus' words. Putting the thought aside for later, he tried to concentrate and focus on what himself, or Zeus or whatever, was saying.
"Yes he can," the green-eyed brother argued. Poseidon looked to Hades for support. "It has been millennia since we saw him last. He could have gathered enough power to reform."
Zeus argued back. "That is nonsense. It is near impossible for our father to come back."
"There is always a slim possibility," Hades said. "Plus our father has always been more powerful than us three. Gaia knows what he could have in store for us."
Huffing, Zeus turned his back on his brothers and began walking away. That was when Jack noticed he was in the throne room, nearly the same height as the ones he could make out from the corner of Zeus' eye.
"Do not go round spreading panic among my people," he said, dissolving into dust. "It would be unwise to do so."
Moving through the air as nothing more than a golden shimmer, Jack tried to understand Zeus.
"Why did you turn them down?" he asked.
"Names are powerful mortal child," the god said. "If everyone had Kronos on their lips, I feared it may have motivated him to piece himself back together."
"But he did that just fine. Without the motivation."
"Cease your chatter and watch."
Shutting up, Jack was agitated. He would have carried on questioning Zeus if he didn't see and feel himself reforming.
Now he was standing over some sort of massive pit, cautiously peering down an endless hole. The chasm was wide. Jack couldn't make out the other side at all. Both the size and the intense darkness shielded it from his eyes. But that wasn't what Zeus was trying to see, assuming he was seeing something Jack couldn't.
"Tartarus," he heard himself mutter. "I cannot remember the last time we made this journey."
A barely visible figure stepped beside him. Even through the gloomy darkness, Jack could see his bright green eyes.
"We must confirm by ourselves," Poseidon said firmly.
"I see no need for this," Zeus scowled. "This is an unnecessary waste of our power."
"As long as you see the truth brother," Hades came up from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Shrugging it off, Zeus extended one foot over the hole. "Let us be on our way."
Stepping off, he fell into the never-ending darkness.
"Where is this?" Jack decided to pass his time in the darkness by resuming his conversation with Zeus. He guessed this was another transition into another memory.
"The most secure prison in the universe," Zeus replied immediately. "After the gigantomachy, Tartarus came to respect our power and so we came to an agreement."
"I thought Tartarus was a place?"
"He is a primordial being like Gaia. She is the earth itself, and at the same time, she has a living consciousness she can conjure at will.
"She very much despises you humans, but since the death of Uranus, my grandfather, she has not had the will to awaken from her slumber," he explained.
"Wow." Jack was speechless. The thought of being inside a living being was as disgusting as it was terrifying.
"Silence, the next memory is here."
As his vision cleared, Jack felt pain shoot up his left shoulder. Looking down, he saw the curved blade of a scythe hooked inside his skin, ichor covering the blade. With shaky eyes, he looked up at the person holding the weapon in both hands.
"I would have thought my children were smarter," the Titan laughed. "You are indeed a bunch of fools holding my throne."
Jack knew Zeus wanted to snap back at Kronos, but the scythe felt like it was literally sucking the life out of him. All he could do was groan weakly and turn to look at his two brothers for help.
Poseidon and Hades were unconscious.
His two brothers lay a few feet away from him, ichor oozing from a large gash in each of their chests.
"You will die," Kronos smiled, ripping the scythe off his chest leading to both Jack and Zeus yelping in pain.
"Not as long as I have breath in me," Zeus squeezed out, his master bolt materializing in hand instantly. The god got to his feet shakily, pointing his bolt at the titan.
Kronos stepped back, defeated, but a crazy smile was still fixed on his face. Jack figured the Titan was weakened and hadn't gathered enough power to tank a direct blast. Either that or Kronus had spent himself fighting his sons.
"Our paths will cross sooner or later my son."
"Till then," Zeus growled, slamming his master bolt into the ground and discharging the little power he could draw out.